Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. iTunes has just approved our podcast for the iTunes store. If you have an IOS device, you can now listen to our podcast via iTunes. We’re working on getting our podcast available on Android via GooglePlay. More on that in the future. I believe you can listen to our podcast on Android in the meantime on SoundCloud. And you don’t need to be a member of SoundCloud to do that. Let me know if you have any questions about playing our podcast. I’m happy to help.
Our Podcast is freaking live
So, I’m pretty jazzed.
Yesterday The Transamorous Network Podcast went live with our first four episodes. Shannon and Remy, my co-hosts and I are super excited.
We’ll be publishing a show a week, probably on Wednesdays, starting next week. You can listen directly on SoundCloud or, in a little bit, on iTunes.
The podcast completes our first phase of growth, which includes this blog, the website and our YouTube Channel. On the podcast we’ll deepen our dives on material and content offered through our shop page, through fun, lively conversations with real people from the trans community. Everyone here at The Network is really jazzed about the podcast. Some who have been waiting for it to go live have been waiting too. A couple of people are expecting big things to come of it.
I think it, along with our other content, is going to help a lot of people. Particularly men, and by extension transwomen, then all trans people and their families.
The podcast would have been fun to do if I were doing it alone. However, it’s so much fun

having Remy Ilmatar as Co-host. Her totally take-no-bullshit-but-with a smile attitude livens an already lively conversation. That she is particularly jazzed about what The Transamorous Network offers is a big boon: as a transwoman herself, she can attest to how effective what we offer is.
Then there’s Shannon my other co-host. She brings a different, yet complimentary energy to our trio. I love seeing her, basking in all her positive energy. After reading straight through The Man’s Guide To Finding Your Transgender Partner on a flight home, she too is convinced we’re going to be changing lives with the podcast. If you have a moment,

check out what else Shannon is up to. She’s an impressive person in her own right.
So here we are, a nice threesome, wanting to make the world a better place. With our podcast now live, I have to say I think we’re off to a good start. I think you will do once you give our show a listen.
Admirer? Really?
This one’s really short.
If you’re out there hanging with guys known as “admirers”, and those guys treat you as…
“…secret “discreet” hidden fetish fucks by the majority of admirers who hugged on to hetero-mono-normative relationships while getting into the desserts while no one is looking…”
Then you really should question your definition of “admirer.” Here I’ll help:
ad·mir·er (ədˈmī(ə)rər/) noun: someone who has a particular regard for someone or something
re·gard (rəˈɡärd/) noun: 1. attention to or concern for something. “the court must have regard to the principle of welfare” consideration, care, concern. 2. best wishes.
If a a person treats you like shit, they’re not an “admirer”. They’re something else. If you want to find someone who will have a particular regard for you, who will admire you, you might want to change a few stories, stories creating situations where you’re willing to put up with being treated like shit.
As though you have no other alternative (news flash: You do have other alternatives!)
This Kid Gets It
This is pretty damn impressive. Imagine where you’d be if you understood this wisdom at the time when your writing was as shitty as this kid.
Yeah, my handwriting is still this bad and I’m 51. But I blame it on technology and keyboards.
That’s besides the point though right?
The point is, your stories are creating your reality. So if you’re a single Transwoman and you’re bemoaning the fact that there are no men in your area (or in the entire world) who will EVER be interested in you, well, this kid knows more than you do. I’ll clue you in though: you’re creating the situation where there are no men in your area or in the world interested in being with you!
There’s more to it of course. Especially if you’re over 10 years old. That’s because you’ve been living your life unconscious of this simple fact. So there is a lot of unlearning to do. Not to worry. It’s easy. You just need persistence. Oh, and you gotta know the clues which show you’re doing it right.
How to disappear bigots, ignorance
I do mean disappear. As in never having to deal with them ever. Ever.
A lot of transamorous men – those married to transwomen, those dating transwomen and those looking for them – are afraid of “what people will say or do” if they were to publicly acknowledge their love, desire and romantic and sexual attraction to transgender women. What these guys don’t realize is it is exactly that fear that creates situations where they experience instances of stupidity, ignorance and insecurity (incidentally, the same is true for transwomen who fear what others will say or do). Your fears are creating experiences in your life that match them.
A short primer on life, aka “reality”. Ever notice, guys, when you’re thinking about buying a new car and you have the model in mind, seemingly suddenly you start seeing this model car all over? Ever notice how sometimes, maybe not always, you’ll be thinking of someone and sometime later you’ll run into that person or that person will contact you in some way? Well, this is how life is.
People call these things “coincidence.” But they don’t mean what I’m about to describe. Coincidence is the co-located incidence of you and the thing you are most focusing on. Coincidence as most people think about it, is a random, uncontrollable and sometimes uninvited act. But that is not what is happening because nothing about your life is random or uncontrollable.
Your life is a product of what you think and how you feel. That’s it basically. Hard to accept, I know because I refused to accept it for a very long time.
So guess what? If you’re fearing what other people are going to say about you wanting to have sexual experiences with transwomen, if you’re worried about what your parents are going to say if you bring your transgender girlfriend home, guess what? They will! But if you don’t give a fuck, I mean, really don’t care – not in a defensive way with your lower lip all out – guess what? They won’t either.
My family, my coworkers even my wife are all testaments to this. No one in my life batted an eye when I told them. That includes the testosterone-ladened martial arts community I participated in (long enough to earn a 3rd degree black belt by the way). My wife, not being threatened or against my interest is all for my desires. And no, my life isn’t some kind of exception. Well, it is but only because I know my thoughts and focus are creating my experiences.
Let’s take it back to the days when I was insecure about my desires, when I was still in the Marines and worried about what people would think about my romantic interest in transwomen. Back then some of my fellow Marines harassed me for being gay and I didn’t even tell them anything (nor was I gay)! How did they know something was up? I was broadcasting that information from all my pores, or more accurately, through my thoughts, which are physical emanations we all exude.
You’re transmitting your thoughts too. All of them. The minute you start owning your natural normal desire for transwomen, your transmissions will change. When that happens, so will your life. I guarantee it.
And when that happens, all those people you feared would ridicule you for your desire will either change….or disappear from your life.