I Love Men Who Are Happy Bottoms

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

More trans-attracted men are coming out loving being bottoms. That’s a really great thing. Self-acceptance is everything. But it’s even greater when those men find their sexual-preference matches in transgender women.

Trans-attraction and transamory is normal, wholesome and good. It doesn’t matter that some transgender women don’t like the idea of a man “bottoming”. There are plenty of transgender women out there, guys, who will take pleasure in giving you pleasure through your ass.

Those men who know what I’m talking about don’t struggle finding their match. They’re out and proud about their desire. They accept it. And they accept themselves. So they end up with matches who accept them too. Which is something we say all day long at the The Transamorous Network. Accept yourself and you’ll more easily find your match.

This applies to both trans-attracted men AND transgender women.

Other people’s opinion: irrelevant

Lack of self-acceptance among transgender women AND trans-attracted men is rampant. For transgender women, lack of self acceptance can be really subtle. So subtle, the women won’t realize it. Much of a transgender women’s rejection of trans-attracted men stems from self rejection.

Meanwhile, many trans-attracted men feel the same about themselves. Which is why such men meet trans women who strongly reject them. Strongly rejecting trans-attracted men is a glaring indication that the woman rejects herself. And meeting such a woman tells you, men, that you have self-acceptance issues too.

Self acceptance escapes us the minute we care about what others think about us. It’s hard not caring when “others” include parents. Or close friends. Particularly those we believe will disown us. Still, cultivating an “I don’t care” attitude about others’ opinions is crucial to building self acceptance. That and telling stories about ourselves which foster self acceptance. This is something I show my clients how to do.

Is it any wonder they find immediate and long-lasting relief from feeling shitty about themselves? But they also find more than that. As they focus on learning to accept themselves, their dating results improve too. So they become even happier.

And as their happiness increases, they gradually find they’re all right. It’s a virtuous spiral. They feel good about themselves. Then the better they feel, the more accepting they become. The more accepting they get, the easier they find love. Then, before they know it, they find their perfect match. And along the way, they enjoy the process.

Meeting happy bottoms

I love it when from time-to-time I’ll get a comment from a guy proclaiming how much he enjoys bottoming. He’ll also rave about his partner, a trans woman who fully accepts him. Take this comment, for example:

You can see though that he still considers other people’s opinion. That’s what causes his “demoralized” feelings. But the fact that he’s got a loving trans woman who treats him like a king tells me something important about him. He tells more stories about accepting self more than he has stories about what other people think. I know this because he’s in a loving relationship.

The same can happen for any man or transgender woman out there looking for love and not finding it. All it takes is being willing. Being willing to examine one’s stories and do something about it. In time, the world around us MUST match our improved stories.

We can do this ourselves. But sometimes it’s nice to have guidance. Digging around in our stories can be tough. It’s hard to know sometimes what stories we’re telling. In such cases, someone like me helps a lot.

Not happy with who you are? Not finding the love you know you deserve? Perhaps I can help. Contact me. My results are guaranteed!