It’s Crazy How People Would Rather Be Right Than Happy

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author argues for the Trans community to find happiness as a way to feeling better about Trump taking office. In this way, they say, trans and trans-attracted people and their allies can create the best future for themselves. Everything else is insanity they suggest.

There is a better way to live. One where Trans Community members, in which I include trans-attracted people and their allies, can live far more happily. In that better way, way more of what we want can be ours too.

But it requires giving up being right. Especially on subjects we feel fear about. Fear is a powerful emotion. I’m going to dive deeper on that and why it’s not a good idea to wallow in fear in this post. Especially fear about Trump.

Trump’s election victory has a lot of trans people fearful about their future. It has many trans allies feeling the same way, including many of my friends. A big reason why they feel this way is because they think they’re right. They think Trump has it in for trans people. They think Trump is going to follow through with his threats.

And he probably will. After all, a lot of momentum backs those actions. Momentum trans people and their allies contribute to through their fear.

And this is why it’s important that we NOT allow ourselves to succumb to our fears. Even if those fears come true.

In this post, I’m going to describe why, how being right is a problem, and how living happily instead serves not only our community, but the world at large.

Here we go!

Some background

This article will be easier to understand if readers have some background on where my perspective comes from. Readers who don’t have this background will get “triggered” by what I’m sharing. If what you’ve read so far triggers you, you should probably stop reading right now.

There’s nothing inaccurate about what’s written here. I know this from my own experience. My experience isn’t my only proof, however. My clients’ experience implementing what I share backs me up too. Those who don’t have life experience proving what I’m sharing is accurate typically experience “belief confrontations” when they read what I write.

A belief confrontation is what happens when a person is “triggered”. They have a belief, usually a strong one. When life gives them evidence not matching that belief, the belief pushes back against that reality. When that happens, usually the person behaves in ways we call “triggered”.

They get angry and lash out. Usually that lashing out looks like name-calling. It can also look like violence. Or it looks like responding in a comment where, in the case of my writings, they express how “wrong” I am. Yes, that’s right. When one has a “belief confrontation” they must be right. They have to be, or else the belief is threatened. So reality, including the other person, becomes wrong.

So as you read this, please remember you have beliefs and your beliefs may even be right. But if you’re triggered because of what you’re reading, then maybe they’re not right. Maybe your beliefs are worth examining and replacing with better-serving beliefs.

Is action better?

A lot of people right now worry about what’s going to happen when Trump takes office. Of course, Trump is not in office yet. So in the now, which is the only place we can exist, nothing has happened worthy of our fear or worry. The Biden Administration is still in office. Things are pretty much going the way they have for the last four years.

So this fear and worry is not about the now, it’s about the future. All fear and worry is always about the future. That’s why fear and worry are problems. Because when we’re fearful and worryful, we’re not using the now to our advantage. Instead, we’re doing the opposite. We’re using the now to our disadvantage.

Another thing we fear or worry about, that we can do nothing about really, is the fate of other people. Our worry and fear about other people is near-worthless. Even from the perspective of the people we’re fearing and worrying for, all our fear and worry does is cause them to fear and worry too. So now everyone is using the now to our mutual disadvantage.

To be clear, when we’re taking action as a response to fear or worry, then usually we’re not feeling fear or worry at that point. So action is a good antidote to fear and worry, because at least we’re doing something. But there’s a catch to such action: if we’re acting while fearing and worrying, then our action gets tainted by that.

I’m sure readers have experienced lack-luster results that come from acting while feeling anything other than confidence and clarity. We often bomb job interviews, miss out on potential dates, or our skill at something doesn’t shine when we act out of fear or worry.

Feeling better is better

This explains why action can often not be the best option when one worries or fears. And I haven’t even talked about the vibrational nature of those emotions and how they create futures we won’t like.

If people understood that fear is a problem and why, they’d probably not fear so much. Instead they’d tell better-feeling stories about what they fear in order to build beliefs that are more empowering than the ones having them feeling fear.

But most people, including trans and trans-attracted people and their allies, would rather be right than feel better. I know this first hand.

A newer client is deathly afraid of what the incoming administration will do to illegal aliens. She tutors a young Latina whose family is living in the country illegally apparently. My client is literally terrified for this young woman.

But what is her terrified feeling doing for the young person? For sure she can feel that strong fear coming from the woman, so she’s probably also terrified. How does that help her?

It doesn’t.

The problem with the future

When I try to get my client to think of better thoughts about the future, she literally cannot. She can’t get beyond thoughts she’s thinking about the future that has her afraid. Every time I try to encourage her, rather than finding better-feeling thought about the future, she has a belief confrontation: she instead attacks the validity of this “you create your reality” business, claiming she can’t believe what she’s learning, even though she’s already produced a number of powerful examples showing it works!

In other words, she wants to be right. She want’s to be right about the fact that Trump will find this young girl and her family and deport them. And she’s angry and miserable about it.

Meanwhile, right now, none of that has happened. The girl is fine. Life is good. The client is mentoring her. All is well.

It’s crazy focusing on some terrible future in a way that has us feel bad. That’s because we only have the now. The future hasn’t happened yet. So we’re feeling bad for nothing, right now, because there’s nothing we can do about some future act we fear.

Well, there is something we can do. We can create a better future. And we can do that right now. But we can’t when we’re using the now to create a worse future, which is what we’re doing when we are in fear or worry.

That’s a problem.

Unconscious insanity

It should be clear that it’s a problem because the future we’ve created from our past fear and worry we’re living in now. Trump won. And he’s had four years of experience informing what he’s going to do next. Between when he first ran and right now, we had the opportunity to create a better, preferred future.

But what did we do? Did we use that time to do that? Nope! We doubled down! We worried, attacked Trump and his allies. Whatever he and his allies did, we paid attention to and railed against it. We watched all kinds of media about it and shared it with our friends while wagging fingers and shaking heads.

In other words, we focused on what we didn’t want. And so now, we’re getting what we focused on and thereby created. I described this in my previous post.

The problem with using the now by filling it with fear and worry is that when we create futures from there, we have to experience those futures we create! So it makes sense to stop fear-ing and worry-ing and instead find better-feeling thoughts. When we do that, we create better-feeling futures.

But we can’t create around or previous creations. In other words, we’ve created the world where Trump is the next president. So now we must live through that. And if we keep worrying and fearing, which is what put him in office in the first place, we’re doubling down and thus getting more of what we don’t want.

That’s not just crazy, it’s insane.

Accepting our unwanted creation

Our happiness is our super power. It enables us to get everything we want. It literally is the power we possess, power we can use to literally create our reality. So let’s look at how we can use that power to create a better future for ourselves as a community.

Before we can do that, we must first accept what we’ve already created. We can’t create around what we’ve already created. Nor do we want to try to create a reality as a reaction to that unwanted outcome we created. That’s how Trump ended up in office in the first place: a lot of progressives, trans people included, tried getting Harris in office by railing against Trump. That doesn’t work!

So instead, we must accept what we’ve done. Then look at a future we want and focus only on that. That can be hard for people in terror about the future. So maybe it’s better to soothe that terror, that fear, by first telling better-feeling stories about what’s coming.

Let’s start there. And let’s use as an example, the child my client is mentoring.

What better feeling stories can we tell about that situation? There are plenty. Let’s take a look at those in a minute.

Getting what we want

First, we must know we’re not doing anything to change the child’s experience. The child, let’s call her Lupe, is a creator just as we are. She’s in charge of creating her reality and she wouldn’t have it any other way. What we are doing is doing something to change our reality. We’re coming up with better-feeling stories or beliefs, so that we can live a future in which we can see everything working out for us.

That requires more explanation.

If you look at life, you’ll see that everything does work out. While it’s working out, it may not look like it’s working out. And it may not look like how we’d prefer it to work out as it’s working out. But it always works out. So it’s important to get that that working out works out, even if it looks like it’s not working out in the way we think it should.

Life is beautiful and it’s always working out. (Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash)

That makes sense because the Universe is having things work out for everyone at the same time. For that to happen, “working out” must look like an extremely winding path, not a straight shot right to what we want. And besides, often, what we think we want, isn’t what we really want.

For example, we might want a relationship. But we haven’t cleaned up our anger, our self-loathing or our belief that we’re not worthy of having a relationship. With all those things in place in us, we’ll get relationships. But those relationships will reflect back to us all those things in us. And so they’ll suck.

It all works out

Those relationships are serving us. They’re showing us what we must clean up to get the relationship we really want. But if we don’t know that, we might fight against those relationships and the men in them. We might call them chasers and fetishizers. We might claim they’re using us, not seeing us for who we are. Like this person who commented on a recent post of mine and simultaneously victimized herself and vilified men she meets, both being actions that are not in her best interest.

When we do that, we’re doubling down on those things in us, instead of aligning with what we want: a relationship. In the meantime, those relationships reflecting those things back to us are giving us what we want: They’re giving us a relationship, and they’re giving us situations reflecting what’s in us so we can clean them up. Do that, and our relationships will get better, until we end up in one that matches our cleaned up inner state.

So the Universe gives us what we want, but only the part of what we want that we’re ready for. It’s not usually going to give us what we want in the way we think it should. That’s usually because we don’t know what’s happening. But it’s also because the Universe has a lot more resources and means at its disposal than we can possibly fathom. It’s through that unfathomable means that the Universe gives all of us what we want simultaneously.

And that’s why Trump is coming into office. We’re getting what we want. We just think we know how that’s supposed to happen and when. Meanwhile, the Universe is doing it in the way it knows gives everyone what they want in the end. It all works out, in other words.

How to feel better through our thoughts

So there’s Lupe. She’s at the dinner table and we’re mentoring her. What better-feeling stories can we make up about her situation? Ones that we’ll feel better when we tell them?

Here are thirteen examples:

  1. There are many million illegal immigrants in the US. The government can’t possibly deport all of them. It would cost too much and take way too much manpower.
  2. Even if the government tries to deport them all, many of them will probably fall through the cracks. They won’t find them all. Maybe they will miss Lupe’s family.
  3. If things get too crazy, the American people won’t stand for it. Look what happened with the “Kids in cages” situation. And that started under a Democratic Administration! Certainly something like that won’t happen for long should it happen again.
  4. Lupe’s young. She’s going to be ok whatever happens.
  5. There are lots of people living happily in the country Lupe’s from. Going back to her home country is not the end of the world.
  6. Lupe’s smart, she’s strong. She’s going to be ok.
  7. Lupe’s with her family here. If she goes back where her family’s from, she’ll be with more family. It will work out.
  8. Things will probably change in the future. Lupe will be able to come back more likely.
  9. Life is long. Things are always changing.
  10. This situation will pass.
  11. Worrying about this is doing nothing for me but making me miserable. I’m going to stop thinking about this and eat some ice cream.
  12. This fear I’m feeling is useless. I can’t do anything about it right now anyway. Trump isn’t even in office yet.
  13. Trump usually has been his own worst enemy. His success doesn’t last. Maybe this will be another example.

This list isn’t all inclusive. Plenty more better-feeling thoughts exist.

Stop being crazy

And the thing about these better-feeling stories is, they don’t have to be true. All they have to do is make us feel even a smidgen better. That’s important for several reasons.

The first is about our life in general. A life lived happily-ever-after is composed of many “happy now” moments. It’s about living happy now. And now. And now…until we’re dead. So when we’re not happy now, we’re not living happily-ever-after.

Second, the now is the only moment we have. Why use that now to feel miserable, especially about something we can’t do right now. Trump is not in office yet.

Three, our power is in the now. By creating better-feeling moods in the now, we align with better-feeling futures. So it’s in our best interest to be happy now.

Four, our positivity is as contagious as our negativity. We don’t help anyone by spreading our negativity all over the place.

Lastly, everything always works out. If that’s true, and it is, why be miserable? It’s all working out anyway, so why not be happy?

The problem, the crazyinsane problem, is, people apparently would rather be right than happy. They’d rather squander their power, which always is in the now, by thinking they know what the future holds, and feeling miserable in the process. That’s crazy and insane.

Especially when the future can be deliberately shaped by every one of us! We’re doing it anyway! It’s just that when we’re miserable and right, we’re shaping a future we’re not going to like.

I say give that up. Stop being crazy. And watch how life gets better. Even with Trump in office.

What Happens When “New Age Nonsense” Gets It Wrong?

Photo by Kayla Maurais on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author contends that “New Age” advice is never wrong. They give the example of how their inner guidance said Kamala Harris would win the last election, and they explain why that guidance was right, even though it appears to have been wrong.

In the past election season, my Broader Perspective told me Kamala Harris was going to win. As we all know, though, that didn’t happen.

Did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?

A lot of people who think this “you create your reality” business is “New Age nonsense” will point to such outcomes with an accusing finger.

They’ll say “See? What bullshit!”

Even some clients doubted what happened. One asked why my Broader Perspective “lied” to me. Another, whose Broader Perspective told her as well that Harris would win by a large margin, was shocked by the actual results. I was surprised, but I knew an explanation existed for the apparent discrepancy between our Broader Perspectives and the result.

That’s because I know what I know is infallible. I know the Universe works exactly as I’ve learned it does. So if something happens that appears contradictory to what I know, then I must not be clearly seeing what’s going on.

Given all this, I turned to my spiritual mentors for answers. I also dug into past knowledge I gained in my years of Buddhist scholarly practice.

What I discovered not only reassured me, it had me double down on the fact that what I know is 100 percent accurate.

Let’s take a look at what’s happening when it looks like “New Age” advice gets it wrong.

Understanding the unfathomable

First we must accept that All That Is is unfathomable. All That Is constantly creates more of all that is. And that’s been happening….since….forever. So no one can know the totality of All That Is. Not even All That Is!

That unknowable quality of All That Is extends to the intelligence of All That Is. It’s not called “Infinite Intelligence” for nothing. That means there are no bounds to how intelligent Infinite Intelligence is.

So when we humans try understanding Infinite Intelligence and All That Is, we must come from a grounded place. We must accept that, as much as we learn, there always will be more to learn.

One thing I’ve learned is All That Is assists all of us in our expansion. One way it does that is through contrast: experiences which prompt from within us desire. Now, “desire” makes it sound like those experiences must always feel good. The trouble is, contrast often feels not good. Especially for those who don’t understand how the Universe works.

Even for those who do understand, such experiences can feel awful. But for those who do understand, such people cancome to accept and even appreciate the real nature of and value that contrast offers.

The real nature of contrast is that it usually is an uncomfortable experience. One that tells us immediately what we don’t like.

More about contrast and its importance

Usually, contrast looks and feels like something we don’t want, such as our preferred candidate losing. The moment we have such experiences though, we also know what we do want. The key to contrast’s value is realizing this, then lining up with that which we want. In doing that, we feel better and that better feeling tells us something extremely important.

Contrast is all around us. It comes in large and small experiences, even insignificant-seeming ones. But the ones most of us struggle with are those that are significant, such as our political candidate losing in what we believe is a crucial election.

Nothing “crucial” ever happens, however. That’s because everything always works out for everyone. Everything always turns out for everyone because All That Is enjoys a capacity large enough for everyone to get what they want.

Humans make trouble for themselves, however, when they think what they want must come the way they believe it should come. Me and others, for example, believed the only way we could get what we wanted from the election was for Harris to win. That’s a problem.

Getting what we want when we line up

It’s a problem because All That Is is unfathomable, including its intelligence and capacity. As such, a human mind can never know the resources at All That Is’ disposal to make what we want happen. A human mind also can’t figure out the best time for something to happen, even though our minds like to think they can. That’s why there’s such a thing as “divine timing”.

I know it can be frustrating when we want something, believe it must happen now, and it doesn’t happen until later. Sometimes WAY later. But divine timing exists for a reason. The reason is because Infinite Intelligence or All That Is knows when it’s the best time for something to happen. It also yields to our desire, but only when we are a match to that thing. And usually, when we want something “now” we are really focused on the situation that has us yearning. In that focus, we’re not lined up with what we want. Which explains why it doesn’t show up immediately.

So when we try to figure out either the “how” or the “when” we usually gum up the works. We add resistance, which creates delay. We’ll eventually get what we want, but only when we finally line up with it.

Sometimes, lining up with our desire requires a stronger vibrational alignment to that which we’re wanting. Abraham calls that “stronger asking”. And there’s no better experience to prompt stronger asking, or to cause us to more strongly align with our wanting, than really strong contrast. Like our candidate losing, for example.

Introducing the path of least resistance

Another reason it may look like we’re not getting what we want happens when we, again, think we know how it’s going to happen. Especially when it comes to a lot of people getting what they want. Again, the Universe will give everyone what they want. But think about it. The US population is over 300 million people. Untold billions of others outside the US were focused on the outcome of our election too. And, obviously, some number of those people were going to appear to not get what they want no matter who won.

The Universe, therefore took advantage of another aspect that we must keep in mind when lining up. That is, the path of least resistance.

The path of least resistance, as the name implies, is the path energetically between one point and another representing the lowest amount of resistance. Now, the path of least resistance is not the same as the shortest path. The path of least resistance usually is longer because it takes people some time to release resistance and line up. And even when they do, some resistance remains in their way.

So All That Is and one’s Broader Perspective coordinate to move a person around or through that remaining resistance. And it’s for this reason that one’s path to what they want may look like they’re not getting what they want, when, actually they are.

So when Kamala lost, I knew I was still on the path. I also knew I had focused too much on the “how”. It also was clear that the loss prompted stronger asking on my part. But why was it that my Broader Perspective told me she was going to win when she didn’t? To understand why, we must introduce yet another important concept.

Setting up another awesome unfolding

I’m glad I have a lot of spiritual study under my belt. My scholarly study of Buddhism came in handy in understanding why my Broader Perspective adamantly said Kamala would win when she didn’t.

I’ll get to that in a moment.

Interestingly, I had access to another resource I hadn’t tapped into in a while. In addition to their in-person workshops, Abraham also holds regular online events they call “Abraham NOW” sessions. Like their in-person workshops, these three hour events feature people asking Abraham questions and Abraham using those questions as jumping-off points to share their wisdom.

Now, to understand all that happened, to really appreciate it, let’s look at some speculative numbers around these online events. Somewhere between 1500 and 3000 people participate in Abraham’s in-person workshops. In a given year, approximately 60 workshops happen around the country. So that’s something like 90-180,000 people attending these events. And that doesn’t even include the cruises. In-person workshops run about $300.

But Abraham NOW events are only $49. Much more affordable. I speculate that about a quarter of the same number of people who attend the workshops in a year are tuning in to each Abraham NOW session. That’s a lot of people. But it shouldn’t be surprising: they’re more frequent, they cost less and they are far more convenient.

Those planning to attend an Abraham NOW event can also submit one written or one video question. For sure, a lot of people do that too. And there isn’t enough time to answer every question. So just like at the in-person events, Abraham selects the questions they will feature.

An example of past Abraham NOW event recordings from the Abraham website.

Was the advice wrong?

After the election, as I wrote above, several clients were struggling with the outcome. I was too, although for different reasons. Two days after the election, I got an impulse that Abraham was probably going to have an Abraham NOW session scheduled. They are Infinite Intelligence after all. So they probably anticipated that a lot of humans would be all bunged up no matter what the result. They would want answers.

Sure enough, when I logged into my account, I saw an Abraham NOW event scheduled for that Saturday, November 9. I told all my advanced clients about it, then registered myself. This was on a Friday afternoon at about 1:45 p.m. The registration page invited me to submit a video or written question, but I only had until 2 p.m. to get it in. Perfect timing! I had 15 minutes to submit a question, which I did.

My question was basically “how did my Broader Perspective get it wrong?” I phrased it that way purposefully because I wanted an answer I could share with my clients, should they not register themselves. I wondered whether Abraham would use my video question on the live stream, but didn’t worry too much. Other people would have the same question, I knew.

So when Saturday came, I logged into the live stream. Sure enough, several people questioned the election results. Many were worried about the outcome. I wasn’t worried about that. I just wanted to know how my Broader Perspective encouraged me towards a result that didn’t happen. But it was good to hear how Abraham answered those questions.

As the event wound down, and more people got their questions answered, I wondered whether my question would air.

It wasn’t wrong

Ten minutes prior to the event end, and not seeing my question featured yet, I surrendered to the possibility my question wouldn’t get answered. At that very moment I surrendered, my iPhone showed what many in New Age Circles call an “Angel Number“. The number was 1313. And in that very minute, Abraham said “let’s watch another video”….and my face appeared.

Just like in my initiation journey I wrote about before, I got featured at the very end. And I understood why: all the other questions and answers lead perfectly to my question. Of course, that all thrilled me. But the answer Abraham gave was astounding too.

In short, they said, my Broader Perspective didn’t get it wrong. What it did was offer guidance that would create contrast that would prompt stronger asking on my part. They also said the outcome represented the path of least resistance for everyone given what they want and that the unfolding, post election, will contain everything everyone wants. Everything will come in ways Americans can’t comprehend right now, they said, but will be completely satisfying as it all unfolds.

The answer made total sense. Especially after everything Abraham shared in answering questions preceding mine.

After the live stream, I thought about Abraham’s answer. It reminded me of something I learned in my Buddhist studies. And the more I thought about that thing I learned, the more satisfied I became about the election. The more optimistic I got about what was to happen as well.

I want to share what that thing was that I learned next.

A parable of expedient means

The Lotus Sutra is the pinnacle of Buddhist Sutras. A lot of Buddhists and some scholars might disagree with that assertion. But when one reads the Lotus Sutra, it becomes obvious. The Buddha says many, many times throughout the Sutra that it is his ultimate teaching.

My scholarly study focused almost exclusively on this Sutra. That’s because I knew it to be the crown jewel of the Buddha’s teachings. It’s a marvelous work. It lays out in great detail the nature of the Buddhas, their blessings, where they come from and benefits those who hear the Lotus Sutra receive. What I remembered learning about was a parable offered in this Sutra. The parable is set up in Chapter 2 — Skillful or Expedient Means, and told in Chapter 3 — A parable.

Chapter 2 reveals that all Buddhas employ expedient means to lead people to enlightenment. There’s a lot of detail and repetition in the Lotus Sutra and these chapters are no different. But the gist of it is, Infinite Intelligence knows that ordinary humans are hard to reach. So it communicates in many different ways to reach them. Sometimes it will even use what people might call deceptions or falsehoods.

Chapter three gives an example of a rich man who has many kids. The kids run into a run down house (I’m simplifying the parable). Then the house catches fire. But the kids found toys in the house and are too busy playing with them to notice the fire. The rich man notices though. The fire rages and the house is about to collapse on the kids. The father calls to the them, saying “run out of the house, it’s on fire!” But the kids don’t listen.

Skillful means

So the father tells the children he has assembled carts of fabulous wealth for all of them. Not only that, the carts contain the rarest of toys and the kids can have them all, he says. Hearing this, the kids come rushing out from the house as the house collapses in flames.

Once outside the children ask for the carts, which their father provides.

The Buddha then asks his listeners “did the father lie?” No, the listeners say, he did what he had to do to save his kids. The Buddha agrees then goes on to explain how Infinite Intelligence uses similar means to move people to enlightenment.

There’s another story told apart from the Lotus Sutra. It’s about the Buddha on a path to a wondrous kingdom, followed by his adherents. Halfway to the kingdom, the adherents tire out. The Buddha sees they can go no farther. But he knows the adherents will rejoice once they arrive at the kingdom.

So he manifests an hallucination. Right around the corner on the path the adherents discover a beautiful oasis filled with all manner of luxuries. The adherents think they’ve arrived at the kingdom; they don’t realize it’s an hallucination. Once they are refreshed, the Buddha then disappears the hallucination. The adherents are shocked. Some are angry. At that point the Buddha explains his expedient means.

He describes how their destination is far better than what they just experienced. He also describes setting up the hallucination in order to refresh the adherents so they can make the rest of the way to the destination. In this way, the adherents realize, the Buddha has skillfully encouraged them to go the final distance.

Preparing for the future

See the parallels?

I sure did after I remembered these stories. What really brought the parallel home was realizing The Lotus Sutra and everything in it accord quite nicely with how the Universe works. Sure, it’s full of a lot of repetition and mind-blowing imagery. But behind all that are deep accuracies about how enlightened ones work, how people are and how the Universe works.

It was a reminder for me that everything I’ve learned so far from both Seth and Abraham is 100 percent accurate.

At that point I got how my Broader Perspective didn’t lie to me. Like Abraham reiterated, it didn’t get it wrong. It used expedient means to get me to reach for the end goal, the thing I ultimately want. Looking at the election from that perspective bolstered me. It bolstered me and also prepared me for what happened next.

That’s right, this story just keeps going and going!

The future is bright

The next week I enjoyed a couple conversations with a client who used to be a republican. He also possesses extreme knowledge about future high technologies across many sectors. Part of his knowledge includes blockchain technology. He’s as passionate about all this stuff as I am about spirituality.

The conversations with this guy made it abundantly clear where we are headed, not only as a nation, but as a global civilization. And, he showed how everything that’s going to happen will be a better extension fit with a Trump administration than would have been possible with democrats in office.

That future includes extreme material abundance for all. Super-high quality products and services offered at near zero cost. It also includes a fully automated infrastructure enabled by Artificial Intelligence and robotics. Indeed, the more he described, the more excited I got. And he didn’t just talk about the future, he speculated on how all of it would unfold.

Since I have the education and work background I have, I could follow pretty much everything he shared. It was a thrilling vision. I could see practical paths to all of it. Indeed, the more I think about it even now, the more convinced I am that this is our future.

Humanity has nothing to worry about. It’s all working out.

It was right all along

But in negative beliefs, in worry, in fear or anger, humans can’t see it all working out. We’re all going to get to that future my client described. That I’m sure. The only question is, how are individual human beings going to experience the path to that magnificent kingdom? Is their experience going to be one of sadness, worry, fear and violence? Or is their experience going to be joyful, hopeful, and eager? I know how mine is going to be.

And I’m encouraging my clients to cultivate similar experiences.


Because in those more positive emotions, we can see more. We can see opportunities we’re otherwise blind to when we’re wallowing in complaints about people who believe differently from us. When in reality they’re the very same people cooperating alongside us to create the future we all want.

That’s right. I wrote previously about how trans and trans-attracted people helped elect Trump. They had to have because that’s who’s president starting next year. That’s our collective, co-created reality. And nothing is asserted into our experience. We invite it all.

I know for many that’s hard to read. But Trump winning is the expedient means, the path of least resistance, to everything everyone wants. And that’s what’s so cool about All That Is. It has the capacity to use everyone for our ultimate good.

Interestingly, my future-oriented client claims that that future he sees will bring the far right and the far left everything both sides want all at the same time. Abraham said the exact same thing.

I’m so reassured by that. And I’m eager to see it unfold, knowing my Broader Perspective was right all along.

Prominent Republican: “I’m a perv”

Photo by Citizen Media News

TL;DR: The author shares their enthusiasm for the revelation that a prominent Republican is a “Chaser”. They then describe how this is a positive sign, a sign that things are improving for transgender people.

Back in February I wrote a post about how conservative populations include some of the most trans-attracted people despite that population’s anti-trans rhetoric. It was a story I enjoyed writing, mainly because evidence supporting the story was so compelling. I also wrote about how blatant hypocrisy among conservative transphobes was, in fact, fueling momentum for the “future inclusion of trans people”.

Now, this past week, life served a perfect example of that hypocrisy…on steroids.

Last week, CNN outed prominent republican and Trump darling Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson as a hypocrite, a self-proclaimed “Black Nazi” and more. But what really made him news to this blog is that the story reveals extensive evidence of Robinson being an avid trans-porn consumer, making him a trans-attracted, queer. In other words…his own words… “a perv…”

His history is clear

Now, trans-attraction isn’t a bad thing. There are probably hundreds of thousands of men who are trans-attracted. I write about this all the time on this blog from a positive perspective. I’ve even defined an evolutionary process trans-attracted men move through as they come to accept what they are.

Robinson is at the “chaser” stage of this process. He had been unwilling to admit his attraction publicly. Now that the news is out against his will, he’s denying it vehemently. That makes sense. Robinson vilifies trans people and gay people as part of his far right political platform. The record is clear on Robinson’s thoughts about trans and gay people.

Indeed, his hypocrisy contributes to what I described in my post back in February. It:

“…creates a lot of unnecessary nail-biting and hand wringing. It also creates a lot of wasted time and expense. Not to mention anxiety and self-loathing among those I love. After all, unless one is positively focused, loving oneself is really hard in today’s society. Especially when swaths of the population hate what you are…”

“…supports the unseemly double-standard Republicans hold when it comes to trans people: they secretly love what they publicly hate.”

This anecdotal, yet factual evidence from Robinson’s past adds to the body of evidence showing that a lot of conservatives are also trans-attracted or even queer themselves. Even while they attack people in our community.

With Robinson’s outing, his political career might be losing steam. For now, the GOP-er refuses to embrace his past. How could he? It already might be career-ending. Trump, for example, already delisted him from his next presidential rally according to news reports.

The world is getting better

As ugly as his views are, we can see this news from an empowering, positive perspective. One is we once again have our suspicions confirmed: many of those trying to restrict trans freedoms are, in fact, trans-attracted and may themselves be trans or at least queer. Second, we can see much of their rhetoric reflects a strong momentum of self-denial and even self-loathing. I mean, come on! A black man supporting a return to the days of slavery????

So these people are acting out of a profound lack of self-acceptance. That’s worthy of our compassion. Not anger.

Third, there are people out in the world working to make trans lives freer, safer and more prosperous. Some of those people don’t know consciously that that’s what they’re doing. But they do the work anyway. Thank goodness too for the internet archive, which, apparently CNN used to verify much of what they found about Robinson.

The world is getting better for trans people. I’ve written this so many times. Revelations about Robinson strike nerves for sure. But they also add to the many examples showing trans-phobes for what they actually are. Often they’re legitimate chasers, so consumed in self-hate that they project their hate onto the very people they secretly love.

The more of these stories come out, the better life gets for trans people. The more stories about trans people that get made, the better life gets for trans people. And as more men come out proudly loving trans women, the better the world gets too. So much is happening making the world better for trans women.

So let’s thank Robinson. He’s not doing it consciously. But as his past acts catch up with him and hopefully ruin his career, they’re also making the world better.

The Election Is Almost Here. What Results Do We Want?

TL;DR: The author suggests that trans people face a momentous point in US history, a crossroads where they may experience joy, or terror. They suggest then that it’s more important than ever that such people remain as positive as possible in their thoughts and beliefs. They assert that one person can change the shape of history when that person aligns with positive energy. So they urge trans and trans-attracted people to align themselves with their positive desires at this important time.

We’re coming to an important moment in the United States. Some say it’s a battle between good and evil. It’s not that, but it is important to know what’s happening. And it’s important to know how to get what we want.

This is especially so for trans and trans-attracted people. That’s because whatever happens in November will either fill such people with joy…or with terror.

As this moment looms therefore, empowerment and joy are critical. That’s because those two emotions tell us we’re lined up with what we’re wanting. Empowerment and joy, consistently held, will allow us to experience only that which we’re wanting.

Which explains why those not in empowerment and joy experience more of what they’re NOT wanting. This is often the case with my brothers and sisters in the trans community. Republicans aren’t the only ones focusing mostly on what they don’t want. Some of us are doing it too. So it’s no surprise the Right is getting so much attention.

But the change happening is happening, not because of those who focus on what they don’t want. It’s happening because of those small numbers focused on what they do want. 

Let’s look more at what I mean.

Retribution is off track

The numbers of those focused on what they do want are small. That doesn’t matter though, because it only takes one. But when more are aligned together, nothing can stop their influence.

That explains why republicans must resort to all kinds of negative attacks and dirty tricks. There’s no power in negativity because there’s no Source of that. Just as there’s no Source of evil. Evil and negativity come from squeezing off the flow of pure positivity we all are. When a person does that, they first feel negative emotion. That’s what emotions are for: to help us navigate vibrational reality. And all physical reality is vibrational.

If they don’t get the emotional clue though, they’ll “manifest” evidence showing them where they’re going. They’ll experience events in reality consistent with their negative thought, belief and emotion. When they focus long on those thoughts, beliefs and emotions, thereby doubling down on them, they amplify their focus. So they experience even more evidence consistent with their focus.

It only takes one person tuned in to the power of All That Is to shape the course of history. But more than one all aligned are unstoppable.

That includes drawing to them people reflecting back to them who they’re being vibrationally. Which explains why so many people are rallying around Trump. It’s not that Trump and his legion are evil. It’s that they all resonate with one another. They resonate in a strong stream of disconnection. And almost all of them feel anger, fear, insecurity and disempowerment. No wonder they revel in the idea of retribution. Retribution is a sign one is really off track from their positive Source.

Many trans women have this going on around the belief “chasers”. Why are so many trans women meeting such men? The same reason why Trump has so many sycophants surrounding him. They tell that story repeatedly. So they experience that reality…repeatedly.

Stay out of that

And, as trans women complain about chasers, many democrats are complaining about what they don’t want too. But not to the degree republicans are. That’s partly why the shift that happened earlier this summer happened. It helps that people like me focused that shift into our experience.

Which brings me to the point of this story. We can all have everything we want. Including our choice for who sits in the White House. But to have that, we must line up with the Source from which such events unfold. If we’re wanting our presidential hopeful in the White House, but we’re predominantly focused on the “evil” of the other side, and the other side is aligning with what they want, and have a powerful, positive representation of that, we’re not going to get what we want.

So this election cycle, it’s important to push everyone else out of our equations. Let people have their opinions and ideas. Let them attack others and let’s stay out of that.

By tuning other people out of your experience and letting them have theirs everything you want happens seemingly effortlessly. Including getting the president you want.

These days, I’m pruning my social media feeds. I once thought it important to have a balanced representation of ideas in my social media. But now I get how important my focus is. And I get how important my vibration is. My vibration literally is the source of my reality-experience. I want that experience to reflect the best of what I desire. So that means focusing even more purely. Especially in the times we’re in.

Are you a match?

The real question is: what is it you want and what are you vibrating from? Do those two things match? I’m discovering that as good as my focus has been, it can get better. So I’m focusing even more on what I’m wanting, so that what I’m vibrating from and what I want are a match.

So far, I think I’m doing great. The specifics of my life, which are late-stage indicators of my vibrational focus, are constantly improving. Life is getting better and better. The same is true for my clients lives.

But most important, I feel that joy and empowerment; the early-stage indicators that I’m on track to everything I want.

Life is getting better for us all. Can you see it? Are your desires and what you’re vibrating from a match? I can say, without a doubt; hell yes!

Why Positivity Matters So Much In Today’s World

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

Editor’s note: This post is duplicated from our other blog, Positively Focused, because of the importance of the subject matter: This year’s elections.

TL;DR: The author submits this petition asking that readers purposefully choose the future they’re creating rather than creating the future by default. They explain how this can happen, then encourage all readers to join them in creating the optimal outcome for all of humanity.

It’s important at this time in society’s unfolding, to hold a gentle, nonchalant even, intention about what we, as individuals, want — what we want in a society, what we want in our countries, what we want from leaders.

Maybe you’ve noticed a rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism worldwide. A certain timing is happening in which we are subjecting ourselves to greater levels of “contrast”. People not tuned into the Positively Focused Way would call this contrast “a lot of bad shit happening”. 

And yet, all this contrast is good. It prompts us to create futures in the probable future reality-scape containing all that we want and none of what we don’t.

For such futures to become our now, however, we must line up with them. Otherwise, those ideal futures remain in the future probable reality-scape, awaiting points of consciousness that will allow it into their reality. This explains why “improvement” generally takes so long.

Why positive change takes so long

Most people can identify what they want. But they’re more practiced at knowing what they don’t want. In knowing what they don’t want, they’ll also identify what they do want, even if they’re not aware of it.

But most people will keep their attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they draw more of that — what they don’t want –– into their experience. Then they look at the newest iteration, and amplify more that they don’t want it, which then creates even more unwanted.

In other words, by keeping their attention on what they don’t want, they align with and allow or create more of that in the probable future reality-scape, which then, because they’re aligned with that through their attention, becomes more of their current reality.

Nearly everyone does this. 

Meanwhile, a lot of “good” or “wanted” remains in nonphysical waiting for us. Usually all that “good” shows up. But often that’s long after those who put it those things in nonphysical pass away.

Deja Vu all over again. It happened in 2020…it’s happening again this year. (Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash)

One person can change the tide

Take today’s politics for example. A lot of people are focusing on what they don’t want. They don’t want senile, old Joe running, for example. Or people don’t want Trump, or any republican, as president.

The problem with focusing on those unwanted things is exactly as I said above: doing so creates probable future realities wherein those things do happen. Again, keeping attention on the unwanted outcome, those doing that put more of that in the probably future reality-scape. Continued attention increases the probability that those unwanted outcomes will become their reality. They become our reality too. Especially if we’re not purposeful in our own focus.

But it only takes one person doing it differently to change the tide. Which is why I’m offering this petition. I’m one of those people. I’m focused on allowing my desire, purposefully. I invite everyone reading this to do the same.

One of my clients who is learning what you’re reading asked what happens if two people want opposite things. Abraham answered this before. Here’s what they said:

How the universe delivers on all desires. Even those seemingly in conflict.

Everyone gets what they want…eventually

I reflected the same wisdom. Here’s what I said in that text conversation. It’s a long series so bear with that:

In essence, everyone gets what they want. But the one with the strongest positive momentum prevails in the details. And the more one aligns with that strong, fast moving energy, the more powerfully such a person becomes.

We’ve seen authoritarian forces held at bay across the world. They’re making some strides, but they cannot prevail against the positive energy at our disposal. One person is all it takes. And two, lined up together, are unstoppable. Abraham has also spoken about this:

As we enter national elections in the US, I invite my fellow Americans to align with an outcome best serving us all. That doesn’t mean Biden keeping the White House. Just because we’re presented with only two options, that doesn’t limit what’s possible. What we believe sets the limits. 

So what do you believe?

I believe anything is possible. I KNOW this. And so I intend a positive outcome in this years’ elections. One in which progressives keep the seat.

Post script

Hours after writing the first draft of this post, Joe Biden, while infected with COVID, dropped out of the race. He’s endorsed Kamala Harris. The Universe acts in ways mysterious only to those who don’t understand how it works. I know how it works, so it’s not mysterious at all.