I like “trans-am”

Blog 4 photoIn my earlier post, I defined Transamory, a word coined by “Piper”. In writing that piece, I came across a shortened version: TransAm. I’m gonna get it for riffing off the Pontiac brand. But there you go. Fuck, I’d love to steal that Phoenix-rising motif. It’s bitchin’.

And kind of like that bird, we Transamorous guys are emerging from the cesspool that is social criticism, ostracism and shrinking before social claims that our love is taboo, to claim that part of our identity making us uniquely us….among other things.

So get over it. I’m trans-am.

Just checked to see if someone has TransAm.com  already. Of course, they do. Bummer.

We can help others

Your influenceIf there is a Transamorous movement, it already has helped as least one person: A straight man.

Lennon is the creator of Gohero.org, an organization designed to “…inspire a community of heroes who protect our planet, uplift humanity and fulfill their own unique heroic purposes.”

I know Lennon personally. He and I frequent entrepreneurial circles in Portland. We had occasion to chat one day.

That conversation turned to sexuality and human attraction. As with many people I meet, I told him of my transamory. My story fascinated him. Turns out he has a similar experience with a unique form of his own romantic attraction. Lennon is almost exclusively to Asian women.  Over much of his life, he felt “wrong” for having such attraction, based on people’s response to his consistent dating choice.

He writes: “At first I didn’t think much of this trend, but people started giving me grief about it. My friends teased me for having ‘Yellow Fever’  and others accused me of having an Asian fetish. Some people – particularly some Asian women – where really nasty about it. I began to wonder, is there something wrong with me? Am I bad for being attracted to Asian women? Am I doing something wrong? I felt like a creep. A pervert. A loser who couldn’t even manage to date women of his own race.”

Lennon goes on to describe an epiphany he received from an unlikely source: the LGBTQ community! I won’t spoil the story. You can read about it at his website. He offers keen insight into people such as Transamorous Males and the challenges they face. It’s definitely worth the read.

I had a feeling The Transamorous Network would have implications beyond expressing my transamory.  Little did I know the effects would show  up so soon!

When you live your life authentically as a Transamorous Male, your influence is massive. Living authentically will benefit people you’ll likely never meet, not to mention the people you will benefit directly. That not only includes your future or current transpartner, but yourself as well.

Don’t know how to live authentically? We can help.

What is love?

What is loveOn this Valentines Day, it’s a timely opportunity to explore Love. What is that?

Is it weak knees, fluttering heart, goo-goo eye stares, candies and dinners? Is it an expression? Is it “love” when someone does something for you, something you want them to do, or expect them to do? Or is it “love” when sweet nothings the focus of your affection talks “sweet nothings”? Or is it that feeling you have just after sex with someone you deeply care about?

If these experiences, objects and responses to others’ actions is love, then why does it so quickly turn to frustration, anger, rage, hate, annoyance, bother, impatience, jealousy, obsessiveness, fear, intimidation and more?

Love is none of these. Love is not something you feel for another. Love is an advanced stage indicator that comes with practice. Love, the kind I believe in, is a feeling a person has about him or herself, that indicates something. In the sign, that person’s reality changes, or rather, the negative stories that person uses to create reality falls away, revealing a reality consistent with that person’s dreams and desires, including a relationship that works, families who love them, and joy, joy joy.


Love comes when you choose to stand in awe of your own invulnerability, the place where you create your stories which create your reality. It’s a joyful, inviolable response you can feel. Love doesn’t turn into other emotions.  It stands on its own.

Sometimes you have to choose continuously, second-by-second even. Especially in the face of realities your negative stories create. Over time, however, you create a permanency. You stand there in love. And all is right.

The former love –that stuff people do in your reality that makes you love them – that love needs people behaving a certain way. That love is not dependable. The latter love endures, as it needs nothing: in it you already have everything.

Love is a practice. Love is a gift: to yourself. Not your partner, or your relationship.  Here in The Transamorous Network you’re going to learn how to create your reality deliberately and not like a loose cannon. You’ll take back control over your life.

When you do, you’ll stand in your invincibility. Guaranteed.

A taste of nostalgia

Network Video Channel Flowers



(Transamorous Network Video Channel)  A while ago, in 2011, I created this video expressing my feelings for Transwomen. I had it unlisted on my personal YouTube Channel. I’m going to re-record a similar video. In the meantime, enjoy this bit of nostalgia.

School’s in session

Transamorous Network Video Channel Logo

(Transamorous Network Video Channel) Transwomen are taking it upon themselves to school us guys. And it’s not all good! Listen. Just because a transwoman (or a cis-woman for that matter) is giving advice, doesn’t meant that advice is going to work for you! The advice this woman is giving is great – from her perspective.  She is telling you what she wants to see in your behavior, not what you need to know to succeed in finding your transpartner.

For example, she suggests that persistence is key.  Persistence at what?  What if you don’t have any transwomen in your area?  What if you believe you can’t meet a transwoman?  Even if you know of a transwoman, how can you be sure being persistent will pay off?  What if she’s not attracted to you?  Then you’re just being a dick.  What if you’re not the kind of guy for whom persistence is inauthentic?  Will being “persistent,” presuming you could muster, “persistence” pay off?

Not if persistence is not in your nature. You see, there are more factors at play, more powerful factors at work than you simply being persistent.

This lovely woman is doing her best to offer good advice.  I applaud her desire to help us transamorous guys out.  I also love her sense of humor.  She’s right, there are so many transwomen out there who believe “good guys” don’t exist, that you’d think they don’t. But I know they do.  I know the transwomen who believe they don’t exist only believe that because their beliefs tell them so.  Use this advice to your frustration.

There is a better way to meet not only transwomen, but the transwoman of your dreams, the transwoman who is looking for you. After all, following this advice, how do you know the woman you gave your number to is even be attracted to you!  Such random acts of dating are so 1900s…

No, you don’t have to join a dating site.  No, you don’t have to frequent any bars.  All you have to do is be your authentic self, understand some basic principles I guarantee you are not now familiar with, apply some determination in changing the way you interact with your word and you will naturally, easily meet the transgender woman who is your perfect match. Guaranteed.

And you’ll have fun doing it.  I know because what I’m suggesting here is working for a lot of different people.

I’m sure transwomen like the beautiful Raven are well-intentioned giving their advice. But advice is like opinions and opinions are like ass holes: everyone has one and nearly all of them say more about the person who owns it, than it says about reality.

Let me help you.