Transamorous Network Clients increasingly find the more positive stories they tell the more their life becomes the Charmed Life I write about.
Everyone lives a Charmed Life. But when a client regularly tells stories that feel bad, those beliefs turn the Charmed Life into something else. Such stories make life blasé, boring, ho hum, kill-me-know kinds of lives.
But positive stories make even negative-appearing situations turn out fantastic. I write about many situations from my life experience that prove this on my other blog. A couple examples can be found here and here.
Today’s post perfectly illustrates how Charmed Lives turn bad situations into blessings. This one comes from a Transamorous Network transgender client we’ll call Natalie.
Evidence in unlikely places
Since beginning her practice, Natalie immediately saw powerful evidence proving how telling positive stories works. So she immediately doubled-down. She wanted even more evidence that positive stories create reality. Of course, the Universe delivered more and more as Natalie refused to tell any stories that didn’t feel good. As a result, she moved through her world as if on cloud nine.
In the midst of another manifestation I’ll write about later, Natalie created yet another extraordinary experience of abundance and surprise. And it all started with a crime.
One evening she went to her favorite bar. There she met a young man with whom she connected. She felt strong resonance for this person. Why, Natalie didn’t know. They weren’t a dating match. He was far too young. What this person brought with him though was an excellent experience which made Natalie an even stronger believer in “stories create reality”.
Natalie and this young man, let’s call him Rocco the Rascal, for reasons you’ll understand in a bit, hit it off immediately. At some point the two hit it off so well, Natalie felt she wanted to take this young man under her wing. She felt like Rocco was a long lost cousin or something, she said.
They spent the rest of the evening at the bar chatting and connecting. Then, as the barkeep started closing the place, Rocco asked Natalie if he could borrow her car, a late model Mercedes. He wanted to buy some weed, he said.

Positive story prevails…or does it?
By this point, Natalie was super high-flying in her vibration. She felt happy, at ease and joyful, she said. Nothing indicated anything bad on the horizon. So when Rocco made his request, Natalie thought “sure!”
Then she had a brief negative thought: “I shouldn’t let this guy borrow my Mercedes. I don’t really know him!” But she brushed it off with a more positive story, whipped out and handed over her keys.
Rocco never came back to the bar. That was a Saturday.
The following Tuesday, Natalie came to her session extraordinarily happy. She had a great week, she said. Then she hesitated just a bit before introducing what happened Saturday.
“Perry, I feel kind of stupid about what I’m about to tell you,” she said.
“Well that’s not an empowering story to tell, is it,” I said.
“You’re right.” Natalie said. Then she told me the story. But as she told me the story, her mood changed. She went right back to a high-flying, powerful place. She was excited about how she felt, what she did, and, even though it was Tuesday and she still had not heard from The Rascal, she was eager to see how this would result in something really positive.
To be honest, I was quite taken by her positivity. Here she was with no car for three days, and she still found positive stories to tell about what happened.
Crime reveals abundance
Then Natalie changed the subject. She told me about the mechanic she takes her cars to. She described him as having a penchant for finding great deals on cars. Natalie said she talked to him about what happened, after filing a police report. Natalie told her mechanic she needed another car, but didn’t care what kind, so long as it got her from a to b.
“Girl!” Her mechanic said. “You belong in a Mercedes. I’m going to get you another one. Don’t you worry about it.”
The following Tuesday Natalie and I met in session. I was high flying as usual and Natalie was over the moon, bursting at the seams to tell me what happened.
Turned out her mechanic delivered on his promise. He found her a late model Mercedes at a reasonable price that Natalie actually liked better than the one Rocco took. She was so pleased with how this turned out.
Then, later that same week, Natalie called me with an update. The police recovered her other Mercedes and it was in fine shape. Now Natalie had two cars. More than she needed. She marveled about how this worked out perfectly for her. Now she could sell her older Mercedes and keep the newer one, which she loved.
Even though Natalie felt great at how this all turned out, she still couldn’t believe how it turned out. She got everything she wanted, including more evidence she asked for, in this crazy cool way showing the Universe always works out in her best interest.
Seriously, how many stolen cars get recovered? Some sources say the chances of getting a stolen car back are less than 50 percent!

Pick thoughts that feel good
For Natalie, what ordinarily might look like a terrible thing turned out amazing. And, she showed herself that when she follows her Broader Perspective, which communicates with her constantly, she needn’t worry about the results because the results will always come out great.
The Charmed Life is there always. But when one learns how to see it, it shows up in abundance. And the more one remains Positively Focused, the better life gets. Everyone on the planet today came here expecting that. But it’s easy getting knocked off track.
The key to staying on track is choosing a focus that includes only those things that feel good to look at. That includes thoughts you think. Do that and the world becomes your oyster. And you – and only you – get to say what the pearl inside looks like.
What’s your version of abundance look like? That’s the Charmed Life. Where the world bends to your will, life is fun and abundance is normal.