Ooh ooh, I LOVE this

Freak-flag flyThere’s an article on Medium got my attention. Be A Fucking Weirdo, it’s called.

It’s really about creativity.  But it’s so spot on for transpeople.  It totally works for Transamorous Men. The gist is, you’re only going to give to the world what you came to give to the world by being all that you are, not that stuffed-into-a-box person you became after childhood. Let your freak-flag fly because you’ll love your self and give room for others to do that too.

As a creative, I love this kind of messaging. As a Transamorous Male, I love it even more. I love being on the edge, where humanity is taking steps into the known-unknown of its own becoming.  Knowing I create my own reality, there’s no risk, no fear.  Only Joy.

You can live this joy too.  It doesn’t matter if you’re trans, or someone romantically attracted to transpeople.  Joy is there for the having folks.  You just have to apply a little more attention to the life you live in your “head” and a little less attention to the world around you….just for a while.

Then watch your world change right before your eyes.  Promise.

Just love this juicy part. I think it speaks right at us:

If you try and turn yourself into a stranger, someone you don’t truly recognise when you look in the mirror and see grey where there used to be vibrant colour, sooner or later that’s going to hurt you. It will crush you.

You’ll start to lose any kind of value in your life and you won’t feel comfortable in your skin.

That’s no way to live. It’s no way to be. It’s no way to exist. When you start to lose the pieces of you that give you a fire for life, sooner or later that fire goes out.

I don’t want to be there when that happens to you. It’s sad, it’s hard and it’s painful. Hiding from yourself is the surest path to self hatred, self pity and a whole lot of missed potential.

I don’t believe it will actually crush you if you look in the mirror and see grey.  I do believe that “crushing” pressure will – in some way – force you to realize what you really are and get on with being that!  No risk.  All joy.

That is, if you choose.

Shit gets real


What makes Jaycee so freaking awesome? We think we know. So will you when you listen to our funny romp across her daily life, her recent romantic experiences, what she wants to be when she grows up and how the powers that be are helping make that happen.  It gets real in this episode as the sordid details come-a-flying.


That took no time at all!

IMG_0003You make your reality. Here’s more proof.

Last week we posted a blog post about the future that is coming where Transamorous Men would stand up, come out, own what they are and, as a result shift society from their own powerful point of desire (desire is what makes reality).   This shift would radically transform society in much the same way transpeople radically transform themselves to align what they are physically, with what they know themselves to be.

Of course, Transamorous Men are everywhere. And they are good, kind, upstanding, men of all economic backgrounds and ethnicities. If you’re not meeting one, you’re looking in the wrong places.

In that prior post we said “we will be eager to see the day when..” Transamorous Men take their place in mainstream life, showing that loving transpeople is as normal as breathing. That’s powerful desire. We actually wrote that post before we launched The Transamorous Network (we had written 25 posts in advance). Here’s what’s happened since we scheduled the post to go live.

  • We launched this website and immediately began getting readers and comments about the  content, about how much potential there was for the Network.
  • We spoke of launching the podcast, which then manifested Remy, and then Shannon in an effortless way.  No searching, no struggle, they showed up and it’s a perfect match of personalities. We’re still smiling with every episode we produce. Our co-hosts are amazing.
  • Then, we met a man who was interested in being on the show, but for all the wrong reasons. We had him on the show, but the Skype connection was so bad, we couldn’t do the show. Thank goodness! We didn’t let that deter us. We knew he was an indicator of something better on the way!
  • We’ve had six or so lovely interviews with Transwomen, all of these women have thoroughly enjoyed themselves on the show. We enjoyed them too!
  • Meanwhile, we’ve been reaching out to the transcommunity, letting them know about the show on YouTube, Craigslist, and OKCupid.
  • As all this momentum has increased, it was not surprising then that we would meet Micah. You’re going to hear about Micah shortly. Micah is an unassuming man. He’s an executive chef from Hawaii who grew up Mormon and now lives in Spokane, Washington. We’re not going to ruin the show for you, but what’s interesting about Micah is he is out and proud about his eight-year relationship with his transpartner.

We’re looking forward to having Micah on the show. We think our audience is going to love him. We already do.  That’s because he represents to us our desires being fulfilled. As we knew it would.

The men are coming

Transamorous Man AgeI’m eager for the day when more transamorous men are out and open about their romantic attraction to transwomen. I’m certainly doing my part, with this blog, my new podcast and the fledgling YouTube Channel. I recently sent invitations to like ten men I’ve seen online in various websites, sharing their interest in transwomen via M4T posts. So far not one has accepted the invitation or even replied.

There’s a reason I call The Man’s Guide To Finding Your Transgender Partner “The Man’s” guide. To quote directly from the guide:

It’s called “The man’s guide to finding a transgender partner” for a reason.  Getting what you want means embracing who you are in all your glorious authenticity.  It takes courage, persistence, patience, self-awareness.  You must overcome those fears.  Good news is the Universe is standing by to back you up.  The results you produce will be worth it.

A “man” in today’s world is not the same “man” that you’ve learned in school, from family or books and movies.  A “man” in this case is someone who lives life authentically, on his own terms, who doesn’t give a shit what others think, and has an optimistic, constructive perspective on the life he sees and is creating.

Don’t worry if this isn’t you.  Within every male is a man waiting to get out.  The process outlined in this book is a great way of freeing your authentic manhood.  That’s because living authentically and pursuing your dream will require you to develop those characteristics listed above.

I know there are men who are married to transwomen. I know there are men who are dating transwomen. I know there are at least two men who are being authentic about their attraction to transwomen without a care for what the world thinks of them.

The momentum already has begun. Soon there will be thousands of men, tens of thousands, out and proud about who they love and who they are.

Transwomen and the entire trans community will be so much better off when that day comes. And it is coming.