Get. Over. It. 

Nat Geo picThose angry about increasing visibility of transgender people need to “get over it.”

Those aren’t my words. Although I agree with them. They are Robin Hammond’s Words. Who’s Robin Hammond? He’s the guy who took the National Geographic cover photo of transgender girl Avery Jackson. Though the issue hasn’t been published yet, National Geographic is being both hailed and hated for it.

It’s just another step in the eventual full embrace of transgender people worldwide.

I’ve seen a lot of responses to this photo. Which is beautiful by the way. Avery’s quote is so perfect. Since we  focus on positive aspects the Transamorous Network, I’m not going to recount negative comments people and organizations have made about it. Instead, I’m going to quote Hammond’s reaction to them, which I think is gold:

“[Some people are] likely scared of change,” He said.  “They saw a world where [being trans] didn’t exist and now they see it as a new thing. It’s sad for them because it leaves them closed off to people who are different to them.”

“The best thing about being a girl is now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy.”

– Avery Jackson

If you’re interested in reading more about Hammond and his remarks, you can read this article. Here’s National Geographic’s explanation for their exceptional cover.