There’s great power in managing vibration so that one stands in a high flying state. Doing so, one can literally shape others’ experiences. One can also shape other people. A powerful example of that happened this week with a trans-attracted client.
This client finds himself profoundly affected by his Transamorous Network practice, which spanned some four months now. But this week, like many clients, he came having had a rough few days. So when he showed up to the session, he wasn’t ready for what happened.
When I help clients attain vibrational mastery, I create a vibrational bubble in which I hold the session. Vibrational mastery means being so Positively Focused that your world must reflect that state back to you. That looks like your life turning out exactly like you want it.
In addition to showing clients how to create vibrational mastery, I also demonstrate it through my being. That’s why, every client raves about how great our sessions go. The high vibrational state I create then hold during the session “pulls” clients from wherever they are, to where I am. That’s why, unlike traditional therapy or counseling, every client enjoys extremely satisfying sessions containing powerful insights and breakthroughs.
A compelling offer
This time, however, I brought a lot more vibrational mastery to the table than usual. That’s because I meditated prior to the session, using a process which increases one’s vibrational focus. I also used another process because I wanted to amplify the great feeling I felt after meditation.
By the time I came to the session, I was bouncing off the walls with intense, positivity, appreciation and joy. So much so, the client’s socks got blown off.
The disparity between where he was and where I was was so great, he had to join me. He literally had no choice because my mastery was so strong.
So when the client came into my bubble, his negative vibration had no place to go but outta here! 😂.
Which is why, after the session, he sent this:
Creating people on demand
When it comes to relationships, most people try to manipulate, convince, “love” (it’s not really that), bribe, blackmail or blame their partners into being someone they can be happy with. That hardly ever works. Indeed, the whole idea of “love languages” is part of the problem with relationships. Expecting someone to be a certain way so you feel better is a recipe for disaster. It’s also not loving.
Loving is unconditional. That means, no matter how a person might be, you still love them. Even if that person wants you, transgender ladies, for that “something extra”. And even trans-attracted men, if that transgender lady calls you a “tranny chaser”. No one can create a reality contrary to their stories. So when someone gives you behavior you don’t like, you gotta find something about it to like. Or else your negative story makes you a match to more of what you don’t like.
Finding that positive story in an apparent negative situation is a challenge.
But with vibrational mastery, not only can you love a person no matter how they are, when you do, THEY CHANGE. Or they move out of your experience to be replaced by what you want.
Change others by changing yourself
The best way to change someone is to come into alignment with the version of the person you want to experience. Then the person you’re with changes into that person. Vibrational mastery makes that possible.
Trying to change people through action or words hardly ever works. When it does work, it rarely lasts. It often creates resentment. But using vibration born of positive stories, you can make any change you want permanent. And people love you for it.
It’s just like what my client experienced. And I wasn’t even trying!
Want a powerful relationship with those you love, those you work with and those you care about? Stop trying to change them. Attain vibrational mastery and watch how much power you have to produce wonderful results. Including creating versions of people who match your every desire.
Want to know how? I can help!