Talking about your deepest desires

IN YOUR FACE FACEBOOK LIVE PROMOOn Monday we’re launching our newest show. It’s about you, your deepest desires and how to have them become your reality. It’s called IN YOUR FACE and you can only watch it on Facebook.

We know you want pretty much what everyone else does. You want love in your life. It can be expressed many different ways. But love is a BIG desire in everyone’s life. You want to be loved, which in this case means accepted. Whether that’s a family, or a network of friends or a group of people who accepts you as you. You want fulfilling and meaningful things to invest your time into. Whether that’s a job or a hobby, a vocation or something you pursue for fun, you want to contribute to this world in a way that reflects the unique aspects of you. And you want money. Yes, it’s the nature of our world right now that money makes a lot of things possible. So we all want it. Many of us want a lot of it.

Men, you want a transgender partner you can call your own, on your own terms. You’re

IN YOUR FACE is only on Facebook Live

tired of the games and drama. You’re tired of the gold-diggers looking for “generou$” men. You’re tired of hearing transwomen tell you indirectly that the only reason you’re interested in a “tranny” is because you’re too much of a loser to get a real woman. You’re wanting all the things above too: love, money, engaging work, but you also want self-respect, a sense that you’re desire for transwomen is normal and ok.


There a lot of things people who will watch our new show don’t want too. These are reflections of what you do want. You don’t want skeezer men chasing you. You don’t want men who won’t introduce you to their friends. You don’t want to keep working in the sex industry just to afford hormone treatments. Men don’t want to be humiliated for their desire. They don’t want to be told they’re gay because of their attraction. Et cetera. Et cetera.

For all these reasons, the Transamorous Network introduces our newest show: IN YOUR FACE. Join us for a conversation about you, your deepest desires and our transgender community. We’ll be taking your questions and answering them live.

It’s IN YOUR FACE. Only on Facebook Live. IN YOUR FACE begins Monday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. Pacific.

The latest trans survey is out

Pay no attention
Information contained in this survey is not in your best interest.

If you’re transgender and wanting an empowered, happy life, if you’re wanting to change your life for the better, then pay no attention to this survey published today. I included a link, but suggest you not go read it.

If you’re not happy with “what is” in your life, you’re better off not paying attention to news about this survey or the survey results. There’s a lot of negative information in the survey, information confirming what is in “the transgender community”.

But the “transgender community” is not “your life”.  Your life is an overwhelming flow of  great things happening, things which indicate life is getting better and better for you. Focus on stories about those things and I guarantee your life will look nothing like the lives of people responding to this survey. Focusing stories in those survey data instead of the great things in your life, will blind you to the greatness in your life, the things you want more of, and give you more of what you’re not wanting. You’ll become a statistic in this survey.

So tell stories of what you’re wanting. Wanting a partner and don’t have one? Tell the story of how good it will feel to have a partner. In an unfortunate economic circumstances and wanting more money? Tell the story of how great it will feel to have more money. Homeless and want a place to live? Tell the story about how sleeping in your own bed will be such a relief. Unemployed and wanting work? Tell the story of doing something you love and earning income from that. Then feel the positive emotions of those stories.

You’re far better off focusing on anything other than this survey. Is the weather good where you live? Got a favorite movie or food? Got a pet you adore? Turn off the internet. Watch Nashville.

The survey results aren’t going to make you feel good. Feeling not-good is not in your best interest. Not while you’re unaware of what your feelings are telling you. I know, nearly everyone else is saying exactly the opposite. They are saying you should know this information because there are people suffering. They are saying more attention paid to these statistics will make a difference. But your circumstances won’t change because of this survey or the stories in it.

Only you can change your circumstances. Stories about struggle, pain and fear, disadvantage, poverty and violence DOES NOT serve you. It doesn’t matter what other transpeople are doing. It doesn’t matter what people are doing to those people. It only matters what stories you tell yourself.

Tell stories about the getting better in your life. And the rest of your life will follow suit.


Hollywood is stepping up

hollywood_sign_zuschnittThough it may not be intentional, it seeems Hollywood is learning that transpeople (and blacks) are a hot commodity.

Case in point: GLAAD recently published a report showing that television is featuring more black and transwomen than ever before. It details the tremendous progress being made on the small screen for transwomen and blacks.

It’s interesting that just last month we featured on our show our opinion that things were getting better for transpeople. We also highlighted how the trans-rights movement is following the lead of the well-established civil rights movement of the 60s. It’s nice to see reality match our desires.

From the mail bag


I’m really excited we here at the Transamorous Network are meeting so many new and interesting people. We’re even starting to get mail. Nice. Like this one, which we really, liked so much, we did a show on it.


Just curious, will you be delving into the realities of sex with trans women? Without getting too into it, I’m one half of a trans/trans couple, and I feel like this is one of the absolute least talked about issues with men who are attracted to trans women. I’ll get a little blunt here: Often trans attracted men cross into “chaser” territory solely by virtue of refusing to understand that sex with trans women VERY rarely looks like the porn they’re watching. The majority of trans women (I’d even venture to say the vast majority) are some combination, or at least one of the following: 1. Unable to top- Hormone Replacement Therapy can make a trans woman’s erections not “fully functional” in the sense that they cannot penetrate with their genitals. 2. Uninterested in, or more likely actively turned off by topping. 3. Has some form of Genital and/or sexual role dysphoria. Most trans women I know fall into all three categories, and the rest generally fall into a mixture of 1 and 2, or 1 and 3. The girls who do not fall into these categories aren’t porn stereotypes either, and often have many of the same sexually submissive desires that the trans women above do. Being a trans person myself I’m very aware of how entitled cis people can be in terms of our bodies, and trans women get the brunt of this even more. Sexually charged messages that turn trans women off and distress them instead of the opposite are the norm. I feel like if a trans attracted man wants to be considered just that instead of a chaser, he should be aware of these realities, be aware of the fact that trans women often have complicated relationships with their bodies and that you’re unlikely to find a Bailey Jay clone to date, that sex is not all about What Can This Trans Woman’s Penis Do For Me?, and more. Trans women are treated like they are broken and wrong by entitled men if they do not fit the unrealistic porn stereotypes, and I think that needs to change. If your (note that I’m using the ‘general you’ term here) sole interest, or the majority of your interest in trans women is for sexual reasons that come from manufactured porn where dominant, fully functional TGirl Tops romp through your dreams, I cannot help but feel that dating trans women out in the real world is going to not only be less than a useless venture, that you are going to actively harm and demean the trans female community, a group that already has an extremely hard time finding real, genuine people to be interested in them as the women they ARE and not the sex toy that these men WISH they WERE. I’d be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this, as would my girlfriend.

We’re also getting more and interesting comments on our YouTube Channel, which is exciting too.

I’m encouraged by all this because we are becoming better-known in the community, which is a good thing, because what we’re offering can really help people. It’s cool beans.

United colors of trans

This graphic is Cool beans. According to UCLA the transgender community as a total population is Quite a bit more diverse as the general populace. Don’t know why I Think this is “No shit Sherlock” information.

We did a show about this data where we analyzed why we think this is news. It’s short and a great entry into our material.  Check it out.
