The Pope is a Dope

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Yeah. Someone has to say it. In this episode, we dis the The Pope as he expresses his ignorance (you deserve it Your Holiness), a Rabbi straightens The Pope’s ass out, then we talk about how to read the news. Cause you all need to learn.

Why your transamory equals your joy

You'll find joy when you own your transamoryJoy is a lovely thing. It is indescribable. You really gotta feel it yourself. It’s right up there with empowerment, passion and invincibility (a real emotion). All these are contained within joy.

Joy reaches deep into the soul. It not only balances imbalances, it frees us to experience all that life has to offer. When reality starts to shift in response to that feeling…boy, you become unstoppable. The more your dreams come true, the more you want to live in more joy.

Your joy is directly connected to your love of transwomen. You came into the world with this desire fully baked in you. It doesn’t matter if you’re only just figuring it out at age 40 or 50, it was there all along. To the degree you try to hide from that desire, you’re choking off the potential of feeling fully this enormously intense, influential and satisfying emotion.

You came into physical reality to live a life of FREEDOM and JOY. It’s time you realize this. When you’re finally living out loud with your transgender partner by your side, holding hands and not caring what others think about you, you will be on the road to creating a new life, a new reality, one that will far exceed what you have right now.

How do I know this? While I’ve yet to meet my ideal partner, so many things are going well I know I’m on my path. In the meantime, I’m literally – literally – surrounded by attractive transwomen. This isn’t to compare my life with yours. What’s important for you is to look at your life. How’s it working out?

There’s no longer a reason to stay in hiding. Humanity is increasingly accepting the fact that transpeople are real and are here to stay. The time is now bro, to come out into the light. You have everything to gain. Nothing to lose.

Want to know more? We gotta talk then.