Get. Over. It. 

Nat Geo picThose angry about increasing visibility of transgender people need to “get over it.”

Those aren’t my words. Although I agree with them. They are Robin Hammond’s Words. Who’s Robin Hammond? He’s the guy who took the National Geographic cover photo of transgender girl Avery Jackson. Though the issue hasn’t been published yet, National Geographic is being both hailed and hated for it.

It’s just another step in the eventual full embrace of transgender people worldwide.

I’ve seen a lot of responses to this photo. Which is beautiful by the way. Avery’s quote is so perfect. Since we  focus on positive aspects the Transamorous Network, I’m not going to recount negative comments people and organizations have made about it. Instead, I’m going to quote Hammond’s reaction to them, which I think is gold:

“[Some people are] likely scared of change,” He said.  “They saw a world where [being trans] didn’t exist and now they see it as a new thing. It’s sad for them because it leaves them closed off to people who are different to them.”

“The best thing about being a girl is now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy.”

– Avery Jackson

If you’re interested in reading more about Hammond and his remarks, you can read this article. Here’s National Geographic’s explanation for their exceptional cover.

Where your “problems” come from

MirrorFirst, there are no “problems”. Since you probably, like most people, believe there are, we need to unpack that. I’ll get back to the fact that there are no problems in a moment.

Having trouble finding love? Having trouble finding work? Tired of all those “crazy” transwomen you keep meeting; the gold-diggers, players, skeezers, cheaters?  Tired of all the chasers, the guys who are in the closet, guys that want you to “top” them? Are you tired of hearing about people like you getting beaten and killed? Are you one of those people whose parents want nothing to do with you?

Do you pay attention to things like the latest transgender community survey?

There’s a way out of all that. But first, you have to really look at where all these problems are coming from. I mean really look. If any of the problems above (or any other problem) is your experience, and that experience has you feeling sucky, there’s something you can do to relieve yourself of them. Yes, “them”, meaning, all of them. But it’s going to take some time and it’s going to take some work. The first task: understand the one thing all your problems share.

That thing is YOU.

There is no way to deny that you are the common denominator of all your problems. The plain fact is, if you weren’t here, you wouldn’t be experiencing your problems. If you didn’t exist, your problems – at least as you’re experiencing them – wouldn’t exist because your experience wouldn’t exist. Right?

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Seems obvious, right?

This is so eye-rolling obvious, but I would bet, dear reader, that you haven’t stopped to think about how that obvious fact plays into your problem-experience. That you are the center of all your problems is why you are always meeting the same guys or girls in your search for love. It’s why you’re having a hard time finding that job you like. It’s why you’re  stuck feeling like being trans is so hard.

If you didn’t exist, neither would your problems.

Since you are the common denominator of all your problems, doesn’t it stand to reason

point finger
No denying it honey. You’re the problem.

that the solution to these problems isn’t “out there” in your “reality”, it’s somehow “in there” in side “you”? There’s an old saying: when you point a finger in blame, there are three fingers pointing back at you.  Your problems aren’t the problem. You are.


This is not some “positive self-help” meme. It’s basic reality. This also is the fundamental truth about our work here. We want you to have a fabulously fun, happy and exciting life where you experience all you want and NONE OF WHAT YOU DON’T WANT. You can’t have that life though if you’re blaming your reality for all the problems you see in it. Because the more you point the finger at your reality, the more problems you sow in that reality. The way out of your problems is to realize there are no problems.


And that is no Matrix movie bullshit. It is the most accurate statement about your world.

Now you and your friends might be like “this is such bullshit, you’re blaming the victim.” We actually had a person write us recently on our YouTube channel and make that claim. The problem with that statement is, it denies the common denominator of the problem. If the victim didn’t exist, there’d be no experience.

So the question then is, how do I (that’s you) have experiences that don’t look like problems?


There are no problems. Only clues.

First, what you think of are problems aren’t. What they are are clues showing you that you have your interpretation of your life experience all screwy. You are getting clues all the time, but you don’t usually pay attention to them, so the clues get bigger and bigger until they’re undeniable. Problem (lol) is you don’t see them as clues, you see them as problems. So instead of taking the clue, you look at it and complain about it. It’s like the pointing finger. It’s a simple clue, a symbol, indicating to every human being with hands that when you look out in the world and blame something out there, there is more evidence (three fingers as opposed to one) that the Source of the problem is the person pointing the finger.

Clues you interpret as problems get bigger and bigger until you do something about them. The biggest thing you can “do” to “get the clue” is to look at the stories you’re telling yourself. Your stories are creating your life experience. The more persistent stories have more dominance in your reality-creation. So if you’re complaining all the time that the only transwomen you meet are trifling, that story is going to predominate meaning your life experience is going to only allow you to meet trifling transwomen. Your meeting trifling transwomen, and your disappointment about that repeat experience, is your clue that you have a story creating something you’re not wanting.

If you want a happy life, you have to tell happy stories about your life. But don’t expect miracles to happen over night, although it can happen that way. Old stories take time to subside. New ones take time to settle in. But the good news is, you are always able to change your stories at any time. Which means you are always able to start changing your life experience at any time too.

Need help? We got your back. Contact us, or check out our materials. They’re gold.

Talking about your deepest desires

IN YOUR FACE FACEBOOK LIVE PROMOOn Monday we’re launching our newest show. It’s about you, your deepest desires and how to have them become your reality. It’s called IN YOUR FACE and you can only watch it on Facebook.

We know you want pretty much what everyone else does. You want love in your life. It can be expressed many different ways. But love is a BIG desire in everyone’s life. You want to be loved, which in this case means accepted. Whether that’s a family, or a network of friends or a group of people who accepts you as you. You want fulfilling and meaningful things to invest your time into. Whether that’s a job or a hobby, a vocation or something you pursue for fun, you want to contribute to this world in a way that reflects the unique aspects of you. And you want money. Yes, it’s the nature of our world right now that money makes a lot of things possible. So we all want it. Many of us want a lot of it.

Men, you want a transgender partner you can call your own, on your own terms. You’re

IN YOUR FACE is only on Facebook Live

tired of the games and drama. You’re tired of the gold-diggers looking for “generou$” men. You’re tired of hearing transwomen tell you indirectly that the only reason you’re interested in a “tranny” is because you’re too much of a loser to get a real woman. You’re wanting all the things above too: love, money, engaging work, but you also want self-respect, a sense that you’re desire for transwomen is normal and ok.


There a lot of things people who will watch our new show don’t want too. These are reflections of what you do want. You don’t want skeezer men chasing you. You don’t want men who won’t introduce you to their friends. You don’t want to keep working in the sex industry just to afford hormone treatments. Men don’t want to be humiliated for their desire. They don’t want to be told they’re gay because of their attraction. Et cetera. Et cetera.

For all these reasons, the Transamorous Network introduces our newest show: IN YOUR FACE. Join us for a conversation about you, your deepest desires and our transgender community. We’ll be taking your questions and answering them live.

It’s IN YOUR FACE. Only on Facebook Live. IN YOUR FACE begins Monday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. Pacific.

They’re coming out in droves!

age-of-the-transamorous-manMore Transamorous men are making themselves known through our show. So far we have officially interviewed three. Those episodes are in preproduction so they’re  not quite up yet. Other interviews are on the way.

What’s interesting about each of these guys (plus the ones did not qualify for our show) is every one of them are desperately looking for a transwoman of their dreams. The usual methods aren’t working for them though. So they’re looking for a better way.

We have a better way. The more popular it gets, the more success guys are gonna find. We really want to launch our match making service, but we really want to base it on our material. That way girls and the guys who love them know they are meeting serious people with their stories straight. To have that in place is a great basis for a successful relationship. So we want to see more momentum generated on our material before launching our exclusive match making service.

I’m particularly impressed with how our stories here at the network about Transamorous Men has produced exactly what we guarantee: an over abundance of these guys. I’m now personally talking with a group of 30 Transamorous guys on Facebook – all out and proud about their Transamory. I didn’t know this group even existed!

Unicorns my ass! LOL.

Our material works. Even if you’re not looking for a guy (I’m certainly not) you can create that story and change your reality! That’s how powerful this method is. Well, it is totally consistent with how reality operates.

So cool!

Gotta love the moms (and dads)

It’s not impossible.

It may be hard to read this post if you’re transgender and your family has disowned you, or you’re transamorous and in the closet because you’re afraid your family may reject you. But I’m telling you that focusing on the following instead of the rejection you feel or your fears can produce a miracle for you.

There are increasing numbers of parents realizing their transgender children deserve their love, attention and affection. I was going to write this just about moms, because I see more and more stories of them coming to this realization. However, recently, like in the last two weeks, I’ve come across more stories of dads doing the same thing. The latest and probably highest-profile is Warren Beatty’s  adoration of his son. But I’ve seen others.

If you have been rejected by your family, it may bring no solace to know that your experience and your desire for your family’s acceptance has paved the way for these new emerging transgender children to be born to loving, accepting parents. But that is exactly what is happening. That the parents are stepping up to being loving accepting parents can have an effect on your relationship with your parents. The reason why is because your relationshp with your parents is having an effect on their relationship with theirs. I can assure you your parents can become loving and accepting of you. If that is what you want. So long as you focus on the fact that they are not loving and accepting, however, they cannot become the loving and accepting people you want them to become.

Nothing stays the same. Everything is always changing. It just looks like things are staying the same because we humans tend to focus on what is, thus creating more of that instead of using the constantly changing nature of reality to create what we want. The transgender community can go so much farther focusing on what is going right, that spending so much energy focusing on what is going wrong. This includes transamorous men. The more we focus on all the great things happening in our lives and the world, the lower the probability that you will experience the fears and shame you harbor about your attraction, fears and shame that keep you in the closet.

We’re all connected. Meaning, these young transpeople coming into the world are riding high on the fulfillment of your desires for parental love and acceptance. You can have that same experience. But you have to get out of your own way first. We can show you how to do that.

While you’re thinking about that, check out these awesome dads who have realized their transgender children deserve their love.