Love Little Things And Watch Your Love Appear

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Some people think when practicing meditation or a manifestation process, the big manifestations – like jobs, money, and relationships – are the goal.

But it’s really the tiny things, those little, moment-by-moment realizations, that make the big things effortlessly reveal themselves. And without acknowledging those little things, big things don’t happen. That’s because the prime objective of such a practice is joy, not manifestations.

For example, a Transamorous Network client realized this recently as he told increasingly better-feeling stories. He’s a musician, and as he thought about his upcoming practice one day, he made a remarkable discovery.

“Before my practice session,” he began. “I had the thought ‘well, what am I going to work on today?’ Then I thought ‘oh that sounds so depressing.'”

“So I said to myself ‘I’m just going to enjoy what happens.’ So I just started improvising and really got interested in this one particular thing and off I went.”

He continued. “What happened was I put the emphasis on enjoyment, and ended up enjoying working on something that needed working on, because of the enjoyment, rather than working on something I needed to work on, which would have been boring and unenjoyable.”

It seems this little realization isn’t much. But don’t be fooled. Such little things are precursors or harbingers of big things. And the more someone focuses on these little things, especially one’s feelings, the sooner bigger things happen.

In this client’s experience he learned that a joy-orientation instead of task-orientation creates outcomes just as powerful, but much more enjoyable. It’s way more fun too!

It is law. If you’re chronically Positively Focused, your life must reflect that back to you.

The pay-offs are infinite

This kind of awareness, putting joy first, pays huge dividends. The greater one cultivates such an awareness, the more they realize we all live submerged in a sea of blessings, all happening specifically for our enjoyment.

This is the Charmed Life I write about. The experience of life as a moment-by-moment joyful experience born of the stories we tell. Were eveything one wants happens…effortlessly.

The Universe wants us all living in joy. That’s why discovering it feels so good. This client shared more of his unfolding experience later in the same session:

“There’s been a lot of moments,” he added. “Just in the last couple of weeks, where I’ve deliberately put my attention on the fact that me and society in general are all being pretty much taken care of all the time,”

“Aside from the amazing cosmic set-up allowing all this to happen,” He explained. “Even at the societal level [we’re taken care of].”

He went on describing things indicating this. For example, even simple things, inventions like the rear view mirror, he said, make life so easy for everyone.

“All the things we take for granted, yet they’re made out of compassion the benefit of others…everything, everything is geared up to help each other. It’s amazing!!!”

We live among treasure troves

Indeed, these little things, like roads, traffic signals, standards and conventions, and inventions like rear-view mirrors, reveal how good life is. But only to those willing to take time to appreciate what’s really happening.

With these inventions, every one of us may move through life in relative comfort, ease and joy. We can pursue all kinds of activities. Activities bringing us satisfaction, pleasure and fulfillment.

Afterwards, my client and I marveled in his realizations. And we marveled for a purpose. Because by focusing on these little things, focusing on them and appreciating them for the blessings they are, our perception broadens until life reveals its secrets.

In every life instance, every waking moment, we stand among treasure troves. Troves everyone enjoys, or takes for granted.

But when one focuses on these little things, recognizing and appreciating them, they soothe resistance born of bogus beliefs about life. Those bogus beliefs make the troves invisible. Meanwhile, these little things, things bogus beliefs make impossible to see, add up to larger blessings. They add up to things we desire, like more money, better work, peace and happiness and, yes, even love.

Castles and buttons both seen easy

Over time though, as resistance gives way to better-feeling stories, one discovers their place at the center of the Universe. There the Universe reveals its conspiracies. There are co-created processes happening all the time that deliver to everyone everything they want.

The revelation transforms human consciousness. It creates in the individual an unshakeable certainty of one’s eternal, invincible and blessed nature.

Only those who line up with what they want get this gift. The giving of which comes through telling stories matching what one wants.

Telling positive stories is the first step. Focusing on the little things that come from that comes next. These little things Abraham calls “buttons”. Once they become visible, seeing those things we really care about, the greater manifestations, gets easier. Abraham calls those greater manifestations, “castles“.

But again, perceiving accurately the buttons unfolding in order to see castles unfolding one must cultivate that chronic positive focus. When cultivated, nurtured and maintained, resistance born of negative stories fades. Then, like my client, the positive storyteller sees the bewildering reality of physical reality: the Charmed Life.

From there, buttons cause a giddy delight. Your gaze fills with them. Then and only then, riding on the momentum of evidence your Charmed Life exists, your castles start showing you steps leading to their unfolding. Like this trans-attracted client expressing his wonder at how well the practice works:

A different client realizing his Charmed Life.

Are you ready?

So by deliberately focusing on life’s positive aspects, one gradually lives a chronic state of experiencing buttons lining a path leading to castles. The bigger, full-blown manifestations waiting for everyone in their version of the Charmed Life exist. The question is, are people ready to experience them?

Whether you are or not, I love telling positive stories. Like my clients, I see more and more evidence of unfoldings consistent with what I want. Nothing is off limits. Everything is possible. I create a life rich in abundance of all kinds.

It’s gratifying seeing my clients get there too. And when they appreciate getting there, I revel in their appreciation.

For as they do that, it confirms my own process, my own practice, my own expansion. Then our sessions become what they ultimately are: opportunities to revel together in the unfolding or our creation-rich Charmed Lives.

Are you ready for yours?

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