WallMart: on the right side of history

wal-mart-logoMore than 500 companies – 500! – are now leading the charge in support of LGBT rights, according to the Human Rights Campaign. These companies scored perfect 100 scores on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index. The scale is from 0, where a company is not seen as meeting any requirements of an inclusive workplace, to 100, considered the most welcoming. WallMart has joined the list of over 500 companies earning a perfect 100 score.


Companies include Target, Dow Chemical, Marriott International, GE and Apple. More than 1000 companies are planning to fight proposed laws hostile to the LGBT community, including bathroom laws planned in Texas and elsewhere. Read the Bloomberg article here for more information.

The pleasure that is Sarah McBride

SaraMcBridepromo We recently had Sarah McBride on our The Transamorous Network Video Channel. It was a great interview spanning two twenty minute shows.

Sarah, as you may know, is a major rising celebrity in the world. Not just in the transgender community, Sarah is making a name for herself on the political stage…literally, as she was the first transperson to grace the stage of a major political convention.

We talked with Sarah about intimacy, love, romance, what it’s like living one’s dreams and how others can actualize their dreams into their reality. But what was most interesting was our conversation about her brief but pre-destined relationship with her late husband. In that portion of our show, she waxed poetically about relationships and how profound and full of grace they can be.

Some quotes from our interview:

“Relationships can be the most profound expression of Grace in this world”

Her husband was fortunate to have been “Patient enough with me to give me the space,” which lead to them becoming a couple.

“The fact that we were the right people for each other and our paths were synchronized…is true!”

Tune in to both parts of the show. You’ll get a lot out of hearing what Sarah has to say. We sure did!

These dads love their transgender children

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We have a great time talking about this video (https://youtu.be/rl7RLbt_OOE) where dads of transgender children gush about their support of their kids. Awww. Can it get any better?

According to the video producer Human Rights Campaign “Countless parents of transgender and gender-expansive youth are pledging to make the world safer for their children. HRC is proud to release a video highlighting some of the spectacular dads who are standing up and speaking out in support of their trans kids.” We think it’s an awesome development and as we see more men supporting their trans children, you can bet you’ll see more men (like you perhaps?) interested in having romantic relationships with transwomen coming out too! It’s just one more bit of evidence that the world is becoming a better and better place for transwomen and the men who love them.