Our Podcast is looking good

Shannon and REmy
Shannon Scott and Remy Ilmatar, co-hosts of the Transamorous Network Podcast

I’m excited this morning. I’m thinking about the first episode of The Transamorous Network’s Podcast, which we recorded last week. It was fascinating. Remy Ilmatar and Shannon Scott, my co-hosts and I were so in synch with our thoughts and ideas shared during the show. I’m eager to share it with everyone.

We’re going go get a few more episodes in the can though before we launch it. Still, I’m excited. Can you tell?

Remy is a dear friend I met while attending a trans function here in Portland. We hit it off, had tea, hit it off even more, then became friends. One thing lead to another and I asked if she’d be willing to help edit the Man’s Guide To Finding Your Transgender Partner. It’s funny, I asked five of my transgender friends to read it. She was the only one who completed it. I admire her for that follow through.

Anyway, not only did she do a great job on editing the work, the work had a transformational effect on her life, even though The Man’s Guide wasn’t written for transwomen (I’m working on The Transwoman’s Guide now). She talks a lot about this in our first Podcast Episode. It’s so cool.

So far, one of the best decisions I’ve made with Transamorous Network was to invite Remy as a (test) Co-host. Her views are a perfect complement for the show. Of course, her credibility as a transwoman is gold, so is her natural character, which is a “I take no shit from no one.” May I sum it up that way Remy?

Expect her to have colorful things to add to our upcoming interviews.

I met Shannon through a series of events, events which I describe in both guides. They were a seemingly “coincidental” string of introductions, activities and conversations which had us meet. Our meeting, over tea lasted three hours! Neither one of us wanted it to end, we connected that strongly. Shannon is launching her own motivational speaking company to help corporations become more sensitive to issues related to gender. I’m thrilled she’s doing that work because she’s a natural. She tells her story in this first episode too.

Together, Remy, Shannon and I riff off one another quite nicely. I’m excited to work with both to them as test co-hosts. I write “test” because at the moment, we only have one show in raw production. I don’t know how this will turn out. So far though, I’m smiling. I think  Remy and Shannon are too.

I don’t know why we didn’t get a threesome picture together. We talked about it. Somehow it just skipped all our minds. It’s ok, there’s plenty of time to grab that pic. I’m just excited these two cool women are willing to play. It’s going to be fun. How do I know that? Because it already is.

Next up: Lilly

QueernessLilly Wachowski, sister of Larry, and famous director of The Matrix and Cloud Atlas may be the latest transwoman to embrace her authenticity. With the CONSTANT number of people coming out as transgender, I’m not so sure that’s the case. One thing is certain. She’s smart. The article chronicling her outing shows (to me) a thoughtful, deep personality who is questioning our collective reality. More people are doing this folks.

How many more must come out, Transamorous Men, before we come out in larger numbers? I think it’s fucking fantastic that now the Wachowski’s have both joined the ranks of the transgender community. But what is even more fantastic to me, is the quote Lilly references, a quote she keeps on her office wall:


Queerness is essentially about the rejection of a here and now and an insistence on potentiality for another world.
–  José Muñoz
This quote is exactly how I see the community. We are calling from the future to ourselves in the present to have faith and courage as we guide humanity along a course where gender diversity, sexuality diversity, DIVERSITY OF ALL KINDS is beyond de rigueur. It is commonplace, the norm and accepted as such.
Congratulations Lilly. Who’s next?

I like “trans-am”

Blog 4 photoIn my earlier post, I defined Transamory, a word coined by “Piper”. In writing that piece, I came across a shortened version: TransAm. I’m gonna get it for riffing off the Pontiac brand. But there you go. Fuck, I’d love to steal that Phoenix-rising motif. It’s bitchin’.

And kind of like that bird, we Transamorous guys are emerging from the cesspool that is social criticism, ostracism and shrinking before social claims that our love is taboo, to claim that part of our identity making us uniquely us….among other things.

So get over it. I’m trans-am.

Just checked to see if someone has TransAm.com  already. Of course, they do. Bummer.

This is the Transamorous Network

Blog 2 photoWelcome to the Transamorous Network. I’m Perry Gruber your host. Yes, that’s my real name. I have nothing to hide. I am a transamorous male. I was born cis-gender and find myself irresistibly attracted to transwomen.

Welcome especially if you’re a guy reading this. This network is primarily for you, however, I guarantee transpeople are going to find this network uplifting, enjoyable and informative too. I’ll be posting stuff here for you as well.

Guys, I know there are a shit-ton of men like us out there secretly discovering their natural attraction to transgender women. I created transamorousnetwork.com specifically to shake the shame off the NATURAL, NORMAL  attraction to these new people, people who really could use our genuine love.

I write “new” not because transgender people are new. They actually have been around a very long time. But as far as public consciousness is concerned, the mainstream, including entertainment, dinner conversation and the legislative arena, they are emerging as a “new” “protected” class. I think that’s a fantastic development happening exactly at the right time.

I also believe YOU discovering your natural attraction to transwomen is EQUALLY new and NO LESS FANTASTIC. Men like us are slowly coming out more and more. I created the Trans Amorous Network for men like us to connect, communicate, gain reassurance about our natural inclination, and support the people we love by loving and accepting ourselves so we can turn that love toward those we desire romantically.

The Trans Amorous Network of course is also open to transwomen, transmen, gender queer and all the rest as well, as a source of inspiration and upliftment. I bring a unique perspective I will be sharing in these pages, in the podcast, in the Network’s YouTube Videos and in the products, services and events I’ll be offering our community. What I have to offer undoubtedly will serve to create more healthy, positive relationships between Cis-and-trans, primarily, but also more love within the entire human family.

This is The Transamorous Network.