At The Transamorous Network we show people how telling positive stories creates lives in which everything they want comes to them easy.
Tell enough positive stories and obvious evidence proves this true. That’s why we guarantee results. In time, something else happens. Clients see how easy life gets. They realize how inherently good the world is. They also realize how inherently good people are.
When they get there, life gets really fun. Until then, getting what they want, including love seems impossible. That’s why so many try (and often fail) getting what they want through action alone.
A 30 question test offers great insight
A friend recently created the following list. It offers 30 questions. Each question, when answered, tells readers where they stand.
The more questions answered incorrectly, the more getting what one wants feels hard. The questions, therefore offer tremendous insight. Not knowing these answers, you can’t know in which direction one’s fulfilled desires exist, nor can you know where you are relative to them.
Don’t worry, I’m going to give the answers. Answering the questions right or wrong isn’t where power exists. Power exists in knowing what to do when you answer a question wrong.
So here is the answer: yes
If a person can’t emphatically say yes to every question below, then a gap exists between what that person wants and what they’re getting. It’s that easy.

The power of belief shapes reality
A simple yes is not enough though. Desires fulfill themselves when one knows the answers are “yes”, not just agrees that they are.
Knowing, believing and thinking are distinct states. Everyone thinks. That’s the default. Think long enough about something and reality will prove that thought true. That’s why when a transgender woman thinks “all men are chasers” every man who approaches them turns out that way.
Seeing this evidence, the transgender woman reinforces her thought that “all men are chasers”. In time that thought becomes “true”. That’s why many transgender women think all men are chasers. This is true only for transgender women who think this.
With enough evidence, a transgender woman will believe what they think. Why wouldn’t they? Reality “proved” what they think. So the thought “all men are chasers” becomes a belief as more and more evidence proving the thought shows up.
In time, that thought, now a belief, recedes in the background. Evidence replaces “belief” and the “belief” becomes “reality”. At that point, the transgender woman knows all men are chasers. Also at that point, it’s very hard convincing her otherwise. Why? Because her reality matches her belief.
Chicken or egg. Which came first?
But she had the belief first. And before that, the thought. These created the reality. It’s never the other way around.
The fact that so many transgender women know all men are chasers proves what’s written here works. Although transgender women who believe this will deny that’s how they came to believe it.
Turning that reality where all men are chasers into a reality where “I get to have my man and eat him too!” takes some time. More than that though, a transgender woman (and a trans-attracted man) can not only have the lover she wants, she also can have EVERYTHING else she wants.
Having everything though requires knowing the answer to every question below is “yes”. So knowing “yes” as the answer requires seeing evidence everywhere. That’s why simple agreement isn’t enough.
These questions will challenge many beliefs. They also challenge many people’s realities. That’s because so many people have beliefs creating realities demanding these questions be answered with resounding NOs.
Until a person understands their reality springs from their beliefs, not the other way around, answering “yes” is impossible.

Joy starts with yes!
The joy inherent in knowing the answer is “yes” is what life is all about. Living lives of fulfilled desires is life’s purpose. That’s why when you’re having sex and loving it, you’re not screaming NO NO NO! You’re screaming YES, YES, YES! 😂😊🤣
So here are the questions:
- Does abundance in all things exist?
- Does well-being flow through all things?
- Is evil an illusion?
- Is scarcity an illusion?
- Is control an illusion?
- Do all circumstances work out for good?
- Are negative beliefs a catalyst for positive growth?
- Does everyone want a better reality?
- Do we create our own reality?
- Is everyone free?
- Is progress an inevitability?
- Can everyone have what they want?
- Are all paradoxes resolvable?
- Are the specific values of the individual aligned with the general values of the collective?
- Are all conflicts illusory?
- Is every perspective valid?
- Is every perspective valuable?
- Are humans inherently good?
- Can humans be trusted?
- Do humans want to be free from control/manipulation?
- Do humans want well-being for themselves and for others?
- Is humanity currently headed in a positive direction?
- Do people want to live by their intrinsic motivations?
- Do intrinsic motivations always lead to good things?
- Is it okay to give up on something?
- Does everyone have good intentions?
- Can efficient and effective organizing structures emerge organically?
- Does everything evolve?
- Can “bad ideas” turn into “good ideas”?
- Is it inevitable that every “bad idea” evolves into a “good idea” given enough allowance for intuitive inspiration?
Belief confrontations suck
If you’re having trouble, you’re not alone. Most people will not answer yes every time. Likely, you experienced extreme resistance to even considering the answer as yes.
That’s called a “belief confrontaton”. Your reality is so out of whack with the question’s answer, you can’t bear thinking the answer is yes. But the answer IS yes.
You can discover bliss in human being-ness by learning to see, then living from, what’s possible when you know the right answer.
That’s what my clients find. And when they do, life gets fun.
After all, who wouldn’t want a life full of desires fulfilling themselves? That’s what everyone in a physical body knew life could be like before they came.
Yes, even transgender people.
But many get stuck once they get here. That’s because they don’t remember what they forgot, the forgetting of which is a prerequisite to arrival.
You can remember. Everyone can. Are you remembering? If you aren’t, I can help.