The world always changes for the better

The world is getting betterWe’re focusing on how much the world is changing to support transgender people. Particularly the medical community. This article out of Australia demonstrates the good (there’s a lot) and the bad (of course there’s some of that) as medial expertise around the world enables women and men to live lives consistent with who and what they are.


Highlighted in the article is Marci Bowers who likely is one of the most prominent specialists in transgender surgeries. She’s a hero of sorts. As are the doctors she is mentoring around the world, ensuring they develop high quality procedures leading to high quality results.

Transwomen: Your requests are being answered by your reality. More and more resources are being made available, supporting who and what you are.

Trans-attracted and transamorous men: the world is slowing transforming into the world that will make it far more comfortable fo you to be who and what you are.

The article is a great read. And the accompanying video is freaking fantastic!

A touching quote from the article:

“I’m frequently on the verge of tears talking to patients,” [the surgeon told the reporter]. “Our oldest patient was 77 years old. She came in for a post-op check, we gave her a mirror, she saw herself for the first time and she cried. She said she had waited since she was five years old for this operation and it finally felt like she was herself.”

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