Why the recent trans murder is not relevant

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Christa Steele-Knudslien (Facebook)

We’re not sure the latest murder of a transwoman, the first of 2018, should be considered a hate crime and thus included among the epidemic of murders over the last few years.

Instead, we see it as domestic violence. For the spouse of this locally famous transwoman murdered her, not in a fit of shameful hate-filled rage that accompanies a true hate crime, but instead in a fit of out-of-mindness, similar to any other crime of passion.

We’re not taking anything away from the tragedy, or from the fact that another transwoman was murdered. What we are saying is circumstances surrounding this one seem to be quite a departure from recent trends.

According to police (as reported in the New York Post), her husband, Mark Steele-Knudslien, pleaded not guilty to murder after admitting hitting her with a hammer and stabbing her after an argument. Not a hate crime. A case of domestic violence. Admitted.

Sad, but not something out of the ordinary:  women are murdered by men in similar contexts far too often. Transwomen are women. So it shouldn’t be a surprise something like this happened.

We are eager for the day when it is a surprise. For as we said, it happens far too often. But this tragic incident should not be included among the real travesties of justice.


They died to galvanize progress

3EFC2649-0748-4A80-9437-0A6AC69DFE97Nearly 30 transgender people in this year alone have returned to the non-physical realm in daring and courageous ways in support of the transgender community. I’m thrilled with the progress they have contributed to the community and the world at large, as more people realize the need to further embrace transgender people. It’s been a little over a week since the Transgender Day of Remembrance. So it’s apt to recall these people.

It seems tragic to think these 30 people “lost” their lives. However, death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. Nor is dying at the hands of a murderer. This is hard to get, but a broader perspective will show that all 30 of these gallant, courageous people traded a relatively minor experience (from the perspective of the eternal, powerful beings we are) in order to trigger greater change in physical reality.

So it is from that perspective that we honor these people by listing them here on our site. They have done a LOT to make most of what is happening in society possible.

To them we say thanks!

  1. India Monroe, 29, was murdered on Dec. 21, 2016 in Newport News, Virginia
  2. Mesha Caldwell, 41, Canton, Mississippi
  3. Sean Ryan Hake, 23, Sharon, Pennsylvania
  4. Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow, 28, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  5. JoJo Striker, 23, Toledo, Ohio
  6. Tiara Richmond, also known as Keke Collier, 24, Chicago
  7. Chyna Gibson, also known as Chyna Doll Dupree, 31, New Orleans
  8. Ciara McElveen, 26, New Orleans
  9. Jaquarrius Holland, 18, Monroe, Louisiana
  10. Alphonza Watson, 38, Baltimore, Maryland
  11. Chay Reed, 28, Miami
  12. Kenneth Bostick, 59, Manhattan
  13. Sherrell Faulkner, 46, Charlotte, North Carolina
  14. Kenne McFadden, 27,  San Antonio
  15. Kendra Marie Adams, 28
  16. Ava Le’Ray Barrin, 17, Athens, Georgia
  17. Ebony Morgan, 28, Lynchburg, Virginia
  18. Tee Tee Dangerfield, 32, Atlanta, Georgia
  19. Gwynevere River Song, 26, Waxahachie, Texas
  20. Kiwi Herring, 30, was killed during an altercation with police on August 22
  21. Pepper K. Aka Phoenix, 33, Columbus, Ohio
  22. Kashmire Nazier Redd, 28, was fatally stabbed by his partner on September 5
  23. Derricka Banner, 26, Charlotte, North Carolina
  24. Scout Schultz, 21, was shot and killed by Georgia Tech campus police on September 16
  25. Ally Steinfeld, 17, was stabbed to death in Missouri in early September
  26. Stephanie Montez, 47, Robstown, Texas
  27. Candace Towns, 30, Macon, Georgia

Eight election victories….

Elected officials who happen to be trans. l-r Danica Roem, Lisa Middleton, Andrea Jenkins

There’s reason to celebrate.

With eight elections going to transgender candidates in the US, and some number more going the same way in Canada, it’s hard to believe the hype of those who fear “Trumpism.” For the alt right belief system is backfiring (as seen from alt-right believers). From our perspective though, it’s just exactly as we expected: Trump is doing transgender people a HUGE favor by galvanizing people to be MORE sympathetic to the cause.

Already there is a two-third majority in the US saying the nation has not gone far enough to address issues transgender people face. Don’t listen to the headline news. They are trying to sustain their advertising revenues. It is not as bad as it seems to be in society. If you take control of the stories you tell, your life will get even better than it is.

On top of these election wins and the overwhelming number of people supporting more support for transgender people, we have the Pentagon paying for the surgery of a transgender soldier in direct contradiction of Trump’s proposed ban tweet. If you think Trumps stupid decree was going to signify some collapse of support of transpeople, how do you explain this?

We have and will always contend the world is getting better for transgender people. If you aren’t having that experience, you have within your possession the ability to change your experience: the power rests within your ability to choose what you focus on.

We expect to see more things going the way of transgender people in the future. These outcomes, such as the recent news out of the Pentagon and the recent election wins, are indications of more to come.

For we haven’t seen anything yet.

I knew the day was coming….

THEY CAN DO THATIt was only a matter of time before medical advances made womb transplantation a possibility. This technology already has been pioneered in cisgender women. It becoming available to trans women was a foregone conclusion.

While it may be some time before it is perfected. I am certain it will be. After all, as I’ve said many times, All That Is seeks to express itself in as many varied ways as possible in its effort to explore its expansion and creativity. So no wonder some trans women would ask for, and receive technologies making it possible for them to birth children.

And, of course, there are souls waiting to come into the world in exactly this manner.

Prepare for a massive backlash of ethical and moral arguments, particularly from those trapped in perspectives which see only “man” and “woman”. Those words and concepts are increasingly being blown out of the water as All That Is exerts its true nature upon human narrow-mindedness: humanity, as everything else, is an expression of All That Is. That means there never was a hard distinction between the two genders….and that includes the two sexes. I would not be surprised, for example, for a gay male couple, in the future using this technology to “birth” a child between them.

Stranger things have and will happen.

And this is just the beginning. We are in momentous times. Expect the unexpected. But just know, everything is always working out. Even when you think it’s not.

When a playmate means something

Ines Rau
Playboy’s newest playmate: transgender model Ines Rau.

There have only been a few times when Hugh Hefner’s Playboy magazine used it’s societal prominence to score a strategic win for human rights. The first was the magazine’s debut itself. For it recast women as sexual beings deserving of a right to sexuality. Ironic. Because the magazine is regarded by some as a sexist objectifying rag.

Everything can be seen in multiple fashions depending on your story.

As an icon of early American sexuality, Playboy used it’s culture-shaping influence, literally, to influence a number of women’s causes, including abortion rights in the 60s and 70s. So says a University history professor in a recent Fortune Magazine article on the subject.

“In its heyday in the 60s and 70s, Playboy was supportive of mainstream liberal feminist causes,” says Carrie Pitzulo, an adjunct history professor at Colorado State University and author of the 2011 book Bachelors and Bunnies: The Sexual Politics of Playboy. The magazine “was considered an empire; a cultural leader at that time.”

The magazine’s stance on women’s reproductive rights, Pizulo says, “helped move the culture in a freer direction for everyone.” And its advocacy reflected Hefner’s personal espousal of sexual freedom in every form.

Right around this time, eight years before Roe v. Wade, Playboy took another daring move: featuring a black woman for the first time, in March 1965, as playmate of the month. 1965! Ballsy approach Hef, for we know at that time the civil rights for African Americans was in full swing. As it was announced that Jenny Jackson would be the March playmate, as you’d expect back then, cis-het white males were up in arms:

cis-het-white rants

Today it’s the same thing as Playboy prepares to make history again, again at a crucial social moment, by featuring transgender model Ines Rau in its pages. As the second quote above shows, history is repeating itself. There are a handful of people lambasting the magazine, pulling their subscription or threatening to do to. But you can bet there are just as many Playboy subscribers (and likely far more) salivating for the upcoming issue so they can feast their eyes on the beautiful Rau. Just as there probably were cis-het-white men secretly salivating to feast their eyes on a naked Jenny Jackson.

History does repeat itself it seems. But there is always ALWAYS progress.