TL;DR: The author suggests that trans people face a momentous point in US history, a crossroads where they may experience joy, or terror. They suggest then that it’s more important than ever that such people remain as positive as possible in their thoughts and beliefs. They assert that one person can change the shape of history when that person aligns with positive energy. So they urge trans and trans-attracted people to align themselves with their positive desires at this important time.
We’re coming to an important moment in the United States. Some say it’s a battle between good and evil. It’s not that, but it is important to know what’s happening. And it’s important to know how to get what we want.
This is especially so for trans and trans-attracted people. That’s because whatever happens in November will either fill such people with joy…or with terror.
As this moment looms therefore, empowerment and joy are critical. That’s because those two emotions tell us we’re lined up with what we’re wanting. Empowerment and joy, consistently held, will allow us to experience only that which we’re wanting.
Which explains why those not in empowerment and joy experience more of what they’re NOT wanting. This is often the case with my brothers and sisters in the trans community. Republicans aren’t the only ones focusing mostly on what they don’t want. Some of us are doing it too. So it’s no surprise the Right is getting so much attention.
But the change happening is happening, not because of those who focus on what they don’t want. It’s happening because of those small numbers focused on what they do want.
Let’s look more at what I mean.
Retribution is off track
The numbers of those focused on what they do want are small. That doesn’t matter though, because it only takes one. But when more are aligned together, nothing can stop their influence.
That explains why republicans must resort to all kinds of negative attacks and dirty tricks. There’s no power in negativity because there’s no Source of that. Just as there’s no Source of evil. Evil and negativity come from squeezing off the flow of pure positivity we all are. When a person does that, they first feel negative emotion. That’s what emotions are for: to help us navigate vibrational reality. And all physical reality is vibrational.
If they don’t get the emotional clue though, they’ll “manifest” evidence showing them where they’re going. They’ll experience events in reality consistent with their negative thought, belief and emotion. When they focus long on those thoughts, beliefs and emotions, thereby doubling down on them, they amplify their focus. So they experience even more evidence consistent with their focus.

That includes drawing to them people reflecting back to them who they’re being vibrationally. Which explains why so many people are rallying around Trump. It’s not that Trump and his legion are evil. It’s that they all resonate with one another. They resonate in a strong stream of disconnection. And almost all of them feel anger, fear, insecurity and disempowerment. No wonder they revel in the idea of retribution. Retribution is a sign one is really off track from their positive Source.
Many trans women have this going on around the belief “chasers”. Why are so many trans women meeting such men? The same reason why Trump has so many sycophants surrounding him. They tell that story repeatedly. So they experience that reality…repeatedly.
Stay out of that
And, as trans women complain about chasers, many democrats are complaining about what they don’t want too. But not to the degree republicans are. That’s partly why the shift that happened earlier this summer happened. It helps that people like me focused that shift into our experience.
Which brings me to the point of this story. We can all have everything we want. Including our choice for who sits in the White House. But to have that, we must line up with the Source from which such events unfold. If we’re wanting our presidential hopeful in the White House, but we’re predominantly focused on the “evil” of the other side, and the other side is aligning with what they want, and have a powerful, positive representation of that, we’re not going to get what we want.
So this election cycle, it’s important to push everyone else out of our equations. Let people have their opinions and ideas. Let them attack others and let’s stay out of that.

These days, I’m pruning my social media feeds. I once thought it important to have a balanced representation of ideas in my social media. But now I get how important my focus is. And I get how important my vibration is. My vibration literally is the source of my reality-experience. I want that experience to reflect the best of what I desire. So that means focusing even more purely. Especially in the times we’re in.
Are you a match?
The real question is: what is it you want and what are you vibrating from? Do those two things match? I’m discovering that as good as my focus has been, it can get better. So I’m focusing even more on what I’m wanting, so that what I’m vibrating from and what I want are a match.
So far, I think I’m doing great. The specifics of my life, which are late-stage indicators of my vibrational focus, are constantly improving. Life is getting better and better. The same is true for my clients lives.
But most important, I feel that joy and empowerment; the early-stage indicators that I’m on track to everything I want.
Life is getting better for us all. Can you see it? Are your desires and what you’re vibrating from a match? I can say, without a doubt; hell yes!