A Transgender Woman Finds Her Perfect Love

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

A client recently had a wonderful experience. She met her perfect match. She marveled that it happened, which set the stage for future such meeting.

Most people reading this account of how it happened won’t believe the person she met is her perfect match. But that’s exactly what happened.

We offer a matchmaking service here at the Transamorous Network. But it is not your typical matchmaking service. You don’t select someone you think is your match from a pool of candidates like people do through online dating. That way doesn’t work all that well. Instead, our “pool“ is the entire planet. And your selection happens by virtue of the stories you tell.

Then the universe coordinates events such that you meet your match effortlessly.

In this way, every client gets bespoke service: their matches come perfectly aligned with stories they tell at any moment. That makes every encounter a perfect match. That means most perfect matches don’t show up with “until death do us part” in mind. More often, they help a person know what stories need cleaning up before the perfect match the person really wants shows up.

In other words, often one’s perfect match in the moment represents a steppingstone to a better, more ideal perfect match coming in the future. So if you’re a transgender woman and you’re meeting shady, down low, or chaser men, they’re a perfect match to the stories (complaints about men) you’re telling yourself.

Creep? Or something else?

Such was the case with this client. She’s soothed many bogus stories. Stories about herself, about dating, about men, stories about relationships, all of which created a reality reflecting these beliefs back to her.

That’s why her dating life filled with men wanting her to top them, men calling her drunk just looking for sex, or transphobic men.

Again, all these men reflected back to my client stories she tells about her reality. And as she gradually did something about that, her life started reflecting back to her her changed beliefs.

Which brings us to the story she told at our session this week.

“I went to a gas station to fill my tank,“ She said. “The attendant came and I told him what I wanted and while my car was filling, he stood next to my car door.”

She said the attendant stood there even though other cars had come to fill their tanks as well.

“My initial thought was this guy’s creepy,” She said. “But then I remembered our talks, and realized that story was from my old beliefs about men and about being worthy of having someone who’s interested in me.“

There are plenty of men who will love you for who and what you are. But if you think all men are just out to objectify you, those are the only men you’ll meet. (Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash)

Inspired action opens the door

At that point, she decided to change her interpretation of what was happening. Instead of disempowering conclusions about men who get close to her or look at her, she considered that this guy standing next to her door was something else that what she thinks it was.

“So rather than rolling up my window,” She said. “I said to the guy ‘how are you doing?’ And the guy turned around and looked at me and said ‘I’m doing good’.”

She and the guy then had a brief conversation. Toward the end, the guy looked at her nails and said “I really like your nails”.

“What is this an indication of my beliefs changing?“ She asked.

“Yes!“ I said.

Most people will scoff at reading this. They will say “that’s not a match. That’s just some random event.” But unless you understand how reality happens, how stories create reality and how a person moves from negative to positive experiences through telling better stories, you can’t see this exchange for what it is.

It is a perfect matching up between the client and this guy complimenting her nails. The client knows this because this has never happened for her. She’s never, EVER, talked to a stranger this way beforeNor has a man ever complimented her about anything.

And yet here she was striking up a conversation, i.e., taking the initiative, and getting a very positive result. Needless to say, the client felt quite empowered.

That relationship you want is out there. It’s waiting for you to become a match to it. (Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash)

This? A perfect match?

But the most important thing is she recognized the experience for what it was: a perfect matching up of who she is becoming, in the moment, with an experience reflecting back that new version of her.

Why didn’t the guy ask her out, or indicate more interest? Why did he only offer a compliment? And how is this a perfect match?

The client still has several disempowering stories going on inside her. Many are about her being transgender. Many are about scarcity in the dating sense. She still believes hardly any men exist who will love her for who she is. As a result, she feels desperate and grasping about love. That’s a problem.

So this experience reflects back to the client the combination of her desires; resistance she still has about those desires, and beliefs which stand in contradiction of her desires. The Universe constantly delivers what everyone wants. But it can’t work around people’s resistance. If it could, then people wouldn’t have free will. Nor can it work through beliefs contrary to the desire. What people get then is a reality in which truncated versions of their desires show up.

The guy complimenting her nails was as close to the full-blown desire for a relationship this client can get given the combination above. That’s OK though, because she sees this exchange as a big improvement on guys asking for dick pics, wanting her to top them, or guys misgendering her.

Online dating can’t get around your disempowering stories. You’ll just hook up with person after person reflecting your stories back to you. Better to attend to your stories then let the universe match you up with your perfect match. Not only is it 100 percent free, it’s way more fun too! (Photo by Victoria Heath)

Getting ready for more

She and I delighted in the story. It was fun seeing all her work culminate in this wonderful experience. In delighting in what happened, the client knows she’s preparing herself for more significant experiences on the way.

As with all things in life, meeting your match this way is a gradual experience. It doesn’t have to take forever though. And it’s for sure way more fun than online dating.

But if you’re telling stories as a transgender woman, or a trans-attracted man, that your match is impossible to find or that men are always a certain way or transgender women are, then that gradual turns into forever. Life’s happiness gets sucked out of life experience. Then you become someone who thinks all men are chasers or transgender women are all gold-diggers.

Sound familiar?

At The Transamorous Network, we show people how to change all of that. Our clients effortlessly discover their perfect match. There’s never just one perfect match. There’s a succession of perfect matches, all cued up to offer delightful experiences like the one this client had. Experiences that will eventually culminate in that one match everyone thinks is the only one that will delight them.

The paradox of that belief is that you cannot have that match until you become a match to it. And becoming a match to it means that the ultimate match that you’re really wanting is the match in which you have with yourself. When you become that match, when your self love, your self appreciation knows no limit, the joy of self exists within you. And when you’re there, then you are truly a match to the love you deeply desire.

We guarantee every client that outcome. The perfect match awaits anyone wanting that. Ready for yours?

[VIDEO] Results Prove Better Stories Create Happy Lives

When a person consistently tells positive stories, life becomes not only joyful, but the story teller becomes powerful. Sometimes that power overwhelms the person, often moving them to states which further illustrate how powerfully telling positive stories works.

Terryel shared her experience before. But in this testimonial, she really gets to the meat of the matter: through The Transamorous Network, her life transformed so powerfully, she believes she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t encounter this practice. Listen as she’s literally moved to tears by her experience:

We offer the transgender community this material because of its power to transform anyone’s experience. No matter how crappy life may be, whether trans or trans-attracted, that life can get amazing.

Simply by telling positive stories about life, a person can go literally from considering suicide to discovering happiness so profound, they marvel at the shift.

Happiness and love: available to all

Most people, transgender and trans-attracted, come to us seeking the love of their life. Finding that kind of love can happen super easy. But finding it means becoming a match to it. After all, if someone doesn’t love themself, they can’t meet someone who will love them.

Instead, they meet all kinds other experiences. Experiences like terrible relationships, meetings with creeps and gold diggers, give clues about what that person believes about life and about themselves.

But because that person doesn’t know “stories create reality”, they blame the people they meet, or their status as a transgender person or the world in general. Or they feel shame about their trans-attraction and live in shadows afraid of who they are. Both parties end up lonely, yearning for love but not finding it.

Again, finding love comes easy when one tells the right stories. Which is why clients like Terryel find a happiness so deep she teared up describing it.

Everyone can enjoy such happiness. The question is, when will you?

Beautiful Results Prove It Works

Photo by Mario Dobelmann on Unsplash

A Transamorous Network client practicing telling positive stories produced not only beautiful results, but also a life full of richness. That belief eventually becomes “knowing” once they produce overwhelming evidence showing telling positive stories works. Then they’re a match to the love they want, which means that person will show up. Guaranteed.

In knowing, clients begin realizing they are creators — invincible, eternal beings. That knowing is a beautiful result. Because once someone gets to knowing, life shows them more of what they are. Then life turns into the Charmed Life, where their life includes everything they want. Including that lover, no matter what the odds.

Life isn’t about wonderful manifestations though. It’s nice getting them. It’s nice seeing your lover easily appear. But life’s true purpose reveals itself when one KNOWS what they are. Then they see how powerful they can be as they move in alignment with life’s true purpose.

Client stories abound

A few years ago, I wrote how my life includes so much evidence “stories create reality” works, I could literally spend all day, every day writing about them. That evidence continues at an expanding, increasing pace. Client’s evidence adds to that wonderful stream of proof that what we share at The Transamorous Network works.

The more clients tell stories consistent with what they want, the more I get to write about, amplify, and savor evidence they produce, in my own life, thus prepping my life field for even more of my own evidence.

For instance, recently a new client texted an incredible experience he had. To ordinary human consciousness, this experience seems ordinary. But because the client has honed his perception, he interpreted it quite differently from an ordinary interpretation.

As a result, he got the gold in that moment he created. Yes, he created it. Like all of us, he created this experience so that he could revel in the joy of his expanding perception. Most people miss that part about life. I love that he got it so clearly. Take a look:

My client getting it.

Every now: blessed

Ordinary human consciousness misses the joy, the fun, the insights and the glorious synchronicities indicating one creates their reality. Such synchronicities happen in every now-moment. They indicate connection to All That Is, which is what we all are. When someone tunes into that knowing, first starting with desire, then hope, then incipient belief, evidence they produce becomes overwhelming.

Then, a simple-seeming thought to go to a corner store in the middle of the night becomes what it actually is: inner guidance leading to all they want.

Some clients ask “is it really possible to have no negative things happen in life, ever?” Of course, the answer is “yes”. Even if you’re transgender.

If the answer was “no” then what we share at The Transamorous Network would break down. What we share says “this is how the Universe works.” If exceptions existed, “this is how the universe works” would be false.

Every moment is a blessed experience. But every person enjoys free will. That includes freedom to choose any perspective through which to experience life. Free will is an awesome thing. It comes with awesome responsibility though. A person can create hell on earth, for themselves and others. Or that person can create heaven on earth.

And everyone experiencing that heaven or hell can only experience that if they believe such that they tune into that heaven or hell. No one creates for another. Ever. But people can resonate with one another such that they share very similar life experiences. That means if a transgender person gets misgendered, or can’t find their love, they are creating that experience co-creatively with the Universe, by telling stories such as “I always get misgendered”. No one else does it to them.

Beautiful results come to all

I advocate for everyone creating heaven for themselves. That happens by telling positive stories about life experience. Even experiences that piss you off. Do that consistently and life must show its beauty to you. Do that frequently and momentum builds. Then, one experiences a gradual cascade of beautiful results and a rich life. And experiences that piss you off can’t find you.

Once there, there’s no going back. Life gets better and better, as it should. As it is. For we’re all expanding. And what we’re expanding into is all good. Because that’s what we all are: all good.

Ready to produce your beautiful results? I got your back!

This One Thing Makes A Great Life Easy

Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash

I love it when Broader Perspective shows me examples perfectly illustrating how it communicates with me. It’s the main thing that makes being trans-attracted so fun. I know when trans and trans-attracted people make the relationship with their Broader Perspective a priority, their lives become really fun.

My life fills with examples proving this true. So do my clients’ lives. But this example comes from a dear friend of mine, Avin. Like me, he enjoys the Charmed Life. He consistently puts his Broader Perspective relationship first. In doing so, everything turns out perfectly for him.

Avin told me this true story to support his accurate assertion that, even when someone tells positive stories and gets everything they want, that person still isn’t “perfect”. What he meant was, there’s no time in this practice where someone “arrives” then has nothing more to gain. Expansion is infinite for us eternal beings and all humans are eternal beings in human form.

Tradition or vibration?

One evening Avin sat down at the dinner table with his family, which he does every evening. Family dinners are important in his culture. He makes it a point to attend every one. But Avin’s parents, staunch conservatives, listen to a radio talk show that near always features someone talking about how bad the world is. As a result, his parents hold strong negative stories about life.

This evening his parents kept the show playing when everyone gathered at the dinner table. Avin told me he really didn’t want to have dinner while that show played in the background. Not only was the subject matter negative, he felt himself merging with disempowering stories the programs offered.

Telling positive stories matter. When telling positive stories, one feels better. Feeling better tells a person something important. It says that person’s vibration is “tuned” so that everything they want can come to them. So storytelling is like tuning one’s vibration.

Like me, Avin is a vibrational snob. We take our vibrations quite seriously because we know, our vibration is the source of our life experience. We know the more we focus on high vibration, the better our lives get. So we care a great deal about telling positive stories.

Avin said he wanted to ask his parents if they could enjoy dinner without the show. But in addition to traditions like family dinners, Avin’s culture also venerates parents. Asking his parents to turn off the show felt, to Avin, like an affront to his parents. So he decided to tolerate the vibration and eat his salad.

In other words, he bit his tongue.

Cultivating a vibrational snob attitude is important because one’s life emerges from vibrational reality. This graphic details how.

A biting message

Not long into his salad, Avin felt a searing pain in his mouth. At the same time he heard a “crunch” as his teeth ground deeply into his tongue. He literally chewed into his tongue, tearing a great gash with his back teeth.

“I knew immediately this was the Universe,” he said. “And the message was clear.”

The Universe made his figurative gesture a literal one. He literally bit his tongue! The pain he felt made the message loud and clear: speak your mind rather than bite down on it.

Later that evening, Avin sat with the event. His tongue throbbing, he marveled in the exactness of the experience, how it resonated deeply with his knowing of how the Universe works.

“I thought about how perfect the experience was,” he said. “Then I reveled in how clearly I received the message.”

Together we laughed at the biting humor through which his Broader Perspective communicated. Avin said by the time he turned in for bed, his vibration was so high, he couldn’t sleep. So he listened to meditation music to help him catch some Zs.

It’s as real as me

I know my Broader Perspective constantly communicates with me. So many experiences happen in my life, like Avin’s here, but far less painful, I’m convinced I have a Broader Perspective and it helps me always. My Transamorous Network clients know this too. Here’s what one texted me this week:

Interesting addition: the day I’m writing this, I had my own lighthearted example of my Broader Perspective communicating with me. I rode to the store for groceries. I usually shop at Safeway for regular items, then Trader Joes for specialty items. One specialty item I usually get is popcorn kernels. But this time, while passing through the aisle at Safeway, I passed by the popcorn, stopped, picked up two bags and almost put them in my cart.

But then I had a second thought: “I have these on my list to get at Trader Joes.” I checked the Safeway price. It was the same amount as Trader Joes. In hindsight, I get my Broader Perspective wanted me to get these two bags. And for good reason.

I didn’t though. Instead, I put them back. I checked out, rode home, unpacked my bags. Then, two hours later, headed to TJs.

I arrived, got all my shopping done, except for the popcorn. I went to that aisle and….couldn’t find any. Maybe they moved them somewhere else, I thought. So I asked a clerk.

“Sorry,” she said. “That maker is having production delays. We don’t have any right now.”

I know now, so I know better

Like Avin, the message came through loud and clear. My Broader Perspective knew TJs popcorn supply was nonexistent. It directed me right to the popcorn at Safeway. I even picked two bags up. But I second-guessed my inner knowing. 🤣

Thinking about this later, I laughed to myself. Not only because of what happened, but that I realized what happened!

I mean, it’s really important to amplify experiences that show one’s Broader Perspective is real. Doing so prepares one’s perception for seeing future events in which one’s Broader Perspective is at work.

So realizing what happened, and acknowledging that I realized what happened, were two important steps in my own practice.

I know my Broader Perspective has my back. It’s always guiding me, leading me to everything I’m wanting. Even bags of popcorn!

Next time I’ll not second guess, but, in a way, I’m glad I did because having done so I clearly got that my Broader Perspective indeed is real and serves me everything I want. After all, if it knows where the popcorn is, it can lead me to my lover, when I’m ready.

Ready to find your lover? If so, let’s get started.

The Great Results That Prove Positive Stories Work

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

There’s no doubt in my mind positive stories about life get me everything I want in life. Such a life sounds magical, like wishful thinking, as someone once put it.

But when Transamorous Network clients put the practice to the test, they produce exact same results. They’re guaranteed, of course, because nothing contradicts tenets upon which “Stories create reality” rests. Nonetheless, it’s so cool seeing when clients produce results that seem, well, supernatural.

My newest client came to the practice battling suicidal thoughts that had him in a panic about his life. He’d experienced several “tragedies” in the last two years. He also had resisted sexual desires he considered illegitimate. As a result of negative story telling about those things, he wound up considering life as not worth living. That’s when he contacted me.

Now, in only 11 sessions over 5 weeks, he not only is convinced his Broader Perspective is real, he’s creating mind blowing life experiences. These experiences convince him he’s revealing to himself his own version of the Charmed Life. Soon transgender women will show up wherever he goes, proving his Broader Perspective can create any experience. Including having transgender women show up where, apparently, there aren’t any.

My newest client realizing for himself that what I share is accurate.

Creating “supernatural shit”

Meanwhile, my client continues practicing stories which connect him with the Source of his Charmed Life: his Broader Perspective. The results astonish him.

Two days ago, for example, (at the time of this writing) this client and I had a great session. In it we talked about “tragedies” I touched on above. We started picking at them, turning around negative stories he told about them, so freedom from negative emotion could show up for him.

That night he texted me. I didn’t read it until the next morning. His text described quite an event:

My client expressed at the end of his text what many people believe. They believe this kind of thing belongs in the “supernatural” or random categories of experiences. But supernatural just means “beyond the scientific understandings of the laws of nature”. And nothing ever is random.

I say repeatedly: science is very limited in what it knows. But its believers and practitioners believe it is the only source of dependable knowledge. So when something shows up that exists as real, but outside science’s narrow scope, science’s believers and practitioners will assert the thing false because science hasn’t blessed it as true. 🙄

But most of what humans want to know lies outside the scope of science. Why is there so much suffering, why do I seem to not fit in, why do I like this sexual practice mainstream society thinks is deviant? These meaty questions science can’t answer. Or they try by turning things into diseases and mental disorders and then medicate the experiencer to numb them back into the mainstream where they’re less likely to rock the boat.

Experiences like my client had that night may seem supernatural. But they distinguish the Charmed Life from ordinary life. In that life, the Charmed Life, one experiences things like this all the time.

Revelry for revelry’s sake

I enjoy living the Charmed Life. Part of that joy involves showing others how to create their versions of that life. Doing that, clients and I revel in the results. We don’t revel because of the results though. We revel because reveling feels great.

And when we revel, we focus. By focusing on the revelry, we seed future experiences worthy of future revelry. Such as meeting one’s ideal match.

Nothing compares to the Charmed Life. My clients get it and want more. So do I of course. Want to cultivate your own? I got your back!