Hollywood is stepping up

hollywood_sign_zuschnittThough it may not be intentional, it seeems Hollywood is learning that transpeople (and blacks) are a hot commodity.

Case in point: GLAAD recently published a report showing that television is featuring more black and transwomen than ever before. It details the tremendous progress being made on the small screen for transwomen and blacks.

It’s interesting that just last month we featured on our show our opinion that things were getting better for transpeople. We also highlighted how the trans-rights movement is following the lead of the well-established civil rights movement of the 60s. It’s nice to see reality match our desires.

United colors of trans

This graphic is Cool beans. According to UCLA the transgender community as a total population is Quite a bit more diverse as the general populace. Don’t know why I Think this is “No shit Sherlock” information.

We did a show about this data where we analyzed why we think this is news. It’s short and a great entry into our material.  Check it out.


Video: How to find your ideal partner

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Men, listen up. If you’re having difficulty finding the transpartner of your dreams, it’s not because you can’t find her. It’s because of the stories you have about who you are, and who you think transwomen are. We can help you go from being a seeker, admirer, chaser, to finding the transwoman of your dreams. Seriously.

The Pope is a Dope

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Yeah. Someone has to say it. In this episode, we dis the The Pope as he expresses his ignorance (you deserve it Your Holiness), a Rabbi straightens The Pope’s ass out, then we talk about how to read the news. Cause you all need to learn.