Happiness is a choice

Happiness is a choiceBelieve it or not, you can choose to be happy. When you do, amazing things happen for you. This week on IN YOUR FACE, Episode 5  we’ll be talking about happiness as a choice. It’s an important conversation.

The happier you are the better your life is going to go. If your life seems like a struggle now, your life can be happy, fun and easy. We’re not kidding you. The moment you choose to be happy, you will begin building momentum and things will just fall in place. Including the man or transwoman you want, and everything else you think you need to be happy.

Tune in on Monday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m. on The Transamorous Network’s Facebook Live Show IN YOUR FACE!

This guy loves transwomen

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Micah has no shame loving transwomen. He is out and happy. Just like you can be men. In this episode, we introduce our first transamorous male guest and talk about what it’s like being transamorous, what differentiates the transamorous male from the tranny chaser, and why society should just get over its judgement of a real and precious love.



Our podcasts: all in one place


You can now find all our podcasts in one place right here on our website. New episodes every week!

Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or listen on SoundCloud. We’ll be on the other subscription services shortly.

If you want to be a guest on the show, contact us or send an email to info@transamorousnetwork.com.


It doesn’t get any better than this

IMG_0006When you realize you are the creator of your life, as well as the person through which your life is “made”, you come to find, watching how your life gradually shifts to match your desires, that there is nothing you can’t do. Nothing you can’t be. Nothing you can’t have.

How cool is that?

Because we know we create our reality, we are living an adventurous life, tackling adventurous goals. One of those goals is creating a new system were everyone’s needs (food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare) are provided to all at no cost. We started this project with an intention (our story), a focused desire to make it happen. When the idea came, we were thrilled with it (the first evidence of physical reality matching our desire). From there we began listening to our inner being for clues on what action to take, taking only that action that felt inspired.

That was three years ago. Today, we have a world-wide movement. Thousands of people around the world (on nearly every continent except South America, Africa, and the poles) are working to make the idea a reality. In two weeks we’ll be on the radio (for the third time) being interviewed about the work. We’ve been flown to Greece to give a speech about the work, we even have people giving us money to make sure the work happens. The number of people giving us money has quadrupled in the last six months. And this is just the beginning.

There is nothing you can’t have. You can have anything you want in your life. It’s your life! Life is supposed to be fun. You are supposed to live a happy life where all your dreams are fulfilled. If you’re a Transamorous Man and you live your desire for a Transgender partner in the shadows of gay bars or in back alleys or hotel rooms or Craigslist, you’re doing your desire a disservice. Why are you doing that? What do you fear? You create your reality. The only thing you have to fear is the stories that cause you to feel fear because they are creating your reality. Change those stories, then take inspired action and your life experience will shift. You will meet wonderful transpeople, in the open. People won’t care about your choices in a partner and you can get on with living your life in full.

If you’re a Transwoman and you’re wanting a man to love you for you, you can have that. Perhaps your stories have you looking for love in the wrong places. Perhaps your stories have you creating rendezvous with men who suck (and not in the good way) or no men at all. Perhaps you felt you had to choose a woman because you believe (the story) that you won’t find a man who will love you for who you are. Change your stories and your life will change as will your opportunities.

When you realize no one can intrude into your life experience unless you allow them to (through your thoughts, your focus), when you realize every experience you have is a result of the thoughts you think, once you get over the resistance to those facts, you become truly invincible, impervious to negative outcomes. It doesn’t get any better than that! Well it does, but, you know what we’re saying.

Some my argue “well no one would intentionally creates negative situations in their life. That’s crazy.” And we say, oh? Is it so crazy to create negative situations when those situations, over time, become the spring board, the focusing mechanism of something better? What if those negative situations sharpen that person’s understanding of what they really want? Are those situations then really negative?

There is life to live. Joyful, pleasurable, wish-fulfilled life to live. All you have to do is see the world and yourself differently. Then live it from that place. We can help

10 – In Honor of Aaron




Wow. Another great episode on The Transamorous Network Podcast. Jessica joins us sharing her life story, a story full of tragedy, including the suicide of her friend Aaron. But like all great human beings, Jessica has channeled those tragedies into something amazing: her life. We’re all in tears at the end. We name this episode in honor of Aaron and the contribution his life has had and will have on into eternity. You can also also watch the show below.