Trans Women: You Always Meet The Best Men Out There

Transgender women: guys you’re meeting are the best ones you’re going to meet. Until you change your stories about the men you’re meeting.

A client got this clearly recently after we talked about guys she’s meeting. She lives in Michigan. Most of the men she meets are drug dealers, down low men, men who just want her for sex, men with no steady employment, and men who have nothing really interesting going on.

“They’re just not interesting to talk to,” She said.

So while talking about these men, I asked her what was something all these men had in common. Of course, she repeated the list above. What she didn’t realize was the biggest common denominator these men shared….was her.

Well over four million men live in Michigan. Why is this trans woman only meeting the men she’s meeting? Are you, dear reader, going to tell me it’s because those kinds of men are the only one’s interested in trans women?

Come on now…

You just need one

Nearly every man will find an attractive, powerful, intelligent trans woman attractive. But when they discover that woman is trans, their attraction doesn’t go away. For most men, that attraction transforms. It turns into self-doubt, shame and fear.

But for the few secure in their self-awareness, the attraction compels action. It may not be action leading to them wanting a relationship with you, but nothing ever happens in the one split-second you connect eyes with some guy. In other words, most men need time to figure their shit out, understand what trans-attraction and then transamory is. That’s why we defined the journey all men attracted to trans women go through. If you understand that journey is much like your own transition, loneliness, desperation, fear and compromise needn’t be part of your dating regimen.

But you don’t need all these men getting their attraction to trans women is healthy and extraordinarily good. You only need one (assuming your monogamous).

So now, no matter where you live, likely there are millions of men. And if you have attractive qualities, men will find you attractive. You only want/need one of them as your partner. Why are you making finding your match so hard?

Maybe it’s because you’re unwilling to accept that you’re not a match yet to that guy who will love you. 🤔 Think about that.

Your match is there. He’s looking for you. But if your attention is on all the guys you think won’t accept you, you literally can’t find him.

The perfect match always

In the meantime, you’re getting perfect matches. Think about the logic: if you think all men are chasers and such, how on earth are you going to meet one who isn’t? Those who aren’t you’re not even going to see! You’ll dismiss them as not attractive, or uninteresting. You’ll get uncomfortable around them. Why? Because standing in your stories about men, a man who accepts you will make you feel uncomfortable because he reflects back to you stories inconsistent with those dominant in you.

In other words, so long as you stand in stories about men being uninterested in you because you’re trans, you’ll only meet those kinds of men. Same goes with stories about men who want you to top them, or that see you as a fetish.

You must change your beliefs before you’re able to see the world full of men who would love you happily.

Or, you can settle for a lesbian relationship.

Once this client realized the connection between guys she meets and stories she has about those guys, a light bulb went off in her. To her it was obvious. She’ll meet better guys when her stories are better.

Meanwhile the men she meets are perfect. They keep showing her the point from which she’s creating her dating reality. They include guys asking her for dick pics, guys texting her when drunk talking about how horny they are, as well as men who tell her they are afraid of dating trans women.

If you want to be with a man, and you end up with a woman, you compromised on your dreams. There’s no need to do that. But you will, if you don’t know how to get what you really want.

You get what you create

I’m not surprised so many trans women turn to women. They don’t understand why they’re getting the results with men they do. They think they have to compromise what they want in order to be happy. But my clients know stories are powerful and totally within the storyteller’s control. Which is why they keep coming back to their sessions.

Face it. Most men see trans women as men in dresses. But that doesn’t mean you must meet such men while dating. Unless, of course you keep bitching about such men! Same goes with the early trans-attracted variety, those still trying to get their shit together.

Again: the only reason trans women meet such men is: they still have to get their own shit together. Which means talking about, thinking about and focusing ONLY on what they want. Not what they don’t want.

Look around at your friends. Notice beliefs your trans woman friends have about men. Then look at how their dating goes. It’s as plain as the nose on your face that stories create reality. Everyone telling stories about what they don’t want get that. Tell stories about what you want consistently and you get that.

You only need one (if you’re monogamous). So why are you thinking about all the men you don’t want? Think instead about the one you do want. Then watch how easy having him becomes.

The best available at the time

I know, many trans women think what I talk about here is hooey. The thing is, like most profound wisdom, this stuff I talk about verifies and confirms the 100 percent subjective nature of reality. Meaning, in order to prove it works, you must put what I share into practice in your life. When you do, results are 100 percent guaranteed.

My clients get it. They’ve proven it to themselves. So they get great results and live as powerful women. Like this client.

Meanwhile, every man you meet perfectly matches what you believe. As my client in this video accurately says, you might think you know what your beliefs are. But if you’re frustrated in dating, you don’t. Every trans woman meets their perfect match(es). If they don’t match what you want, then what you believe and what you want are at cross purposes.

The reason trans women don’t like who they meet is they don’t realize why they’re meeting such men.

You meet the cream of the crop in terms of men you’re meeting. They serve a purpose. And they’ll keep serving that powerful, valuable purpose until you learn from them. All relationships are stepping stones.

That one guy trans women want is not as elusive as he seems. He can come as easily as your next breath. That is, if you’re not so proud that you’re willing to accept the way you’re trying to find him is your problem. Not that he doesn’t exist.

This Trans-Attracted Man Proves How Easy It Works

We say stories create reality. And when you get the right stories in place, around love and the partner you want, your ideal partner will show up…with no effort on your part. This is the The Transamorous Network guarantee.

Case in point: a former client texted us with great news. He came to us years ago, but didn’t stick around because he felt, as some trans-attracted men do, that his trans-attraction wasn’t that big a priority.

We don’t know what happened between then and now. Presumably he pursued his music interests. So his text was a surprise…but also not a surprise.

It wasn’t a surprise because clients these days all report remarkable things happening in their lives. Only they’re not remarkable from a Transamorous Network perspective. They’re only remarkable when seen from and compared to an ordinary life. A life where the liver doesn’t understand they create their reality though stories they tell.

But those who do know they create their reality, become powerful creators. Like this Transamorous Network client, who also happens to be trans:

Your reality springs from stories you tell. So tell better stories and watch life get way better. Like this trans woman’s experience shows.

Dating sucks

But in ordinary lives, dating sucks. It sucks, as we’ve talked about here, because stories people tell while dating always create realities consistent with them. Which is why the majority of dating people, including those dating online, fail in their objective. Or they compromise. Compromise is what results in divorce.

Our former client texted us because what happened didn’t happen while he was dating. In fact, he wasn’t even looking for a girlfriend, which is when we suggest the best dating results will happen.

The trans woman above isn’t the only client feeling this way. Other trans woman clients are too. Like this one:

Another trans woman client expresses her joy emanating from her client session.

And this trans woman, who, after only two sessions rediscovered how powerful she really is:

Another trans woman finds power in her choices and in her desire to have it all.

That’s why the week in which the text came wasn’t a surprise. Instead, it was icing on an already well made cake.

It’s best when it happens out of the blue…or rather…out of the obliviousness.

Out of the obliviousness

When something happens “out of the blue” another way of saying that is “out of not being aware of how the Universe works.” The Universe always gives you more of what you’re asking for. This is why more trans women are finding their power through what we offer at The Transamorous Network.

We tell the story that trans women are powerful beings. Then, such women show up in our experience.

You ask for what you want through stories you tell about what you’re looking at. So it’s important to ask only for what you want, meaning, look at only what you want.

“Looking at” doesn’t only happen with your eyeballs though. In fact, it rarely ever happens that way because eyeballs are just projectors. They have no creative power. But your thoughts (stories) do. So how you think and what you think about determines what the universe is and is going to send you.

When something happens “out of the blue” the person it happens to has become the final part of an already assembled event in time and space they didn’t know was assembling. That assembled event in time and space can be what the person wants, or doesn’t want.

Which it is, depends on what kind of momentum the person created prior to the event taking shape in physical reality. That explains why so many trans women are killed in the US and elsewhere. These things seem to happen “out of the blue”. But what’s really happening is the trans woman becomes the final component in the unfolding event she created showing her where she predominantly focuses her attention.

You’re blaming the victim

I know that’s hard to hear. Insecure people will say “Perry, you’re blaming the victim for their death.” The problem with that statement is, there is no blame because there is no victim. Nothing went wrong because someone gets killed. Dying happens to everything and everyone.

Circumstances around how that happens though needn’t be tragic. But they will be when a person holds onto consistently negative-emotion-producing thoughts and beliefs.

A being I greatly respect once said “you can’t have a happy ending to an unhappy story.”

Unless a person moves from “oblivious” and into “knowing”, which is what we help people with all day every day at The Transamorous Network, that person rides a downward path. The future will bring more of what they’re creating. No exceptions.

That’s why the guy who texted us got what he got. He found himself matching what he wanted: having an attractive trans woman connect with him with no effort.

At The Transamorous Network we don’t support people finding their match through online dating sites. Again, we explain why here. The texter said he met this trans woman online, but notice what happened back when they did:

What happened?

Why didn’t they follow through, the way they are now, back then?

Because back then, both had stories standing between what they wanted and who they were at the time. This is obvious reading the text. Neither felt “connection”. “Connection” is an emotional reaction to stories that match.

No one ever stands still. One’s stories constantly change. It could be that these two people coming together represent a stepping-stone process, where this connection offers both people growth potential. Growth potential that will prepare both parties for the next relationship on the way.

In other words, it could be the trans woman might be compromising out of her fear of being alone, or results she’s gotten from stories she’s telling. This happens a lot in relationships.

The match up could also represent a match that carries on for a while. Again, we don’t know where the guy was story-wise when the trans woman reached [back] out. But no matter where either party stands, the rendezvous obviously created and continues creating enthusiasm and eagerness for the guy. Likely for the girl too.

Those are great signs. What happens next depends on each party’s willingness to see the best in the other party.

It’s exciting seeing these kinds of results happen. Easy, effortless match-making. Just the way we promise.

Are you finding finding your ideal partner fun? If not, we can help make fun…and easy.

Trans Women: How To Get Love You Believe You Can’t Have

The Transamorous Network
The Transamorous Network

Editor’s note: In this series, we highlight conversations with our readers/viewers. We think folks will benefit from these conversations. All names are made up to protect everyone’s privacy:

I’m 32, pre-transition and really struggling to cope after years of repression. I don’t know what do. I am in so much pain. I’m so lost. I’ll be honest I spent all night last night reading your site and crying. I saw there multiple times where one of the writers said ‘you only need one’ and it really woke me up. It’s not the first time I thought the same thing. There’s millions of men in the world surely one can love me?

Lonely and longing

Hi Lonely,

While it is true you only need one, literally thousands of men will (not can) love you. Millions “can” love you.

And yes, if you’re monogamous, you only need one of those multiple millions or multiple thousands of men.

The problem comes from where you stand relative to that man. Looking for love and not finding it resembles looking for sunglasses you think you lost.

You can’t find what you think is lost

I just ended a client session this morning where the client described how she lost her sunglasses. She looked for them everywhere, throughout her house…even in her car. No sunglasses.

Then she realized they were on her head the whole time. She pushed them up there earlier and forgot. Since she forgot, she tried “finding” them. She didn’t remember where she put them (on her head) because she stood in the “story” (the belief), that her sunglasses were “lost”.

Finally, she gave up looking for them and went on her errand. “Giving up” means, she let go of the story “I want my sunglasses. But I can’t find them.”

“I want my sunglasses. But I can’t find them” made it impossible – literally for her –to realize the glasses on her head. So close they were!

Yet, she couldn’t see them. She couldn’t even feel them!

You stand in the exact same place about this man you want. You literally can’t find him while telling stories you tell yourself, about boys/men, about love, about relationships, about YOURSELF about you being trans, about your worthiness and deservedness when it comes to loving relationships.

Meanwhile, just like my client and her sunglasses on her head, the man you want is as close as that. He’s literally moving around you all day every day.

But when you tell the equivalent of “I want my sunglasses. But I can’t find them” across all these subjects, he is as invisible and as lost as my client’s sunglasses.

And when you try to find him, you just exacerbate his invisibility.

You can’t find something missing, absent or lost while you think it’s missing absent or lost. Your beliefs (your thinking) create your reality (your life).

Becoming a finder

And yet, the pain you feel brings benefits. That pain tells you something important. But if you don’t know what it tells, you can’t benefit. It sucks when most people experience pain, especially emotional pain, for this reason. Most don’t know what pain offers.

I can’t offer something in an email that will move you out of your pain and into your ideal love relationship. That takes a while. My client load exists for that reason. But if you want, we can start that work together. Clearly, you’ve read a lot of our material, so you sense what we do and its effectiveness.

The good news: you came into the world knowing you’d have this experience. You WANTED it and you knew it would be an extremely rewarding and world changing one.

But like everyone (almost everyone), you’ve forgotten this knowing (like the sunglasses on your head) in the face of physical reality’s bewildering nature. Its detail, real-ness and solidity seem so real! And objectively separate from you.

We help people remember what they forgot, then show them how to use what they remember so they create reality in which what they want happens. When that happens, life for them gets as fun as we write about.


That Horrible Trans-Attraction “Fetish” 😱

Photo by Lorna Scubelek on Unsplash

Someone sent the following response to a Medium article of ours:

“If you are attracted to transwomen because they are transwomen, That is a fetish,” The person wrote. “Just like if you are attracted to women because they are Asian or Black, if you are White. Not something to be proud of. You’re just being shallow.”

This person went on:

“If you are attracted to women and it doesn’t matter if she is a transwomen, there is nothing to be shamed of. Really, in modern times, I don’t think there is a form of sexual attraction anyone should be ashamed of except when it isn’t towards an human adult.”

Except any sexual attraction this person considers a fetish, apparently.

If your skin color looks like Tom Ellis‘ from the show Lucifer, and you think women who look like Ellis’ South African co-star Lesley-Ann Brandt are sexually attractive, you’re a fetishizer. You mustn’t be proud of that attraction. Even if you genuinely feel attraction to such surface features at first.

That’s what this person says. But is that accurate? Or is more going on here?

There’s more going on

While this person’s comment seems sensical and worthy of agreement, I think it merits further scrutiny. Yet I know many people, especially transgender women on the receiving end of trans-attracted men’s attention, will wholeheartedly agree with it.

That’s because a LOT of transgender women struggle in the self-acceptance department. And, of course, such women’s stories create their reality. No one gets around that.

So men they’ll meet will reflect “lack of self-acceptance” back to such women. A transgender woman unwilling to accept her status as transgender and enjoy that part of her, will create realities showing her resistance to “what is”: the material actuality of who and what she is as trans.

Certainly, a transgender woman is more than transgender. But resisting that material actuality resists what is. And when that happens, the resister will create material actuality reflecting back this unharmonious inner/outer reality.

That material actuality, includes men she meets.

Self-acceptance, for the trans and trans-attracted is key to love you want and deserve. And the most important story to accept is about accepting yourself.

The dilemma of living stealth

Every transwoman who wants to “live stealth” deals with such stories. Even if only slightly. For “stealth” means being seen and accepted as cisgender, which is not what a transperson is.

Certainly excellent reasons drive a trans person to wanting to live stealth. As this Wikipedia entry describes, living stealth can increase one’s self dignity. A person may feel they live fully in their gender when living stealth. They might feel safer too. So living stealth can soothe a lot of resistance. Living stealth also can cause anxiety associated with being discovered as not being cisgender.

That aside, all those excellent reasons – dignity, full access to one’s gender and safety – are states of being. A transgender woman can attain such states without “passing” at all. Let alone living stealth.

I encourage any transgender woman who doesn’t believe this to schedule a free 1:1 and find out. Most people though, generally, look to external reality to confirm, and in some cases create, their internal reality. So I get why so many trans women see passing and stealth as ultimate achievements.

The problem comes when reality hits that ideal. When anyone stands outside of what they want, feeling inadequate, not good enough, unsatisfied and anxious stands alongside them. Those feelings will create realities revealing inconsistencies in who one is being.

Everyone is perfect as they are, moving towards greater perfection. Hear the self-acceptance in that? But who one is being when not accepting oneself as they are now, can’t abide with who one is. The reason life reflects this disharmony is so one can do something about it.

Anytime one feels any less than positive emotion, that feeling indicates disharmony. Emotions such as hopeful, joy, freedom, appreciation, love, positive expectation and eagerness indicate internal harmony.

Perfect matches everywhere

Not standing in such positive emotions, again, creates life experiences matching that. The same holds true for trans-attracted men. Many such men don’t stand in those positive emotions because they don’t accept who they are either. They wonder if trans-attraction means “I am gay” (nope). They fear what friends will think. If married, they worry about wifey finding out.

Doesn’t it make sense then, that these two people – the insecure transgender woman and the insecure trans-attracted man – would find one another? Each perfectly matches the other in their beliefs. And beliefs or stories create reality, including relationship realities.

But if either party judges the other they match with as undesirable, then no progress happens.

Say, for example, the transgender woman harshly rebukes the man’s attention as “chaser behavior”. To the Universe she’s saying more loudly than anything else “I don’t accept myself as acceptable so this man who is attracted to me, can’t be for any other reason other than that which I don’t accept about myself”.

In reply to such stories, the Universe says: “Great. Have some more of this kind of man. Until you figure out how to accept what you are.”

In other words, non-self-acceptance is a tough place from which to find love. For in not loving oneself, how can one find love in another?

“But I can’t accept what I am.” Someone may say.

I assert that that someone already did accept it. They’re here as they are because they accepted that before coming here. And they did so for a metric shit ton of good reasons.

The best contribution you can make is by realizing you chose to come into the world as you are, accept it and get on with giving the world the benefit of that. We show you how to do that at The Transamorous Network.

How matches happen

Starting to see how a person attracted to a transgender woman, because she is trans, might not be a fetish? Far deeper explanations exist.

A person attracted to a trans woman because of her trans-ness gets there partly because he is part of that woman’s reality, showing her what she must know to get what she wants (self-acceptance). Another side of the story exists, of course, because both parties co-create the rendezvous.

A trans-attracted man in the “chaser” stage is trying to figure his shit out. He comes with pre-agreement about his trans-attraction just like the trans woman. While his path looks different, it’s actually the same. Mainly, he must accept what and who he is to get what he wants.

But, just like a guy who first discovers girls will chase girls for the “pune-tang”. The chaser-stage, trans-attracted man is like a dog in heat. Maybe he discovered his attraction through porn or a documentary or social media. Either way, he’s excited and intrigued. Hooked.

But he also doesn’t know anything about his object of affection. So he’s going to stumble. He will likely also question his own sexuality. He may even question his gender. That might trigger all kinds of self-acceptance issues. Especially if this guy, like many people, thinks what others think about him carries any importance.

It doesn’t of course, but most people think it does.

So now this guy faces a quandary. He found something he wants, but it causes non-acceptance in him. Getting what he wants requires that he accept what he is. But, just like the transgender woman who lives on the same “story level”, he can’t accept that he might be gay. He also can’t not pursue his attraction.

So he pursues, steeped in insecurity. His insecurity flows from him like radar. That “pinging” gets “heard” by those transgender women – and only those transgender women – on the same radar “frequency”. In other words, insecure ones.

Getting the love wanted requires putting out what you’re wanting. When you’re steeped in self-acceptance issues, you’re not doing that. Relationships you find while standing there help show you that.

An exceptional life awaits

What do you think happens next?

That’s right. The two match. So they meet.

What happens next depends on what moves each party makes. At The Transamorous Network, we show trans and trans-attracted people how to make moves leading to more positive emotions. Emotions such as hopeful, joy, freedom, appreciation, love, positive expectation and eagerness.


Because when one stands in those, one’s radar puts out signals which attract people standing similarly. Each client approaches dating happy. So better matches get made.

“Fetish” doesn’t apply to any situation. Especially when those using that word intend to demean the fetishizer or the fetishizing. Underneath surface appearances, a great and eternal dance roils. Huge forces swirl around these encounters, all of which flow from who one “bees” (as in being) at any moment.

So if someone wants to meet someone who wants them for who and what they are, that person must first stand in profound self-acceptance. Anything less will bring relationships showing why that relationship won’t satisfy in the long term. Hardly any relationships come meaning to stay because nearly all of us are works in progress.

We constantly get better, improve, change, become more. And perhaps the greatest challenge for humans lies beneath those words. We are constant, changing beings. Always moving forward. But accepting that in a world unwilling to accept people as constantly changing, becoming-more, eternal entities, can be tough.

That’s why we’re here. We help people figure this out. When they do, they become an exception. And in that, their lives become exceptional.

What A Powerful, Happy Trans Woman Sounds Like [VIDEO]

Terryel (formerly Tiffany) kicks ass. Six months ago she began creating new stories for herself. As a result, her life is on fire. Everything she wants she gets: Men’s attention, opportunities to express her passions, clarity around her family and friends, and, of course, good sex.

Don’t take my word for it though. Listen to her tell her own story. Terryel shows how telling better-feeling stories creates new, better realities. Her new ways of interpreting experiences leave her empowered and joyful. Instead of self-judgment/self criticism, Terryel speaks lovingly and confidently about herself.

How many trans women speak like this?

Terryel’s confidence, joy and clarity inspire. I cracked up at her newfound sense of humor. I felt moved by her insights, insights everyone gets when they realize they create every situation they experience.

Transgender women: DL men needn’t leave you feeling like shit. Desperation and fear about ever feeling loved needn’t worry you. Your happiness depends on no external situation, or person.

Once you discover YOU create every experience, even with DL men, empowerment will rise from within you. One that happens, confidence, assertiveness and joy becomes your all day, every day. Then, and only then, can you say good bye to men who treat you poorly, or circumstances you prefer not to have.

All those things spring from within you too. Change your stories though, and, like Terryel here, you’ll uncover your freedom, your power and your joy. Then a life consistent with all that will be yours. Guaranteed.