A Powerful Transgender Woman Creates Her Best Man Yet

(Photo by Jeremy Bishop)

It’s so fun watching transgender women and trans-attracted people using stories to create their love lives. I love participating in that unfolding. When such people find their power, they realize they can create what they thought was impossible. Then their lives get really fun.

Of course, everything is possible. The only things keeping some things impossible are stories people tell. “That’s impossible” is a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Things change though when someone discovers they stand at the center of the Universe. There they realize they create everything around them. Including all the lovers they want…or the lack thereof.

Stories are powerful

A transgender client’s personal experience showed how powerful, or disempowering, stories can be. She started practicing with me 36 sessions ago. Last week, something happened that amazed her.

During those 36 weeks, Jennifer (not her real name) uncovered many disempowering stories. They included stories about dating, about men, about men’s intentions. But they also included stories about Jennifer herself. These included stories like the following:

  • I’m not good enough to get what I want
  • I’m too fat to get the guy I want
  • Men only want me for sex
  • I’m too old
  • Time’s running out for me to find a guy
  • I never can find the right guy I want

These stories together created Jennifer’s reality. What did that reality look like? One where men she met wanted her for sex, or for photos of her genitals. Several often called her, but only when drunk. They demanded sexually explicit texts, wouldn’t talk on the phone and when Jennifer pushed the issue, they would ghost her. Others made promises to meet in person, only to disappear later.

No wonder Jennifer created negative stories about dating, about men and about men’s intentions.

It’s not that her stories weren’t true. After all, she formed many of them from past experience. But if Jennifer wants what she wants, she can’t expect to get it while telling stories about what she doesn’t want, no matter how true they are.

Stories are powerful. They can create more of the same. Or they can create what you want.

Choose: get what you want or be right

Jennifer had a choice. She could tell true stories and be right. Or she could tell stories about what she wants and get that.

For example, one story she had about men was “I’ll never meet a nice guy locally”. Every guy she had met, she met through OKCupid. Desperation had her using online dating. No matter how many times I told her online dating works terribly, she kept using it.

That’s because she also believed it was the only way she met men. See how stories create reality? Her stories about not meeting local guys had her believing she could only meet men online. So that’s how she met them. And, the men she met there showed up consistent with her other stories. Especially stories about herself.

The online experience only amplified her frustration, which in turn reinforced her stories about men, her datability and her belief that she’d never meet the guy she wanted.

Again, Jennifer can’t tell stories about her past and get what she wants. Instead, she must tell stories about what she wants. That’s what we focused on in the ensuing 36 sessions.

A lot of transgender women would rather be right than get what they want, which is why they end up sad, bitter and alone. (Photo by Caleb Ekeroth)

Evidence starts proving it works

Over time, Jennifer’s new, empowering stories started creating realities consistent with themselves. It was rough going at first. Often Jennifer reinforced her old stories more than energizing new, more empowering ones.

However, there’s something cool about telling positive stories. Such stories enjoy enormous creative potential. You see, the Universe wants everyone to enjoy what they want, no exceptions. So when someone lines up with what they want by telling positive stories about it, they become a match to that. Then, that person gradually starts seeing evidence of what they want showing up everywhere.

That’s what happened with Jennifer. For example, men started waving at her as she walked down the street. Every time it happened, she said, she looked behind her to see if the guys were waving at someone else. Nope, they waved at her.

Or the male barista at the drive up kiosk would chat Jennifer up, where before he would ignore her. Another time a gas station attendant complimented her nails. And another time, a male restaurant sever paid particular attention to her as he attended the table she sat at with friends.

Ordinary people chalk these examples up to “coincidence” or some other logical explanation. But there’s no such thing as coincidence and logic has nothing to do with it! Everything happens on purpose. The purpose is reflecting back stories one tells about what’s happening.

The more Jennifer got this, the more such instances happened.

Evidence grows more insistent

Until one day while walking her dog at the local dog park, a man who also had his dog approached her. He said hi and Jennifer returned the greeting. They enjoyed a nice conversation while their dogs played. Afterward, the guy said “Oh, dude, I gotta go. I’m late.”

Now Jennifer interpreted that as the guy misgendering her. We don’t know what his intentions really were, but I told her telling such a story was not in her best interest.

“It’s better to make up a story that you feel better about,” I said.

“Like what?” She asked.

“Like ‘the guy was using “dude” like some people do. It’s just a figure of speech, like an exclamation”,” I replied.

At first, Jennifer didn’t like that new story. But after some cajoling she admitted it felt better than the knee-jerk story she wanted to tell.

I told her telling such stories would create the next evidence that would knock Jennifer’s socks off.

And that’s exactly what happened next.

Every transgender or trans-attracted person can enjoy a relationship that knocks their socks off. Unless their stories run contrary to having that enjoyment. (Photo by Jeremy Bishop)

It bowls you over

Jennifer had other stories not related to men and dating. These needed attention too. The combination of stories, what I call a Belief Constellation, creates everyone’s reality. Jennifer’s constellation included many negative stories about her work and her manager. Those stories kept Jennifer on edge, defensive and feeling like a victim.

Feeling on edge, defensive and victimhood makes one a match to situations that exacerbate feeling those ways. And not just work situations, dating situations too. That’s why we needed to soothe Jennifer’s work stories too.

That took a while, but the better Jennifer felt, the more she wanted to do the practice. In time, evidence at work convinced her more and more her new stories were working.

Her boss complimented her more and more. She gave Jennifer more responsibilities. When Jennifer announced she was looking for openings in other departments, her manager offered to reclassify her job so she could get more pay. Finally, her manager came out and told Jennifer how much she valued her and how much she wanted Jennifer to stay.

Evidence at work was bowling Jennifer over. It amazed her that simply telling positive stories could literally change her relationship with her boss!

Then one day Jennifer texted me from work telling me how a process I taught her – called PRE-PAVING – helped change her work experience. In the text, she misspells it as “preparing”:

Then it happened

Riding on that positive momentum created what happened next. Jennifer felt good about changes happening at work. So much so, she softened on the idea that she couldn’t meet men in person. She started acknowledging evidence showing she was meeting men. It’s just that she hadn’t soothed negative stories enough to have such men approach her in person.

That all changed rather suddenly.

A few days after a remarkably powerful session, Jennifer sent me a text. It was awesome:

Many layers prove how powerful this experience was for Jennifer. For one, she didn’t have to do ANYTHING to meet this LOCAL, GORGEOUS guy other than follow her intuition to take Rocco out for walk. Second, there’s NO WAY ON EARTH she could have deliberately sought out this guy. It could only happen this way, a perfect orchestration of her unfolding reality.

Third, the guy did all the work. He approached her and initiated a conversation. But most of all, what’s super awesome about this rendezvous, is through it, Jennifer realized yet another story she needs to clean up.

“He’s out of my league.”

However, even though that happened, she still had an experience totally contrary to EVERY experience she had in the past.

Every encounter a stepping stone

It’s really important at the point of receiving this experience that Jennifer enjoy the experience. Negatively judging herself does no good. Neither does harsh self-criticism about not doing something she thought she should have done. Everything worked perfectly here because this rendezvous wasn’t meant to be the perfect match or the perfect lover.

What it was, was an experience clarifying for Jennifer where she is on the path to becoming the perfect match to her perfect lover. How else will she know what disempowering stories remain in her constellation, if she doesn’t get to see her constellation in action? This experience worked perfectly.

It encouraged her. It created more desire in her. The fact that it happened gladdened her, inspiring her to the possibility that more such experiences can happen. It was a local connection! Something she thought impossible. And it showed that gorgeous men show interest in her.

So many disempowering stories got a dose of positivity just through this one experience. And so long as she remains in all these powerfully positive interpretations, Jennifer makes herself a match to more such experiences in the future.

Every client gets it

I love it when these kinds of things happen for my clients. Every client enjoys this kind of progression on their way to the love, the life, their greatest desires.

Everything is possible. Including having a relationship matching one’s wildest dreams. Nothing stands in the way of whatever anyone wants other than stories a person tells that are contrary to what’s wanted.

Clean those stories up though and watch how remarkable life gets.

Life is a wish-granting jewel. No matter what one wishes for, one can have it. One only need become a match to it, then draw that which is wished for to them as they hold themselves as a match to it.

I show clients how to do that. It’s easy, it’s fun and it works. Every time. You ready for your true love, your version of the wonderful life Jennifer’s creating? I can help.

Happy Stories Way Better Than Any Therapy

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

A trans-attracted client echoed what many of my clients feel after learning how to tell positive stories about their lives and things they want, including relationships.

He’s been in the practice only four months. And over that time, his life transformed dramatically. No wonder he’s doubling down on telling happy stories about life, about transgender women and about his trans-attraction. He knows it’s the best way to get what he wants in love.

Furthermore, he knows the power inherent in positive stories. They literally make everything possible. Including turning around in just a couple weeks circumstances which had this client contemplating suicide. Suicidal thoughts are nothing serious. Eliminating them comes easy once someone understands then uses the power of positive stories.

That’s what this client did. In a couple weeks, he no longer even thought about killing himself. Now, he’s so clear “stories create reality”, he’s glad he made the choice of connecting with The Transamorous Network rather than going to a therapist:

He’s right on another thing. Mass shootings in the US wouldn’t happen if people understood why emotions exist and where they come from. In their ignorance of this, some get so far down emotionally, feeling powerless and insecure, the only thing they can think of is shooting up a school, church or sporting event.

Such events needn’t happen. But so long as people don’t understand what’s happening inside and around them, they will keep happening. So will the suffering. Same holds true for transgender people and their admirers and suffering they experience in love. So long as such people don’t understand emotions and the power of stories, suffering will continue in life.

Eckhart Tolle wasn’t playing when he talked about how unnecessary suffering is:

Is suffering still necessary for you?

I love how Transamorous Network clients get that suffering no longer need exist in their lives. I love then watching as they tune their lives so their lives match stories they tell about how they want their life, instead of how it is.

The more they do that, the more powerful they get. Then the more free they get. Before long life for them becomes the adventure it is. Then they get the love, the partner, the life they knew was possible.

We suffer because we know deep down that life was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to contain everything we want, flowing to us easily. But for so many, that’s not the life they live.

I want everyone living their happiest life. Therapy does work for some. But it has a terrible success rate. Telling positive stories works 100 percent of the time. Positive story telling is one of the best kept life secrets.

Although it’s not a secret. People have shared this life approach for…ever.

Isn’t it about time you got in on the fun life and find your match?

A Happy Transgender Woman Gets Her Dream Career

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

A transgender client recently came to her session feeling ecstatic. I immediately became so too. That’s because I knew, even before she described what happened, what happened. She scored her dream career.

How? Solely by telling positive stories.

I know many will say this was a series of massive coincidences. But me and this client know what happened directly resulted from her learning to tell positive stories. As a result, she easily came into her dream job with absolutely no effort on her part. Instead she had fun, fun, fun.

“I told my mom,” she said. “Getting work this way is 1,000 times more satisfying than going through the grind everyone else is doing.”

Indeed. All during this time, her mom forwarded my client job openings from Indeed.com, hoping her daughter would apply. But my client wanted to prove to herself positive stories work better. I’m glad she wanted to test it, because the results were stunning. As they always are.

Here’s what happened.

Becoming a match to what’s wanted

Clare (not her real name) is on her 123rd session. It took her a while to start believing, but evidence she produced along the way roused dramatic behavioral changes. For one, she gave up online dating. She finally agreed it created more negative experiences than positive ones and those negative experiences too easily translated into negative stories about men. Those stories exacerbated her negative online experiences. That got her realizing trying to find a partner through online dating wasn’t worth it.

Then she gave up trying to “find” a guy altogether. Instead, she decided to focus on herself. She decided rather than meeting men who matched who she’s being now, she would become the “best version of herself” and, doing that, meet men who are a match to that.

It’s a standard result of the approach advocated here at The Transamorous Network. Every experience comes as a manifestation of what the experiencer emanates. That emanation happens through stories people tell about experiences had in the past, or experiences they want to have. The best way to meet the perfect partner involves first becoming a match to that. One does that by telling positive stories about a host of subjects. Those stories gradually change emanations one’s putting out about those subjects.

In time, one becomes a match to what they want, rather than being a match to what they don’t want. This process happens effortlessly. With enough practice, the process then happens automatically. Delight, surprise, life enjoyment and an ever-increasing desire for more of that mark “success” with the process. Oh, one also gets everything they want too!

How reality really works.

The sucky job hunt

As Clare focused on herself, a lot of resistance she held for many subjects started giving way. In the wake of all that, she discovered more peace and satisfaction with the way her life currently was. For many years, Clare harbored impatience, frustration and annoyance about living with her parents on a farm in rural America.

But through the practice, she learned how to appreciate this situation. Indeed, living with her parents offered exactly what she wanted. The biggest thing was time. Her parents love her, provide for her. Even though they want her to get on with living – get a job, find a place to live on her own and make a life for herself – they also weren’t pressuring her to do those things.

I encouraged Clare see value in all that support. But Clare focused too much on what she thought her parents thought about her living there. As a result, Clare felt pressure, anxiety and impatience. Those emotions motivated her to look for a job.

But looking for a job sucks! It’s tedious, there’s a lot of rejection, and, depending on one’s self-image, it can be demoralizing. Especially when one sees how many jobs one doesn’t qualify for. In many ways, job hunting closely resembles online dating!

Clare wavered between frustration and annoyance, then disappointment and anger as she sent out resume after resume to crickets and rejection.

All the while I encouraged her to give up job hunting and learn to create the job she wants. How? By telling positive stories about what she wants, instead of trying to find a “job”.

Would you jump off a cliff?

I know everyone, or at least most people, look for jobs exactly the way Clare was. And, many of those people find work that way. But it sucks doing it that way! Yes, people find satisfaction working for good companies and for good people. The opposite also holds up. In other words, just because everyone does something a certain way, doesn’t make it the way.

Besides, spiritual beings don’t come into a body to copy experiences everyone else experiences. Especially transgender and trans-attracted people. Just by virtue of being trans and trans-attracted, such people came for a different way. They came to live their special, unique paradigm-busting life experience. One that would transform the world while offering immense personal satisfaction.

I explained all this to Clare, many, many times before she actually believed it enough to apply this approach to getting work. By this time Starbucks hired her as a barista, which was great because their insurance plan paid for surgeries she wanted. She liked the job, at first. She enjoyed who she worked with and customers she served. Beyond that, insurance and a paycheck though, it offered little satisfaction.

It took about six months before Clare was over Starbucks. She wanted work in her field. Something creative. Something more consistent with her aspirations.

Week after week, dissatisfaction increased. Finally, she decided to try telling better stories.

Getting stories straight

It took her a while to find pleasing stories. Subjects she told stories about that impacted “getting a job” were many and varied. They included stories about work, obviously, but also about many other things.

About work, Clare needed to sooth old stories about her not being good enough to have her dream job. She believed such jobs were scarce. You need to know someone in order to get such a job, she thought. She also thought a person needed to live in an urban center, where creatives lived. None of these stories are true. They aren’t false either. But such stories create a reality that excludes getting the job Clare wanted.

Other stories she needed to address were about living at home, about her parents and what they thought, about why she wanted work, about the timeframe in which she “should” start working and more. As I said above, stories about lots of subjects affect success in any outcome. Stories about what’s wanted, for example, contribute only partially to what one gets or doesn’t get. Often, stories hindering one’s ability to get what they want have more to do with stories the person has about themselves. Those stories hinder the vast majority of people.

So Clare had her work set out for her. The main thing I encouraged Clare do was enjoy her now. Have fun, I told her. Find things she liked doing and forget about finding a job. Enjoy the fact that her parents lovingly support her. Enjoy the fact that she doesn’t really need a job.

That’s what Clare started doing.

Getting stories straight means adjusting what I say about life so that my life reflects my adjusted stories back to me. The Universe works no other way. Harness this and the world becomes yours.

Getting bored doing nothing

In essence, I told Clare “stop doing and be more”. That’s a problem for many, many people because most of us think and believe things happen as a result of “doing”.

That’s never the case though, but it looks that way. But the way things look is an illusion. Things happen as a result of what a person thinks and believes and expects. Action is what happens at the last moment. Action or doing puts a person at coordinates in space and time where the desired manifestation happens.

But again, this is really, really difficult for people to get. Especially parents. They think doing nothing is doing nothing. It’s lazy, mooching, being irresponsible.

None of that is true. Doing nothing is doing something. When a person does nothing, they’re soothing negative story momentum. Stories that keep them in “doing mode”, the doing of which keeps them thinking their doing creates results.

Clare had a really hard time with this at first. She quickly got bored. Video games no longer held her interest. Movies got old. She got impatient, frustrated. We talked about these feelings and stories they sprang from and, in time, created new stories for Clare about those things. Those stories allowed Clare greater ease and satisfaction with things she once liked doing.

It took awhile, but Clare found more satisfaction and pleasure in pastimes once she let go of judgement about those things, judgement, representing stories she inherited from her parents and society in general. Especially conservative society which harshly condemns idle hands.

Then things get interesting

One day after weeks enjoying her life, Clare came to her session feeling inspired. She had cruised Instagram this week, something she really enjoys, and her feed served up an invitation to a panel presentation on something like “How to manage production sets in a time of COVID”.

Now’s a good time to include that Clare’s field of choice, where her creative passions point her, involves working on creative production sets. Photo shoots and movie sets are where Clare feels most inspired and engaged. So when this invitation showed up, she knew it was the result of the practice.

“I knew this wasn’t coincidence,” She told me in session. “So I wanted to share it with you. I’m really excited this happened.”

I was too. It was exactly the manifestation Clare wanted. Furthermore, I knew, I just knew, this was the beginning of a series of manifestations leading to Clare getting everything she wants.

We talked about the best way to attend the event. I encouraged her, if she was so inspired, to write down every panel participant’s name and what they say. Then later, followup with each of them with an inspiring message over Instagram. I suggested she highlight something each person said that resonated with her. That resonance, I told her, offered a clue that would unfold in a delightful way.

So notice this: Clare relaxed into her life. She learned to enjoy more and more her day-to-day. She learned to stop telling negative stories about everything about her life. Then, the universe served up the perfect invitation: the opportunity to participate in this discussion.

It was perfect. But more stood ready.

Life happens easy when one takes it easy.

Momentum ensues

The next session, Clare was super excited. She reached out to all the panelists. Nearly all of them replied. Three of them invited her to an in person conversation. Long story short, one of these conversations happened on a photo set in a small company owned and run by a lesbian couple.

Clare’s manifestation was unfolding…

Clare said she could tell she impressed them. She was high flying in relating how the conversation went. She added the other conversations thrilled her too, but this one was the most thrilling.

“Go with that feeling,” I told her. And she did.

She continued corresponding with those panel members who responded to her most actively. Then, one day, seemingly out of the blue, Clare got a voice message from someone she didn’t know.

The voice message told her a corporate gig was coming up and, if she was available, the voice said, they’d love to have her join the team running the shoot.

Clare just got an employment offer!


That same day, she put the details together with the caller. By the time we had our session that afternoon, the opportunity was hers. It came together literally an hour before our session began.

Needless to say, Clare was over the moon. She told me her mother and father both expressed pride in her getting her first paid gig, in her field of choice, with lots of opportunities to leverage this experience into future gigs.

But Clare and I both know the only leverage she needs is the leverage inherent in her power as a deliberate creator, exercised through her powerful story telling.

“I told my mom,” she said. “Getting work this way is 1,000 times more satisfying than going through Indeed.com.”

Indeed. When a person creates opportunity, it’s always more satisfying than going hunting for one. It’s much more fun seeing what one wants come to you rather than you having to go out and find it.

Whether it’s work, income, a lover, better health or happiness, nothing lies out of the realm of the possible. Unless one’s stories say something is impossible, nothing is.

If you’re a transgender woman lonely and longing for love, or a trans-attracted person yearning for that special someone, or you want better work, more money or something else you think will make you happy, there’s no better Source for any of that than the stories you tell yourself.

You are the genie in the bottle standing ready to fulfill your every wish. If you’re ready to tell better stories about your life so that your life improves, and would like some help with that, I’m here.

A delightful post script:

I finished writing this post and the next week, had a session with Clare. She came to the session overflowing with excitement. That’s because after doing the gig described above, “out of the blue” three other people called her. They all offered additional gigs, at rates 21 percent higher than the first one! One of the newer gigs is a 4-5 day shoot, meaning Clare will receive over $1400 for 4 days work!

“This sure beats my Starbucks job!” She said. “I used to make maybe $50 a day there.”

Indeed. Once a person gets in the grove telling positive stories, the flood gates can open, revealing that the Universe, for sure, is pouring down everything one wants. Clare’s experience is a perfect example of that!

A Trans-Attracted Man Finds Joy In Powerful Stories

Photo by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash

I love it when transgender and trans-attracted clients get results so inspiring, they confirm what I know about the power of positive stories.

Recently, a trans-attracted client came to his session feeling heavy self-reproach, self-judgement and frustration. He had a university exam due Friday – it was Monday – and, instead of preparing, he spent several hours binging Star Trek Discovery while also binging on snack food.

Seems like little things, I admit. But such little things pack a punch when they’re repeated over and over. That’s how life gets out of hand for so many.

In other words, it’s a little thing – a negative story – told over and over that eventually creates realities consistent with it. Then life sucks. Lovers elude us. We develop victim mentalities, then we blame others for our problems.

My client couldn’t shake his negative stories on his own. Their momentum was too great. So we practiced a process that transforms such stories into more positive and uplifting ones. By the end, he no longer felt bad about his choices.

Instead, he felt joy at having binged the show. Indeed, when he moved from his negative stories into more positive ones, he realized how perfect binging that show was. The main character’s life, he said, mimicked his own. Through the character’s life he saw aspects of his life he could improve.

Other profound realizations came too. He got, for instance, that the same judgement he had for himself about binging, he also had for his mother and his housemate. Both spend a lot of time on the couch consuming streaming media. Both also have poor eating habits and bodies consistent with those habits. My client judged them both harshly. That judgement he also directed towards himself, producing very disempowering results.

No coincidences anywhere

We used the same process to clean up stories about his housemate and mother too, which produced even more euphoria in my client. After all, underneath every person’s negative mindset exists the divine being they really are. Tapping into that feels euphoric.

But negative mindsets block all that. With those things blocked, one cuts oneself off from their divinity. There, they can’t see the beautiful nature of their created life experience.

Instead they see a random world where coincidences happen. Life comes with great risk. It’s scary and unpredictable and so they must protect themself and what they have. Cultivating a Positively Focused mindset clears all that away, then it reveals that everything in life stems from the thoughts you think.

Another client, who happens to be transgender, realizing when she deliberately tells positive stories in the morning, the rest of her day reflects that positivity back to her. Life just gets better when one tells positive stories about life.

Coincidences don’t exist. Everything happening happens for good reasons. People can know what those reasons are. When they do, life turns into a fabulous experience wherein life reflects back to the experiencer wonderful insights and epiphanies.

The good news is, life wants everyone experiencing its wonders. That’s what the Charmed Life offers: a life where every moment contains delights and joys. When a person discovers that life, they recover their power. Then they can use that power to create even better life experiences.

Lovely evidence abounds

By the end of our session, my client felt much better about what he did. Not only did he get epiphanies I described above, he also realized he had plenty of time still to complete the exam. That’s something he couldn’t see while standing in his negative stories.

Standing in his negative stories he created a living hell where not only was he a bad person for spending hours on the couch, eating junk food, he also feared time to take the exam ran out. He was on the way to that self-fulfilling prophecy. Until he came to the session.

After the session the client felt so much better, he texted me. When the client’s text arrived, it didn’t surprise me. Instead, I basked in the acknowledgment it communicated as a reflection of my own positive storytelling:

Then he followed that message up with this:

Proof in the pudding

A lot of spiritual paths exist. Which offer powerful approaches to connecting with the divine? I prefer relying on Nichiren Buddhism’s Three Proofs doctrine. As the name implies, it suggest a three-step verification process. With it, you can tell whether any spiritual path offers a valid way to spiritual awakening.

The first test is, does the spirituality’s teachings (translating loosely) accord with Universal Laws? Second, the test asks, does the teaching line up with reason and logic? Finally the test says, does the teaching bear out when put to the test? In other words, when you do what the teaching says, do you get the results the teaching says you’ll get?

Speaking about the Three Proofs, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism had this to say:

In judging the relative merit of [any spiritual path], I, Nichiren, believe that the best standards are those of reason and documentary proof. And even more valuable than reason and documentary proof is the proof of actual fact”

I agree. The most valuable evidence determining whether a spiritual path has any power lies in whether or not it does what it says it will do when you put it into action. I know the “You create your reality through stories you tell” approach passes all three tests. My clients do too. After all, they’re getting great results!

But the result I love the most is the actual, factual proof I produce in my life, which gets confirmed when my clients produce similar results in theirs.

Theirs, like mine, inspire. That inspiration is power. The power to create a happy life. A life I call the Charmed Life.

Ready for yours?

Love Little Things And Watch Your Love Appear

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Some people think when practicing meditation or a manifestation process, the big manifestations – like jobs, money, and relationships – are the goal.

But it’s really the tiny things, those little, moment-by-moment realizations, that make the big things effortlessly reveal themselves. And without acknowledging those little things, big things don’t happen. That’s because the prime objective of such a practice is joy, not manifestations.

For example, a Transamorous Network client realized this recently as he told increasingly better-feeling stories. He’s a musician, and as he thought about his upcoming practice one day, he made a remarkable discovery.

“Before my practice session,” he began. “I had the thought ‘well, what am I going to work on today?’ Then I thought ‘oh that sounds so depressing.'”

“So I said to myself ‘I’m just going to enjoy what happens.’ So I just started improvising and really got interested in this one particular thing and off I went.”

He continued. “What happened was I put the emphasis on enjoyment, and ended up enjoying working on something that needed working on, because of the enjoyment, rather than working on something I needed to work on, which would have been boring and unenjoyable.”

It seems this little realization isn’t much. But don’t be fooled. Such little things are precursors or harbingers of big things. And the more someone focuses on these little things, especially one’s feelings, the sooner bigger things happen.

In this client’s experience he learned that a joy-orientation instead of task-orientation creates outcomes just as powerful, but much more enjoyable. It’s way more fun too!

It is law. If you’re chronically Positively Focused, your life must reflect that back to you.

The pay-offs are infinite

This kind of awareness, putting joy first, pays huge dividends. The greater one cultivates such an awareness, the more they realize we all live submerged in a sea of blessings, all happening specifically for our enjoyment.

This is the Charmed Life I write about. The experience of life as a moment-by-moment joyful experience born of the stories we tell. Were eveything one wants happens…effortlessly.

The Universe wants us all living in joy. That’s why discovering it feels so good. This client shared more of his unfolding experience later in the same session:

“There’s been a lot of moments,” he added. “Just in the last couple of weeks, where I’ve deliberately put my attention on the fact that me and society in general are all being pretty much taken care of all the time,”

“Aside from the amazing cosmic set-up allowing all this to happen,” He explained. “Even at the societal level [we’re taken care of].”

He went on describing things indicating this. For example, even simple things, inventions like the rear view mirror, he said, make life so easy for everyone.

“All the things we take for granted, yet they’re made out of compassion the benefit of others…everything, everything is geared up to help each other. It’s amazing!!!”

We live among treasure troves

Indeed, these little things, like roads, traffic signals, standards and conventions, and inventions like rear-view mirrors, reveal how good life is. But only to those willing to take time to appreciate what’s really happening.

With these inventions, every one of us may move through life in relative comfort, ease and joy. We can pursue all kinds of activities. Activities bringing us satisfaction, pleasure and fulfillment.

Afterwards, my client and I marveled in his realizations. And we marveled for a purpose. Because by focusing on these little things, focusing on them and appreciating them for the blessings they are, our perception broadens until life reveals its secrets.

In every life instance, every waking moment, we stand among treasure troves. Troves everyone enjoys, or takes for granted.

But when one focuses on these little things, recognizing and appreciating them, they soothe resistance born of bogus beliefs about life. Those bogus beliefs make the troves invisible. Meanwhile, these little things, things bogus beliefs make impossible to see, add up to larger blessings. They add up to things we desire, like more money, better work, peace and happiness and, yes, even love.

Castles and buttons both seen easy

Over time though, as resistance gives way to better-feeling stories, one discovers their place at the center of the Universe. There the Universe reveals its conspiracies. There are co-created processes happening all the time that deliver to everyone everything they want.

The revelation transforms human consciousness. It creates in the individual an unshakeable certainty of one’s eternal, invincible and blessed nature.

Only those who line up with what they want get this gift. The giving of which comes through telling stories matching what one wants.

Telling positive stories is the first step. Focusing on the little things that come from that comes next. These little things Abraham calls “buttons”. Once they become visible, seeing those things we really care about, the greater manifestations, gets easier. Abraham calls those greater manifestations, “castles“.

But again, perceiving accurately the buttons unfolding in order to see castles unfolding one must cultivate that chronic positive focus. When cultivated, nurtured and maintained, resistance born of negative stories fades. Then, like my client, the positive storyteller sees the bewildering reality of physical reality: the Charmed Life.

From there, buttons cause a giddy delight. Your gaze fills with them. Then and only then, riding on the momentum of evidence your Charmed Life exists, your castles start showing you steps leading to their unfolding. Like this trans-attracted client expressing his wonder at how well the practice works:

A different client realizing his Charmed Life.

Are you ready?

So by deliberately focusing on life’s positive aspects, one gradually lives a chronic state of experiencing buttons lining a path leading to castles. The bigger, full-blown manifestations waiting for everyone in their version of the Charmed Life exist. The question is, are people ready to experience them?

Whether you are or not, I love telling positive stories. Like my clients, I see more and more evidence of unfoldings consistent with what I want. Nothing is off limits. Everything is possible. I create a life rich in abundance of all kinds.

It’s gratifying seeing my clients get there too. And when they appreciate getting there, I revel in their appreciation.

For as they do that, it confirms my own process, my own practice, my own expansion. Then our sessions become what they ultimately are: opportunities to revel together in the unfolding or our creation-rich Charmed Lives.

Are you ready for yours?