A Transamorous Network client practicing telling positive stories produced not only beautiful results, but also a life full of richness. That belief eventually becomes “knowing” once they produce overwhelming evidence showing telling positive stories works. Then they’re a match to the love they want, which means that person will show up. Guaranteed.
In knowing, clients begin realizing they are creators — invincible, eternal beings. That knowing is a beautiful result. Because once someone gets to knowing, life shows them more of what they are. Then life turns into the Charmed Life, where their life includes everything they want. Including that lover, no matter what the odds.
Life isn’t about wonderful manifestations though. It’s nice getting them. It’s nice seeing your lover easily appear. But life’s true purpose reveals itself when one KNOWS what they are. Then they see how powerful they can be as they move in alignment with life’s true purpose.
Client stories abound
A few years ago, I wrote how my life includes so much evidence “stories create reality” works, I could literally spend all day, every day writing about them. That evidence continues at an expanding, increasing pace. Client’s evidence adds to that wonderful stream of proof that what we share at The Transamorous Network works.
The more clients tell stories consistent with what they want, the more I get to write about, amplify, and savor evidence they produce, in my own life, thus prepping my life field for even more of my own evidence.
For instance, recently a new client texted an incredible experience he had. To ordinary human consciousness, this experience seems ordinary. But because the client has honed his perception, he interpreted it quite differently from an ordinary interpretation.
As a result, he got the gold in that moment he created. Yes, he created it. Like all of us, he created this experience so that he could revel in the joy of his expanding perception. Most people miss that part about life. I love that he got it so clearly. Take a look:
Every now: blessed
Ordinary human consciousness misses the joy, the fun, the insights and the glorious synchronicities indicating one creates their reality. Such synchronicities happen in every now-moment. They indicate connection to All That Is, which is what we all are. When someone tunes into that knowing, first starting with desire, then hope, then incipient belief, evidence they produce becomes overwhelming.
Then, a simple-seeming thought to go to a corner store in the middle of the night becomes what it actually is: inner guidance leading to all they want.
Some clients ask “is it really possible to have no negative things happen in life, ever?” Of course, the answer is “yes”. Even if you’re transgender.
If the answer was “no” then what we share at The Transamorous Network would break down. What we share says “this is how the Universe works.” If exceptions existed, “this is how the universe works” would be false.
Every moment is a blessed experience. But every person enjoys free will. That includes freedom to choose any perspective through which to experience life. Free will is an awesome thing. It comes with awesome responsibility though. A person can create hell on earth, for themselves and others. Or that person can create heaven on earth.
And everyone experiencing that heaven or hell can only experience that if they believe such that they tune into that heaven or hell. No one creates for another. Ever. But people can resonate with one another such that they share very similar life experiences. That means if a transgender person gets misgendered, or can’t find their love, they are creating that experience co-creatively with the Universe, by telling stories such as “I always get misgendered”. No one else does it to them.
Beautiful results come to all
I advocate for everyone creating heaven for themselves. That happens by telling positive stories about life experience. Even experiences that piss you off. Do that consistently and life must show its beauty to you. Do that frequently and momentum builds. Then, one experiences a gradual cascade of beautiful results and a rich life. And experiences that piss you off can’t find you.
Once there, there’s no going back. Life gets better and better, as it should. As it is. For we’re all expanding. And what we’re expanding into is all good. Because that’s what we all are: all good.
Ready to produce your beautiful results? I got your back!