A Powerful Transgender Woman Creates Her Best Man Yet

(Photo by Jeremy Bishop)

It’s so fun watching transgender women and trans-attracted people using stories to create their love lives. I love participating in that unfolding. When such people find their power, they realize they can create what they thought was impossible. Then their lives get really fun.

Of course, everything is possible. The only things keeping some things impossible are stories people tell. “That’s impossible” is a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Things change though when someone discovers they stand at the center of the Universe. There they realize they create everything around them. Including all the lovers they want…or the lack thereof.

Stories are powerful

A transgender client’s personal experience showed how powerful, or disempowering, stories can be. She started practicing with me 36 sessions ago. Last week, something happened that amazed her.

During those 36 weeks, Jennifer (not her real name) uncovered many disempowering stories. They included stories about dating, about men, about men’s intentions. But they also included stories about Jennifer herself. These included stories like the following:

  • I’m not good enough to get what I want
  • I’m too fat to get the guy I want
  • Men only want me for sex
  • I’m too old
  • Time’s running out for me to find a guy
  • I never can find the right guy I want

These stories together created Jennifer’s reality. What did that reality look like? One where men she met wanted her for sex, or for photos of her genitals. Several often called her, but only when drunk. They demanded sexually explicit texts, wouldn’t talk on the phone and when Jennifer pushed the issue, they would ghost her. Others made promises to meet in person, only to disappear later.

No wonder Jennifer created negative stories about dating, about men and about men’s intentions.

It’s not that her stories weren’t true. After all, she formed many of them from past experience. But if Jennifer wants what she wants, she can’t expect to get it while telling stories about what she doesn’t want, no matter how true they are.

Stories are powerful. They can create more of the same. Or they can create what you want.

Choose: get what you want or be right

Jennifer had a choice. She could tell true stories and be right. Or she could tell stories about what she wants and get that.

For example, one story she had about men was “I’ll never meet a nice guy locally”. Every guy she had met, she met through OKCupid. Desperation had her using online dating. No matter how many times I told her online dating works terribly, she kept using it.

That’s because she also believed it was the only way she met men. See how stories create reality? Her stories about not meeting local guys had her believing she could only meet men online. So that’s how she met them. And, the men she met there showed up consistent with her other stories. Especially stories about herself.

The online experience only amplified her frustration, which in turn reinforced her stories about men, her datability and her belief that she’d never meet the guy she wanted.

Again, Jennifer can’t tell stories about her past and get what she wants. Instead, she must tell stories about what she wants. That’s what we focused on in the ensuing 36 sessions.

A lot of transgender women would rather be right than get what they want, which is why they end up sad, bitter and alone. (Photo by Caleb Ekeroth)

Evidence starts proving it works

Over time, Jennifer’s new, empowering stories started creating realities consistent with themselves. It was rough going at first. Often Jennifer reinforced her old stories more than energizing new, more empowering ones.

However, there’s something cool about telling positive stories. Such stories enjoy enormous creative potential. You see, the Universe wants everyone to enjoy what they want, no exceptions. So when someone lines up with what they want by telling positive stories about it, they become a match to that. Then, that person gradually starts seeing evidence of what they want showing up everywhere.

That’s what happened with Jennifer. For example, men started waving at her as she walked down the street. Every time it happened, she said, she looked behind her to see if the guys were waving at someone else. Nope, they waved at her.

Or the male barista at the drive up kiosk would chat Jennifer up, where before he would ignore her. Another time a gas station attendant complimented her nails. And another time, a male restaurant sever paid particular attention to her as he attended the table she sat at with friends.

Ordinary people chalk these examples up to “coincidence” or some other logical explanation. But there’s no such thing as coincidence and logic has nothing to do with it! Everything happens on purpose. The purpose is reflecting back stories one tells about what’s happening.

The more Jennifer got this, the more such instances happened.

Evidence grows more insistent

Until one day while walking her dog at the local dog park, a man who also had his dog approached her. He said hi and Jennifer returned the greeting. They enjoyed a nice conversation while their dogs played. Afterward, the guy said “Oh, dude, I gotta go. I’m late.”

Now Jennifer interpreted that as the guy misgendering her. We don’t know what his intentions really were, but I told her telling such a story was not in her best interest.

“It’s better to make up a story that you feel better about,” I said.

“Like what?” She asked.

“Like ‘the guy was using “dude” like some people do. It’s just a figure of speech, like an exclamation”,” I replied.

At first, Jennifer didn’t like that new story. But after some cajoling she admitted it felt better than the knee-jerk story she wanted to tell.

I told her telling such stories would create the next evidence that would knock Jennifer’s socks off.

And that’s exactly what happened next.

Every transgender or trans-attracted person can enjoy a relationship that knocks their socks off. Unless their stories run contrary to having that enjoyment. (Photo by Jeremy Bishop)

It bowls you over

Jennifer had other stories not related to men and dating. These needed attention too. The combination of stories, what I call a Belief Constellation, creates everyone’s reality. Jennifer’s constellation included many negative stories about her work and her manager. Those stories kept Jennifer on edge, defensive and feeling like a victim.

Feeling on edge, defensive and victimhood makes one a match to situations that exacerbate feeling those ways. And not just work situations, dating situations too. That’s why we needed to soothe Jennifer’s work stories too.

That took a while, but the better Jennifer felt, the more she wanted to do the practice. In time, evidence at work convinced her more and more her new stories were working.

Her boss complimented her more and more. She gave Jennifer more responsibilities. When Jennifer announced she was looking for openings in other departments, her manager offered to reclassify her job so she could get more pay. Finally, her manager came out and told Jennifer how much she valued her and how much she wanted Jennifer to stay.

Evidence at work was bowling Jennifer over. It amazed her that simply telling positive stories could literally change her relationship with her boss!

Then one day Jennifer texted me from work telling me how a process I taught her – called PRE-PAVING – helped change her work experience. In the text, she misspells it as “preparing”:

Then it happened

Riding on that positive momentum created what happened next. Jennifer felt good about changes happening at work. So much so, she softened on the idea that she couldn’t meet men in person. She started acknowledging evidence showing she was meeting men. It’s just that she hadn’t soothed negative stories enough to have such men approach her in person.

That all changed rather suddenly.

A few days after a remarkably powerful session, Jennifer sent me a text. It was awesome:

Many layers prove how powerful this experience was for Jennifer. For one, she didn’t have to do ANYTHING to meet this LOCAL, GORGEOUS guy other than follow her intuition to take Rocco out for walk. Second, there’s NO WAY ON EARTH she could have deliberately sought out this guy. It could only happen this way, a perfect orchestration of her unfolding reality.

Third, the guy did all the work. He approached her and initiated a conversation. But most of all, what’s super awesome about this rendezvous, is through it, Jennifer realized yet another story she needs to clean up.

“He’s out of my league.”

However, even though that happened, she still had an experience totally contrary to EVERY experience she had in the past.

Every encounter a stepping stone

It’s really important at the point of receiving this experience that Jennifer enjoy the experience. Negatively judging herself does no good. Neither does harsh self-criticism about not doing something she thought she should have done. Everything worked perfectly here because this rendezvous wasn’t meant to be the perfect match or the perfect lover.

What it was, was an experience clarifying for Jennifer where she is on the path to becoming the perfect match to her perfect lover. How else will she know what disempowering stories remain in her constellation, if she doesn’t get to see her constellation in action? This experience worked perfectly.

It encouraged her. It created more desire in her. The fact that it happened gladdened her, inspiring her to the possibility that more such experiences can happen. It was a local connection! Something she thought impossible. And it showed that gorgeous men show interest in her.

So many disempowering stories got a dose of positivity just through this one experience. And so long as she remains in all these powerfully positive interpretations, Jennifer makes herself a match to more such experiences in the future.

Every client gets it

I love it when these kinds of things happen for my clients. Every client enjoys this kind of progression on their way to the love, the life, their greatest desires.

Everything is possible. Including having a relationship matching one’s wildest dreams. Nothing stands in the way of whatever anyone wants other than stories a person tells that are contrary to what’s wanted.

Clean those stories up though and watch how remarkable life gets.

Life is a wish-granting jewel. No matter what one wishes for, one can have it. One only need become a match to it, then draw that which is wished for to them as they hold themselves as a match to it.

I show clients how to do that. It’s easy, it’s fun and it works. Every time. You ready for your true love, your version of the wonderful life Jennifer’s creating? I can help.

[VIDEO] Find Joy In Looking For Love Then It’s Yours

The best way to get what you want is to pursue what you want because pursuing it is joyful. This is especially true when trying to find love as a transgender or a trans-attracted person.

That’s because “the odds” of you finding the love you want are very low…if you’re looking at the odds. Looking at the odds is what it means to be “realistic”. Being realistic means “trying hard”. It means doing what others did and their successes or failures. It involves focusing with the end in mind and “faking it till you make it.”

All of those ways can work. But look around at people doing it that way. It’s hard work. People hate the process. Hardly anyone gets what they’re after, because the path is so filled with struggle many or most give up on what they want. Or worse, they compromise. They settle for something “ok” instead of holding out for their dream.

Those outcomes happen when someone goes after something thinking the result is what they’re after. If, however, a person goes after something, knowing the journey to that thing is what matters most, the entire process and experience of the process changes. It’s no longer a struggle, it’s a joy. The process of doing becomes the purpose of the doing, not the means to the ends. And in that mind space, what one wants happens, fast.

Your action isn’t the main attraction

Why does this happen? Because when the mind isn’t focused on the end goal, the mind becomes more open to millions of avenues leading to the goal instead of the one way one thinks it must happen.

Think about it. When focused on a particular goal, say, finding a lover, usually people think of one particular way to get that lover. The main way they think it must happen has to do mainly with their taking action to “make something happen”.

But the majority of people who get what they want, especially really big things they want, hardly ever get those things through their hard work. And usually, when asked, those people attribute “success” to “luck” or “god” or some other force greater than themselves that made it all possible. There’s truth to their attribution. Your action is not the main attraction.

Often, these people reach a point in their “doing” where they realize they’ve done all they can. With nothing more they can do, they give up. They surrender to “come what may”. Typically, once they give up, once they surrender, that thing they want shows up. It’s not the surrender that makes that happen. It’s what happens when one surrenders.

Surrender to the journey

When one surrenders, they give up actions, but also thoughts standing in the way of the easy flow of what is wanted. In other words, the person no longer stands in the way of what they want. Instead, in giving up, they become a cooperative element in the unfolding.

Another way of “surrendering” is giving up focusing on the end goal and instead enjoying the process, doing what one’s doing for no other reason than the joyful doing of the doing. A client and I talked about exactly this recently. Take a listen:

I have several really big things I’m “manifesting”. They include things 99 percent of humans will say can’t be done. But I know those things on my list are as easy for me as an eternal being, with the power of the Universe behind me, to accomplish as it is to walk from one room to another. However, I must relax into the process of their unfolding, because I too have residual belief in their impossibility.

It’s not the “impossibility” of the things I want keeping them from happening. It’s the belief in the impossibility slowing things down. So for someone like me, who wants really big things showing up, I must focus relentlessly on the journey as the goal rather than the goal itself. That’s why I see, nearly every day, evidence of their unfolding.

Everyone can enjoy fulfilled dreams

Compared to what’s on my list, finding a partner, for a transgender or trans-attracted person, is easy as pie. Which is exactly why I write in this blog every week how easy finding a partner is. It IS easy. When a transgender person or a trans-attracted person gives up beliefs running contrary to the love, the ideal love, they desire, what they desire will come.

Thoughts contrary to what they desire aren’t the only ones that must go though. Thoughts seemingly having nothing to do with what they want also must go. This is why it seems to take forever for most people wanting a partner to find one. It’s also why some transgender and trans-attracted people never find their partner. They aren’t willing to surrender. Meaning, they aren’t willing to give up what they must to have what they want.

The biggest thing to give up is being right. Many transgender women and trans-attracted men will swear to the accuracy of their disempowering stories about men or transgender women. Little do they know their being right is one of the biggest things keeping them from enjoying their desires fulfilled.

Anyone can have what they want no matter what it is because the Universe is a wish-granting jewel ready to deliver ANYTHING someone can formulate desire for.

All that’s required is focusing on the reason why someone wants what they want rather than focusing on the thing wanted. Doing that will naturally put one in alignment with the wanted thing, so long as the reasons feel good. If a person can remain in those good feelings, instead of thinking about how lonely they are, or how impossible the goal seems, they’ll get what they want. It’s that easy.

Feeling good is like finding

It’s easy because when a person focuses on why they want what they want and feel good in that, the desire becomes more important than the fulfillment. They don’t need the thing they want, because they already feel good without it. So the desire’s fulfillment becomes irrelevant. When a person gets there, then having what they want is icing on the cake because they already feel as they will feel when what they want comes. Feeling good about what you want, is as good as having it. And when you’re there, you’re sure to have that which you want.

If you’re struggling to find that love you want, it’s likely you’re focused too much on the end goal of having the lover, instead of enjoying the journey to the lover. It’s not hard shifting that focus. It can happen in as little as five minutes. You know you’ve done that when you feel good right now, even without having that love you want. And again, when you feel good, you’re closer to having what you want than you think.

If you want to know more about how this all works, set up a free 1:1 and let’s talk. Let’s discover how easy it is to have the love you think is impossible. It’s not as impossible as you think. All you need is a bit more joy.

How To Easily Create Your Lover

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

There’s great power in managing vibration so that one stands in a high flying state. Doing so through positive storytelling one can literally shape others’ experiences. One can also shape other people. A powerful example of that happened this week with a Transamorous Network trans-attracted client.

This client finds himself profoundly affected by what he’s learned. He started four months ago. So he enjoys some proficiency with positive storytelling. But this week, like many clients, he came having had a rough few days. So when he showed up to the session, he wasn’t ready for what happened.

When I help clients attain a high proficiency with telling stories, I create a vibrational bubble in which I hold the session. Every session feels the same because of this. The high vibrational state I create then hold during the session “pulls” clients from wherever they are, to where I am. That’s why, unlike traditional therapy or counseling, every client enjoys extremely satisfying sessions containing powerful insights and breakthroughs.

A compelling offer

This time, however, I brought a lot more vibrational mastery to the table than usual. That’s because I meditated prior to the session, using a process which increases one’s vibrational focus. I also used another process because I wanted to amplify the great feeling I felt after meditation.

By the time I came to the session, I was bouncing off the walls with intense, positivity, appreciation and joy. So much so, the client’s socks got blown off.

The disparity between where he was and where I was was so great, he had to join me. He literally had no choice because my mastery was so strong. So when the client came into my bubble, his negative vibration had no place to go but outta here! 😂.

Which is why, after the session, he sent this:

Creating people on demand

When it comes to relationships, especially romantic ones, most people try to manipulate, convince, “love” (it’s not really that), bribe, blackmail or blame their partners into being someone they can be happy with. That hardly ever works.

Indeed, the whole idea of “love languages” is part of the problem with relationships. Expecting someone to be a certain way so you feel better is a recipe for disaster. It’s also not loving.

Loving is unconditional. That means, no matter how a person might be, you still love them. That’s hard when vibrational mastery eludes you.

But with vibrational mastery, not only can you love a person no matter how they are, when you do, THEY CHANGE.

The best way to change someone is to tell better stories about them. When you do, you “vibe” with the version of the person you want to experience. Then the person you’re with changes into that person. Better stories about that person make that possible. In the process you also feel fucking great!

Trying to change people through action or words hardly ever works. When it does work, it rarely lasts. It often also creates resentment. But using stories, you can make any change you want permanent. And people love you for it.

It’s just like what my client experienced. And I wasn’t even trying!

Want a powerful relationship with those you love, those you work with and those you care about? Stop trying to change them. Tell better stories about them, become a match to their best self. Then, watch how much power you have to create people on demand.

Want to know how? I can help!

Your Happy Transgender Love Lives Right Where You Do

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Several months ago when my newest client came to me, he was extremely resistant about his trans-attraction, among other things. His strong negative stories created in him an extreme negative life and self image. As a result, he wanted to commit suicide.

One thing driving him to want to kill himself was shame he felt about being attracted to transgender women. He contacted me for this purpose, and after working through some of his negative stories, he found himself feeling more optimistic about his attraction, an attraction that is normal and wholesome.

But the more we talked about the fact that his transgender partner is standing by waiting for him to become a match to who she is, this client uncovered more and more disempowering stories. Stories which kept him from becoming a match to that person.

For example, like many trans-attracted people and transgender women, he believed it’s impossible finding a transgender woman matching his desires. When he considered such a woman being in his area, he thought it even more impossible.

He told me the odds for why he’d never meet this girl. When I told him she likely lived in his area right now, he said “there are no transgender women in my small town“.

My newest client telling me he believes the odds of him meeting trans women are so low, compared to meeting a cis woman. But the odds don’t matter. Your stories about what’s possible shape everything, regardless of the odds.

Powerlessness and random go hand-in-hand

When people don’t understand “stories create reality”, it’s very easy for them to get discouraged. That’s because they cannot tell they are the ones creating their reality. Instead, reality seems to show up as a random set of events beyond their control.

But everything is under one’s control. And stories we tell ourselves, are levers we can use to exert that control.

A person without this knowledge finds themselves powerless when it comes to realizing their dreams. Which is why so many experience anxiety and depression. When one doesn’t know they create reality, it does feel like reality happens beyond their control. That’s what was happening with his client. He felt powerless to have what he wanted. And powerless to stop feeling so negative about himself, and his natural desire.

All that was about to change though.

If you don’t know stories you tell are creating your reality, then reality can be quite frustrating. Especially if you’re transgender or trans-attracted. (Photo by Nsey Benajah)

Changes beget more changes

For several weeks, many weeks actually, he continued strongly asserting this idea that no transgender women live in his area. He had never seen any, he said. He couldn’t imagine there being any in his area because his area is so small and so conservative.

Meanwhile, I held fast to the knowledge that transgender women are everywhere. And there is nowhere where it is impossible to meet a transgender woman. Especially when the universe is cooperating to deliver everything everyone wants, thereby making everything possible.

I held that knowing for my client even as my client gave reason after reason for why there are no transgender women in his area. Here is a text he sent me reiterating his argument:

In the ensuing sessions, however, this client experienced one epiphany after another. These epiphanies had profound effects on his existing belief constellation. The more he explored his existing stories and changed them into better-feeling ones, the lighter he felt about himself and life.

As that lightness took over, he saw his attempts at committing suicide as ridiculous. He became more compassionate towards himself and his desires.

Tectonic shift from little changes

At one point, he pointed out that he had hired a transgender escort in a town nearby. I explained to him that that was evidence that transgender women are in his area.

But he denied this as evidence simply because this transgender woman was an escort, a sex worker. Somehow, in my client’s eyes, her being a sex worker disqualified her from being a “transgender woman in my area“. That’s hilarious I told him.

I asked my client some weeks later to implement a process that is common in the practice. I told him that if he implemented this while at work, transgender women will show themselves anywhere he is. At first he was hesitant, he didn’t think it would work. But he decided to do it.

Some days later he texted me telling me that indeed he had seen a transgender woman. About a month after that he had a paradigm shift. He literally shifted his knowing around transgender women and his local community. The transition, the shift, was so powerful, he sent me a text:

The very next session he opened the conversation saying “there are plenty of transgender women in my area”.

I was shocked but not shocked. After all, I knew there were lots of transgender women in his area. Even in his small town. He just needed to change his stories. Doing so, he produced amazing shifts in his reality.

Then he went even farther. He told me later he talked with a transgender woman who he had actually went to high school with. So not only were plenty of transgender women in his area, he actually knew some transgender women personally.

You can’t see beyond your stories

Why hadn’t he recalled this earlier? Why had he claimed so strongly that no transgender women exist in his area?

This is the power of stories. Your stories create your reality. And you cannot see beyond them. Even though my client had gone to high school with this person, even though he lives within walking distance of other transgender women in his neighborhood, all he could see was the absence of transgender women.

This applies equally to transgender women. If you, as a transgender woman, believe there are no men who will love you, guess what? You will not find a man who will love you. Same goes for stories such as “all men are chasers“, or “men who are interested in trans women only want to be topped by trans women“, or “all men interested in transgender women are fetishizing trans people“.

These are all powerful stories many transgender women share. And while they seem true, the only reason why they appear that way is because the stories themselves create a reality confirming them.

It’s a little more complicated than that. I talk through this in great detail with my clients. But the basic premise holds 100% of the time: stories create reality.

Transforming life into the Charmed Life

My client proved this to himself in such a profound way, he has totally given up the old belief he once held. Now he feels empowered and excited about his future. He is eager to meet not just a transgender woman he can date, but other transgender women as well. He wants to plug into the community and support them as an ally. Changing his stories has been so profound on him, it’s like he’s a totally different person!

We extended his practice a bit farther last week. I recommend he get out more so the Universe can show him more evidence. Having done that, he texted me, just this morning, the following:

I love seeing these kinds of transformations within clients. It’s so fun working with people in such a way that they transform their life into the Charmed Life I talk about. The kind of life where everything happens for the person instead of the person “making things happen“.

I look forward to more epiphanies coming from this client’s experience. Because when he has an epiphany, I revel in it, which then creates fertile ground for me to experience more of my own epiphanies. There’s nothing better than knowing that stories create reality.

Are you ready for your own Charmed Life?

A Transgender Woman Finds Her Perfect Love

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

A client recently had a wonderful experience. She met her perfect match. She marveled that it happened, which set the stage for future such meeting.

Most people reading this account of how it happened won’t believe the person she met is her perfect match. But that’s exactly what happened.

We offer a matchmaking service here at the Transamorous Network. But it is not your typical matchmaking service. You don’t select someone you think is your match from a pool of candidates like people do through online dating. That way doesn’t work all that well. Instead, our “pool“ is the entire planet. And your selection happens by virtue of the stories you tell.

Then the universe coordinates events such that you meet your match effortlessly.

In this way, every client gets bespoke service: their matches come perfectly aligned with stories they tell at any moment. That makes every encounter a perfect match. That means most perfect matches don’t show up with “until death do us part” in mind. More often, they help a person know what stories need cleaning up before the perfect match the person really wants shows up.

In other words, often one’s perfect match in the moment represents a steppingstone to a better, more ideal perfect match coming in the future. So if you’re a transgender woman and you’re meeting shady, down low, or chaser men, they’re a perfect match to the stories (complaints about men) you’re telling yourself.

Creep? Or something else?

Such was the case with this client. She’s soothed many bogus stories. Stories about herself, about dating, about men, stories about relationships, all of which created a reality reflecting these beliefs back to her.

That’s why her dating life filled with men wanting her to top them, men calling her drunk just looking for sex, or transphobic men.

Again, all these men reflected back to my client stories she tells about her reality. And as she gradually did something about that, her life started reflecting back to her her changed beliefs.

Which brings us to the story she told at our session this week.

“I went to a gas station to fill my tank,“ She said. “The attendant came and I told him what I wanted and while my car was filling, he stood next to my car door.”

She said the attendant stood there even though other cars had come to fill their tanks as well.

“My initial thought was this guy’s creepy,” She said. “But then I remembered our talks, and realized that story was from my old beliefs about men and about being worthy of having someone who’s interested in me.“

There are plenty of men who will love you for who and what you are. But if you think all men are just out to objectify you, those are the only men you’ll meet. (Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash)

Inspired action opens the door

At that point, she decided to change her interpretation of what was happening. Instead of disempowering conclusions about men who get close to her or look at her, she considered that this guy standing next to her door was something else that what she thinks it was.

“So rather than rolling up my window,” She said. “I said to the guy ‘how are you doing?’ And the guy turned around and looked at me and said ‘I’m doing good’.”

She and the guy then had a brief conversation. Toward the end, the guy looked at her nails and said “I really like your nails”.

“What is this an indication of my beliefs changing?“ She asked.

“Yes!“ I said.

Most people will scoff at reading this. They will say “that’s not a match. That’s just some random event.” But unless you understand how reality happens, how stories create reality and how a person moves from negative to positive experiences through telling better stories, you can’t see this exchange for what it is.

It is a perfect matching up between the client and this guy complimenting her nails. The client knows this because this has never happened for her. She’s never, EVER, talked to a stranger this way beforeNor has a man ever complimented her about anything.

And yet here she was striking up a conversation, i.e., taking the initiative, and getting a very positive result. Needless to say, the client felt quite empowered.

That relationship you want is out there. It’s waiting for you to become a match to it. (Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash)

This? A perfect match?

But the most important thing is she recognized the experience for what it was: a perfect matching up of who she is becoming, in the moment, with an experience reflecting back that new version of her.

Why didn’t the guy ask her out, or indicate more interest? Why did he only offer a compliment? And how is this a perfect match?

The client still has several disempowering stories going on inside her. Many are about her being transgender. Many are about scarcity in the dating sense. She still believes hardly any men exist who will love her for who she is. As a result, she feels desperate and grasping about love. That’s a problem.

So this experience reflects back to the client the combination of her desires; resistance she still has about those desires, and beliefs which stand in contradiction of her desires. The Universe constantly delivers what everyone wants. But it can’t work around people’s resistance. If it could, then people wouldn’t have free will. Nor can it work through beliefs contrary to the desire. What people get then is a reality in which truncated versions of their desires show up.

The guy complimenting her nails was as close to the full-blown desire for a relationship this client can get given the combination above. That’s OK though, because she sees this exchange as a big improvement on guys asking for dick pics, wanting her to top them, or guys misgendering her.

Online dating can’t get around your disempowering stories. You’ll just hook up with person after person reflecting your stories back to you. Better to attend to your stories then let the universe match you up with your perfect match. Not only is it 100 percent free, it’s way more fun too! (Photo by Victoria Heath)

Getting ready for more

She and I delighted in the story. It was fun seeing all her work culminate in this wonderful experience. In delighting in what happened, the client knows she’s preparing herself for more significant experiences on the way.

As with all things in life, meeting your match this way is a gradual experience. It doesn’t have to take forever though. And it’s for sure way more fun than online dating.

But if you’re telling stories as a transgender woman, or a trans-attracted man, that your match is impossible to find or that men are always a certain way or transgender women are, then that gradual turns into forever. Life’s happiness gets sucked out of life experience. Then you become someone who thinks all men are chasers or transgender women are all gold-diggers.

Sound familiar?

At The Transamorous Network, we show people how to change all of that. Our clients effortlessly discover their perfect match. There’s never just one perfect match. There’s a succession of perfect matches, all cued up to offer delightful experiences like the one this client had. Experiences that will eventually culminate in that one match everyone thinks is the only one that will delight them.

The paradox of that belief is that you cannot have that match until you become a match to it. And becoming a match to it means that the ultimate match that you’re really wanting is the match in which you have with yourself. When you become that match, when your self love, your self appreciation knows no limit, the joy of self exists within you. And when you’re there, then you are truly a match to the love you deeply desire.

We guarantee every client that outcome. The perfect match awaits anyone wanting that. Ready for yours?