Why Science Took So Long To “Discover” This Great Truth

(Photo by Alex Hockett)

TL;DR: The author asserts that while science has benefitted mankind, it is directly influenced by eternal, conscious spiritual energy underlying the human condition. They discuss this assertion by examining modern research confirming that physical disease stems from thoughts and beliefs; something every trans and trans-attracted person could benefit from knowing.

Looks like science is finally catching up to spirituality. This is really good news for trans and trans-attracted people. That’s because, like many people, these people put a lot of faith and trust in science.

That faith and trust is problematic when it comes to being trans and trans-attracted. Even with that faith and trust in science, many trans and trans-attracted people struggle mightily with who and what they are. Sure, medication can and does help. But even then, struggle remains. Especially when these people’s reality continues reflecting back to them their disempowering thoughts and beliefs.

When it comes to understanding how powerful thoughts and beliefs are, science is out of its league. Which is why science can’t help people with creating their reality. But spiritualists have been helping all people find relief, then freedom then joy by showing people the power they inherently possess. People are extremely powerful. They use that power to create their reality. This includes trans and trans-attracted people.

What’s interesting is, science is just beginning to lear what Spiritualists have known for eons. Recent scientific “discoveries” are proving this.

And that’s what I’m writing about today. I’m writing about scientific research pointing to the connection between thoughts people have early in life and how those thoughts literally create debilitating and deadly illnesses later in life.

Let’s get to it.

Thoughts and beliefs matter

As I wrote above, Spiritualists such as myself have known forever that our thoughts and beliefs are the source of physical reality. Physical reality includes our physical bodies. Therefore, our physical bodies spring from thoughts we think and beliefs we hold.

If we think we were born in the wrong body, power inherent in that belief will create unpleasant realities. This explains why some trans people holding such a belief, become overweight as they get older. Their resistant belief causes them to take action (overeating) in an attempt to soothe those negative beliefs. It’s also why some of those trans people, when they accept their bodies, through physical transformation, lose significant weight.

Thoughts are powerful. They’re so powerful, they can create any reality we want. But consciousness is more powerful than thought. It also enjoys a quality thoughts do not: consciousness is free. It can literally do, be or have whatever it can conceive.

Together, thoughts, beliefs and consciousness represent an awesome combination. This freedom and power enable a consciousness to also create things it does not want. Again, the spiritual community has known this since the beginning. We know, for example, that humans create every experience in their lives, including that body in which they are born.

That’s why spiritual teachers constantly stress the importance of being conscious of one’s thoughts and beliefs. It’s also why we encourage people not to allow others’ thoughts and beliefs into one’s consciousness, unless those thoughts and beliefs are aligned with one’s desires.

Thoughts and beliefs are building blocks of everything we experience. Now it seems some corners of science are beginning to agree. One of those corners is the body of research known as “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (ACEs).

What are ACEs?

An ACE is an exposure to one or more family-of-origin condition which sociologically can be generalized as negative. Researchers put them in three categories: Abuse, neglect and household disfunction:

Categories in which ACEs are organized.

According to ACEs research these events pose an extreme risk to childhood development, and long-term adult health. As Wikipedia describes it: “Scientific evidence is mounting that such adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have a profound long-term effect on health. Research shows that exposure to abuse and to serious forms of family dysfunction in the childhood family environment are likely to activate the stress response, thus potentially disrupting the developing nervous, immune, and metabolic systems of children.[2][3][4] ACEs are associated with lifelong physical and mental health problems that emerge in adolescence and persist into adulthood,[5] including cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, autoimmune diseases, substance abuse, and depression.[6][7][8]

The “stress response” identified in the research causing “disruption” is important. That’s because it’s not the stress response that creates the disruption.

But science’s focus on stress response as the cause isn’t surprising. Science rests all its “discoveries” on the belief that an objective reality exists. There’s no such thing as an objective reality though. Reality, all of it, springs from within consciousness. It therefore is subjective, not objective.

Humans invented and practice science. “Human” is an experience of consciousness. Because of that, science too, is an experience of consciousness. Science therefore is subject to conscious focus, making all it researches subject to the focus consciousness brings to it.

I’m going to get back to all this in a moment because it explains why it’s taking so long for science to understand what spiritualists have known for eons. But for now, let’s look at this “stress response” in more detail.

What is stress?

Stress isn’t an emotion. Stress is, however, a physical state arising from an emotional experience. It (stress) shows up in the body when a person interprets an experience (a stressor) as physically or psychologically threatening or challenging. “Interprets” is an act of thinking. So we can say that when one thinks something is challenging or threatening, then they will feel the physical effect in the body called “stress”.

We know not everyone experiences stressors similarly. One person’s stressor can be another’s “normal” or even their happy place. The difference lies in how each person interprets or thinks about the experience.

So stress results from thinking about the experience, not the experience itself. Indeed, research confirm this. From a Wikipedia article on stress (the underlined portion is ours):

“Stress is a non-specific response.[5] It is neutral, and what varies is the degree of response. It is all about the context of the individual and how they perceive the situation…A stressor is inherently neutral meaning that the same stressor can cause either distress or eustress. It is individual differences and responses that induce either distress or eustress.[8]


Stress then, is a physical manifestation. It is a physical reality showing up in the body. It manifests when a consciousness interprets – thinks about something – in a particular way: A thought happens and from that thought a manifestation results: stress.

“Stress response” then, indicated as the cause of disruption when exposed to an ACE, is not the cause of the disruption. It is a response to the cause.

Another word we could use to describe “disruption” is “manifestation”. “Stress responses” don’t cause “manifestations”. Stress responses are manifestations. Disruptions, therefore, are further-evolved versions of the stress-response manifestation.

Let’s look at what I mean.

It’s circular logic but accurate

First there is energy. Energy is all there is. It is All That Is. You and I are vibrational energy. Energy comprises everything. And all that energy is aware, conscious and mobile. Energy, therefore is conscious, aware action.

Because it is action, it gives rise to vibration. When conscious energy focuses itself, the vibration it emits gives rise to a predecessor of thought. That predecessor I call thought form. It is not yet a thought. But the evolution or momentum of energy’s vibration, as that energy focuses itself, continues gaining momentum. When further evolved conscious energy, such as a human, perceives thought form, the focus on that form evolves the thought form further into what humans know as a “thought”.

If you dismissively think this is circular logic, then you’re dismissing the fundamental nature of All That Is. All That Is is circular in nature. It exists to become more. And it does that by knowing itself. That’s circular!

So when some trans women reading my stories dismissively accuse me of circular logic, they don’t realize they’re accurately describing what the Universe is all about. It’s circular in its basic foundation! So my logic accords with how All That Is actually works!

By the time conscious energy that has evolved itself through thought into a manifested form such as a human, when that human perceives thought, that thought is “perceived” through a process of attraction. By attraction, I simply mean “like attracts like” or an energetic resonance like two magnets attracting each other. Thoughts aligned with the energy perceiving the thoughts get drawn to the perceiving energy. When that happens, those thoughts become perceptible. Then momentum begins.

Reality is circular.

How thoughts create disease

That momentum will draw other energy like itself until the energy further expands or evolves. Spiritual people call the evolution of energy “manifestation”; thoughts become things. That happens through manifestation or the evolution of energy as I’ve described above.

So when a person interprets a stressor, they’re thinking. The person is an evolved – a manifested – form of energy in action. Their thinking process is nothing more than attraction in action. When the person interprets a stressor as a threat or challenge, that act of interpretation or thought begins a process of energetic evolution of action energy. The thought evolves from thought form, into thought then into a physical manifestation: stress in the body. Science and psychology call that physical manifestation the “stress response”.

As with all manifestation and focus, momentum ensues. The person focusing on a threat or challenge, by the nature of their focus, generates more energy action – momentum – in other words. That momentum, spurred by the person’s continued focus, must evolve, attract and become more. The “more” here is what researchers are calling “disruption.”

They’re using the word “disruption” because typically that describes an interruption of the normal processes of the body becoming more. As the body evolves or grows or matures more in line with focus given by the energy inhabiting the body (the personality or person), natural, positive processes of action/evolution take place. These positive processes are how a child’s body grows into an healthy adult one.

But when the person chronically manifests “stress” in their body, that chronic stress interrupts those processes. The interruptions lead to disease. The person’s thoughts, therefore, are what produces disease not the disruption or the stress. Stress and disruption aren’t the cause. They are intermediary steps. Which brings us elegantly, wonderfully, back to the ACEs.

ACE-Disease Correlation

Researchers realized in the mid-1990s stunning associations between these ACEs and nearly every chronic psychological and physical problem. To spiritualists, this is not a “discovery”. We’ve known that thoughts create reality since forever.

Yet these associations are worth noting. That’s because, even though every person is more spiritual than anything else, a remarkably large number discount their spiritual nature in practice, choosing instead to focus like science does: on an objective reality separate from themselves. One in which things can happen to them against their will, where luck is a thing, where “bad things happen to good people” and where “in every life a little rain must fall”.

ACEs researchers in Montana realized remarkable correlations between ACE exposure and disease of all kinds in both children and adults. For example:

  • Children with an ACE score of 1 are 19.6% more likely to develop a chronic condition requiring above routine amount or type of health care services, almost doubling to 36.1% with 2+ ACEs.
  • Children with an ACE score of 1 are 26.9% more likely to be overweight or obese, with minimal change to 26.7% with 2+ ACEs.
  • Adults with an ACE score of 4 or more are 1220% more likely to attempt suicide, 1003%
    more likely to use injected drugs, 460% more likely to have recent depression, and 390%
    more likely to have lung disease.
  • Adults with an ACE score of 2 or more are 400% more likely to consider themselves an
  • Finally, at least 5 of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with ACEs.

What I see here are disempowering thoughts manifesting into mental and physical disease and death. I wrote “disempowering” on purpose. That’s because there’s another manifestation that happens before the stress response. We should look at that next.

We overlook important clues: our emotions

The action of thought turning to things includes a step we’ve ignored up to now. That step comes in between attracting a thought and the manifestation that thought evolves into. Every person is familiar with this intermediary step. Yet, they don’t realize how powerful and important that step is. We humans call that step “emotion”.

Every thought we think produces an emotion. That’s obvious for really strong thoughts, ones with a lot of momentum behind them. And yet every thought comes associated with an emotion.

Emotions tell us something critical. Ignoring that message is what contributes to creating “negative” manifestations including those which interrupt bodily evolution and create disease.

One of the most important message emotions offer is they tell us what manifestations we have in the works are going to be like when they become “reality”. The message couldn’t be clearer. Emotions that feel good tell us manifestations we have underway are aligned with what we’re wanting to experience. Emotions that don’t feel good tell us manifestations we’re creating are not aligned with what we’re wanting to experience.

What we want or don’t want is shaped by the collection of core values and intents as well as desires day-to-day experiences stimulate from within us. Our wants include every possible conception. From how we want to feel psychologically and physically, to the life we want to enjoy, and the death we prefer.

Our lack of connection to these emotional clues explains how most of us create terrible manifestations; ones we think we would never create for ourselves. And yet we do.

Let’s look at how and why.

Learning ourselves

No one, it seems, would create on purpose getting raped or dying in a terror attack as a manifestation. No one would choose to experience losing their job or ending up homeless or addicted to meth. Many people would even say that no one would choose to be born trans.

But if you look at what I’ve shared so far, you can see quite logically how people would end up in such situations. These things aren’t happening to them. As hard as it may be to accept it, these experiences are springing from them. From the thoughts and beliefs they as a point of consciousness have allowed into themselves.

In other words, something in them attracts negative thoughts. It could be previous experiences in this life in which they’ve formed negative thoughts or beliefs. Perhaps it’s a thought or belief they’ve accepted from another. Or it could be a thought or belief they bring from a previous life. Yes, the energy incarnating as human is eternal. It has and will forever exist as it moves through progressive experiences (lives) as a way of knowing itself. Just like All That Is does.

Tragedies aren’t random. (Photo by John Middelkoop)

Resonance between that “something” and the thought it attracts causes the attracted thought to bind into place. It joins in the individual’s vibrational mix. Momentum ensues from the binding. Then that thought will cause the person to take action, action that will rendezvous the person with a reality reflecting back to that person the vibrational mix inside them.

In this way, conscious energy incarnate as human learns what it has in its vibrational mix. So these reflections, what humans call physical reality, are how conscious energy knows itself.

Constant clues coming for our benefit

I laid out a detailed progression describing how a person ends up creating an experience whereby she is raped. So I won’t detail the progression again. There are an infinite number of ways a point of conscious can manifest any negative experience, including rape.

But there are as many ways a point of consciousness can manifest any positive experience too. And this is where the empowerment of what you’re reading comes in. It’s also why All That Is includes people like me, spiritualists, who are here constantly reminding people what they are.

We all create our reality. When trans women read that, most immediately go to “victimhood” or “disempowerment”: “I didn’t create this thing I suffer from”, they say. They rarely go to “empowerment”: “Really? That means I can create ANYTHING! Show me how!”

Along the way to every manifestation, we constantly get clues about what we’re creating. Emotions are just one of those clues. What shows up is yet another. A person doesn’t go from being happy to getting raped. Along that path, they experience ever more intense clues giving them a heads up as to what’s coming, starting with emotion. Abraham makes it plain:

But if the person ignores the early clues, then they’ll keep coming, until the clues are so intense they can’t be ignored.

So now, with all this in your mind, let’s look at why science is so slow in discovering things like the direct connection between thoughts and physical disease.

The slow pace of science

Speaking of clues, the ACEs research gives us a lot of clues as to why it takes science so long to realize what spiritualists have known for eons. The first reason is obvious: science depends on an objective reality as the basis of the Universe. This is a complete distortion.

Reality is 100 percent subjective. A consensus reality exists, in which all consciousness agrees on some basic assumptions. But any individual consciousness can breach even those assumptions if their focus is strong enough. As such, no individual’s experience resembles another no matter how similar it physically appears. This is readily testable and, if the test is done correctly, over time, will produce convincing results for any individual.

From Wikipedia: The basic assumptions of science’s scientific method.

And that’s the problem with science and its inability to quickly get to what’s really happening in the Universe. It requires agreement. That’s a problem.

Since we’re all experiencing our own, separate realities, we can create any reality we desire and quickly. But because science and other methods have almost forced us to focus more on the consensus reality instead of our individual one, it can take a long time to manifest our desires. What’s more, many of those same methods, including science, make pronouncements totally out of whack with what’s really happening, by claiming some things impossible, that, actually, are not.

Anything the Universe inspires us to conceive can be our experience. THAT is a basic premise of the Universe. But if a person disbelieves the inspiration, or a body of knowledge says it’s impossible and the person believes that, then that person will not be able to go against their powerful focus. Their focus telling them it is impossible.

The power of focus limits or expands

And this is why science moves forward as though through molasses. Scientists believe in an objective reality. So the Universe presents that to them because they believe such a reality exists. Meanwhile, science also believes that which is real must be repeatable by others and agreed to by those same others. So the Universe offers that as the criteria by which science proves its “discoveries”.

Further, laws science has “discovered” and banks on, by those laws, makes some things, in scientist’s, view impossible. Other interpretations or experiences they dismiss as pseudoscience or delusions or hallucinations. At best they consider them “unexplainable”.

All of this greatly slows down “discoveries” science makes. All the while, people like me are proving things to be much different than what science claims. I know, for example that thoughts become things. I know that children aren’t innocently born as blank slates. They come into the world as wise, eternal beings, here to explore themselves in this unique plane. And because they are eternal, they come into the world with a strong trajectory of past interpretations of past experiences; an eternal collection which shapes their values and intents.

Those intents include some things we could call “good” and some we would likely call “bad”. All of those intents are being worked through in collaboration and cooperation with every other point of consciousness human and non human. That collaboration is what comprises All That Is. It also comprises the world in which you and I seem to live.

And none of those things you or I don’t want to experience need be a part of our experience. But they will if we invite them. And we invite them through our focused thoughts.

This is a powerful, eternal being. Not a blank slate. (Photo by Alex Hockett)

Spirit-infused science

That’s why so many struggle in life. They don’t know what you just read. So they invite all kinds of things they don’t want, while doubling down on beliefs that encourage doing that. They think luck is real, including bad luck. They believe life is random and that bad things can happen to them against their will.

It’s why parents perpetuate Adverse Childhood Experiences to their children. Of course, children coming into those experiences are choosing those experiences, so no harm, no foul because there are no victims. And yet, the world we see with all its wars, anti-trans legislation, transphobia, pain and poverty reflects the total state of consciousness and the all-that-is-ness of All That Is.

And in all that, everything is, ultimately, good. If more people can get to that point – seeing all as good – then the world will truly be a better place. But for now, too many people are looking at the world and all the “bad” out there. And through that focus they feel bad about the world, not knowing that bad feeling tells them they are creating more of what they’re feeling bad about.

So this isn’t a story about the age-old fight between spirituality and science. What it is is an attempt to show that there is as valid a source of wisdom in spirituality as there is science. Indeed, I’d say there’s more value in spirituality.


Because all we experience is spiritual. Including the scientific method. After all, many scientific discoveries (all of them actually) come through dreams, ideations while showering or in similar situations where the mind is on auto-pilot. In other words, times when conciousness is given free rein to tap into All-That-Is-wisdom.

The future of gods

That process has allowed science to give us all kinds of “breakthroughs”. Science therefore is benefiting us. From an individual perspective, however, we each can move much faster towards a life we desire by casting off reliance on science and instead relying on our essential natures, which are literally infinitely more capable, powerful and expansive. Limitless really.

Doing so requires intense focus. That’s because we must release beliefs most of us hold which block that limitless capability. Everything is possible. And, that limitless possibility expresses itself best at the level of the individual. The individual possessing the knowledge spiritualists have known forever: that we are gods in human form. And everything is possible to those who know themselves as such.

The being who chooses to come into the world through families with many of these ACE conditions or as a trans person are no different. Imagine powerful intentions such experiences spark in them. For when we know what we don’t want, we also know what we want. Any one of those people who line up with what they want, instead of what they don’t will, in rapid fashion, create astonishing worlds.

Which is why I write about how wonderful trans women are.

As it is, however, science burdens such people with “trauma” and labels like “gender dysphoria” thereby fostering more momentum behind thoughts manifesting chronic mental and physical imbalances.

At some point I know scientists will realize their error as they did around homosexuality being a mental illness or sin, or women and black people being inferior. When they do, we will be in a completely different world. Where science acknowledges the Source of all it knows: the spirit world.

We still have a ways to go before we get there though. And that’s ok.

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