I love it when Broader Perspective shows me examples perfectly illustrating how it communicates with me. It’s the main thing that makes being trans-attracted so fun. I know when trans and trans-attracted people make the relationship with their Broader Perspective a priority, their lives become really fun.
My life fills with examples proving this true. So do my clients’ lives. But this example comes from a dear friend of mine, Avin. Like me, he enjoys the Charmed Life. He consistently puts his Broader Perspective relationship first. In doing so, everything turns out perfectly for him.
Avin told me this true story to support his accurate assertion that, even when someone tells positive stories and gets everything they want, that person still isn’t “perfect”. What he meant was, there’s no time in this practice where someone “arrives” then has nothing more to gain. Expansion is infinite for us eternal beings and all humans are eternal beings in human form.
Tradition or vibration?
One evening Avin sat down at the dinner table with his family, which he does every evening. Family dinners are important in his culture. He makes it a point to attend every one. But Avin’s parents, staunch conservatives, listen to a radio talk show that near always features someone talking about how bad the world is. As a result, his parents hold strong negative stories about life.
This evening his parents kept the show playing when everyone gathered at the dinner table. Avin told me he really didn’t want to have dinner while that show played in the background. Not only was the subject matter negative, he felt himself merging with disempowering stories the programs offered.
Telling positive stories matter. When telling positive stories, one feels better. Feeling better tells a person something important. It says that person’s vibration is “tuned” so that everything they want can come to them. So storytelling is like tuning one’s vibration.
Like me, Avin is a vibrational snob. We take our vibrations quite seriously because we know, our vibration is the source of our life experience. We know the more we focus on high vibration, the better our lives get. So we care a great deal about telling positive stories.
Avin said he wanted to ask his parents if they could enjoy dinner without the show. But in addition to traditions like family dinners, Avin’s culture also venerates parents. Asking his parents to turn off the show felt, to Avin, like an affront to his parents. So he decided to tolerate the vibration and eat his salad.
In other words, he bit his tongue.

A biting message
Not long into his salad, Avin felt a searing pain in his mouth. At the same time he heard a “crunch” as his teeth ground deeply into his tongue. He literally chewed into his tongue, tearing a great gash with his back teeth.
“I knew immediately this was the Universe,” he said. “And the message was clear.”
The Universe made his figurative gesture a literal one. He literally bit his tongue! The pain he felt made the message loud and clear: speak your mind rather than bite down on it.
Later that evening, Avin sat with the event. His tongue throbbing, he marveled in the exactness of the experience, how it resonated deeply with his knowing of how the Universe works.
“I thought about how perfect the experience was,” he said. “Then I reveled in how clearly I received the message.”
Together we laughed at the biting humor through which his Broader Perspective communicated. Avin said by the time he turned in for bed, his vibration was so high, he couldn’t sleep. So he listened to meditation music to help him catch some Zs.
It’s as real as me
I know my Broader Perspective constantly communicates with me. So many experiences happen in my life, like Avin’s here, but far less painful, I’m convinced I have a Broader Perspective and it helps me always. My Transamorous Network clients know this too. Here’s what one texted me this week:

Interesting addition: the day I’m writing this, I had my own lighthearted example of my Broader Perspective communicating with me. I rode to the store for groceries. I usually shop at Safeway for regular items, then Trader Joes for specialty items. One specialty item I usually get is popcorn kernels. But this time, while passing through the aisle at Safeway, I passed by the popcorn, stopped, picked up two bags and almost put them in my cart.
But then I had a second thought: “I have these on my list to get at Trader Joes.” I checked the Safeway price. It was the same amount as Trader Joes. In hindsight, I get my Broader Perspective wanted me to get these two bags. And for good reason.
I didn’t though. Instead, I put them back. I checked out, rode home, unpacked my bags. Then, two hours later, headed to TJs.
I arrived, got all my shopping done, except for the popcorn. I went to that aisle and….couldn’t find any. Maybe they moved them somewhere else, I thought. So I asked a clerk.
“Sorry,” she said. “That maker is having production delays. We don’t have any right now.”
I know now, so I know better
Like Avin, the message came through loud and clear. My Broader Perspective knew TJs popcorn supply was nonexistent. It directed me right to the popcorn at Safeway. I even picked two bags up. But I second-guessed my inner knowing. 🤣
Thinking about this later, I laughed to myself. Not only because of what happened, but that I realized what happened!
I mean, it’s really important to amplify experiences that show one’s Broader Perspective is real. Doing so prepares one’s perception for seeing future events in which one’s Broader Perspective is at work.
So realizing what happened, and acknowledging that I realized what happened, were two important steps in my own practice.
I know my Broader Perspective has my back. It’s always guiding me, leading me to everything I’m wanting. Even bags of popcorn!
Next time I’ll not second guess, but, in a way, I’m glad I did because having done so I clearly got that my Broader Perspective indeed is real and serves me everything I want. After all, if it knows where the popcorn is, it can lead me to my lover, when I’m ready.
Ready to find your lover? If so, let’s get started.