Video: Dads who love their trans kids




We have a great time talking about this video ( where dads of transgender children gush about their support of their kids. Awww. Can it get any better?

According to the video producer Human Rights Campaign “Countless parents of transgender and gender-expansive youth are pledging to make the world safer for their children. HRC is proud to release a video highlighting some of the spectacular dads who are standing up and speaking out in support of their trans kids.”

We think it’s an awesome development and as we see more men supporting their trans children, you can bet you’ll see more men (like you perhaps?) interested in having romantic relationships with transwomen coming out too! It’s just one more bit of evidence that the world is becoming a better and better place for transwomen and the men who love them.


Gotta love the moms (and dads)

It’s not impossible.

It may be hard to read this post if you’re transgender and your family has disowned you, or you’re transamorous and in the closet because you’re afraid your family may reject you. But I’m telling you that focusing on the following instead of the rejection you feel or your fears can produce a miracle for you.

There are increasing numbers of parents realizing their transgender children deserve their love, attention and affection. I was going to write this just about moms, because I see more and more stories of them coming to this realization. However, recently, like in the last two weeks, I’ve come across more stories of dads doing the same thing. The latest and probably highest-profile is Warren Beatty’s  adoration of his son. But I’ve seen others.

If you have been rejected by your family, it may bring no solace to know that your experience and your desire for your family’s acceptance has paved the way for these new emerging transgender children to be born to loving, accepting parents. But that is exactly what is happening. That the parents are stepping up to being loving accepting parents can have an effect on your relationship with your parents. The reason why is because your relationshp with your parents is having an effect on their relationship with theirs. I can assure you your parents can become loving and accepting of you. If that is what you want. So long as you focus on the fact that they are not loving and accepting, however, they cannot become the loving and accepting people you want them to become.

Nothing stays the same. Everything is always changing. It just looks like things are staying the same because we humans tend to focus on what is, thus creating more of that instead of using the constantly changing nature of reality to create what we want. The transgender community can go so much farther focusing on what is going right, that spending so much energy focusing on what is going wrong. This includes transamorous men. The more we focus on all the great things happening in our lives and the world, the lower the probability that you will experience the fears and shame you harbor about your attraction, fears and shame that keep you in the closet.

We’re all connected. Meaning, these young transpeople coming into the world are riding high on the fulfillment of your desires for parental love and acceptance. You can have that same experience. But you have to get out of your own way first. We can show you how to do that.

While you’re thinking about that, check out these awesome dads who have realized their transgender children deserve their love.




Video: Sensitizing cops to our community

can-cops-be-sensitiveWe look at a training video from the US Department of Justice meant to educate law enforcement on the transgender community so they can become sensitive to our issues. Good idea, but will it work?

We see this as yet another great indication that transgender people are being increasingly accepted by the mainstream. This can only mean more opportunity for transwomen and transamorous men to find the acceptance they crave.





Can cops be tans-sensitive?

badgeIn this era of BlackLivesMatter, it seems cops, generally, can’t recognize themselves in the people they are “sworn to protect and serve.” However, I have to remind myself that media reports of cops killing black people represents minority of the number of encounters people have with the police. As much as it is challenging to remember, I believe the majority of police officers are doing their best in a, frankly, shitty situation.

So when I came across this federally-sponsored transgender sensitivity training video, My first reaction was “wow, they really went a long way to produce this video. Well done.” Then my cynicism popped up and I had to allow that prejudice to subside before realizing that this video will not only help cops become more sensitive to the Trans community’s issues, it will probably create more favorable – i.e. respectful – encounters between police and transgender people.

It’s worth a watch.

Video: A transgender love story


Our latest guest, Kelly, is a Roller Derby Girl, a phlebotomist, spent a crazy amount of time in Alaska before moving to Las Vegas and had the perfect marriage with her wife Mary before….well, you’ll just have to watch the show.

Another zany, fun interview with another fabulous transwoman. Sometimes, love comes when you least expect it.