Why the recent trans murder is not relevant

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Christa Steele-Knudslien (Facebook)

We’re not sure the latest murder of a transwoman, the first of 2018, should be considered a hate crime and thus included among the epidemic of murders over the last few years.

Instead, we see it as domestic violence. For the spouse of this locally famous transwoman murdered her, not in a fit of shameful hate-filled rage that accompanies a true hate crime, but instead in a fit of out-of-mindness, similar to any other crime of passion.

We’re not taking anything away from the tragedy, or from the fact that another transwoman was murdered. What we are saying is circumstances surrounding this one seem to be quite a departure from recent trends.

According to police (as reported in the New York Post), her husband, Mark Steele-Knudslien, pleaded not guilty to murder after admitting hitting her with a hammer and stabbing her after an argument. Not a hate crime. A case of domestic violence. Admitted.

Sad, but not something out of the ordinary:  women are murdered by men in similar contexts far too often. Transwomen are women. So it shouldn’t be a surprise something like this happened.

We are eager for the day when it is a surprise. For as we said, it happens far too often. But this tragic incident should not be included among the real travesties of justice.


When the “Tranimal” is something important

HIPPOA transgender person has coined both a new term and new identity: tranimal.

The article describing the writer’s identity made it into the peer reviewed journal on theoretical humanity called Angelaki. Essentially, the author, a transperson, identifies as a hippopotamus.

Fascinating. I’m not even going to try to get the pronouns right. I honestly can’t make them out. The basics in the author’s own words:

“It was, in fact, the main way through which I had learned to deal with what was broadly considered to be my “trans identity,” a term that always felt uncomfortable and irrelevant. For a while, if someone was asking me how I “identified,” I would joke about being a hippopotamus trapped in a human’s body – later, a human trapped in a hippopotamus’ body, until my humorous “truth” solidified and I began announcing myself as an old butch hippo dyke trapped in a young human faggy transboy’s body (it may sound better in French)…”

“…In a surprising, sometimes overwhelming way I find comfort in this collectively performed animal identity. Let me put it this way: something about being a hippo makes me feel cute, confident, sexy, and safe. I discovered that another self was available for me: being a hippo means that I don’t have to be a boy or a girl, a child or an adult, normal or strange. It means that my smile becomes a hippo smile, and the way that I carry my body, a hippo walk. It brings me freedom, space, and a thrilling sense of possibility. Where does this transformative power come from? How does a word, how does an image disrupt “reality” to the point that my body’s relationship to space is somewhat altered?…”

What I find so intriguing about this, especially as it relates to trans-ness and trans-attraction, is how much freedom humanity is aggressively taking in expressing itself in as many diverse ways as possible. I don’t know if humanity has always done this, but there seems perhaps to be a golden age to identity that is blowing to smithereens, nearly every convention of what it means to be human.

Another fascinating trend is being “Tell me I’m fat”. This American Life featured two weeks ago a show about women who are claiming being fat as an authentic identity, not something that should be shamed or be embarrassed about. The podcast episode is deeply satisfying…if you can accept the possibility that All That Is is getting serious about diversity, tolerance, and acceptance. Here’s a transcript excerpt. In case you haven’t heard the show, Ira is the host. Lindy is a fat guest.

Ira Glass

Coming out as fat is a strange idea, because, of course, people can see if you’re fat. It’s no secret. It’s not like when you come out as gay or transgender. Nobody says to you, dude, I can’t believe you’re fat. Lindy says it was obvious how big she was.

Lindy West

But I always felt like if I didn’t mention it that maybe people wouldn’t notice. Or it could just be this sort of polite secret, like, open secret that we didn’t address, because it felt so shameful. It just felt impolite to talk about, like me not wanting to burden you with my failure.

Ira Glass

Like, I’m not going to bother you with this.

Lindy West

Yeah, and just give me a little more time. Let’s not talk about it, and I promise I’ll fix it.

Ira Glass

That’s key, she says. As long as you’re a fat person who’s trying not to be fat, that’s acceptable. That’s a good fat person. You don’t totally admit to yourself you’re fat, because, well–

Lindy West

The way that we are taught to think about fatness is that fat is not a permanent state. You’re just a thin person who’s failing consistently for your whole life.


So to actually say, OK, I am fat– and I have been as long as I can remember, so I don’t know why I live in this imaginary future where I, you know, someday I’m going to be thin.”


We’re certainly living in interesting times!

Get. Over. It. 

Nat Geo picThose angry about increasing visibility of transgender people need to “get over it.”

Those aren’t my words. Although I agree with them. They are Robin Hammond’s Words. Who’s Robin Hammond? He’s the guy who took the National Geographic cover photo of transgender girl Avery Jackson. Though the issue hasn’t been published yet, National Geographic is being both hailed and hated for it.

It’s just another step in the eventual full embrace of transgender people worldwide.

I’ve seen a lot of responses to this photo. Which is beautiful by the way. Avery’s quote is so perfect. Since we  focus on positive aspects the Transamorous Network, I’m not going to recount negative comments people and organizations have made about it. Instead, I’m going to quote Hammond’s reaction to them, which I think is gold:

“[Some people are] likely scared of change,” He said.  “They saw a world where [being trans] didn’t exist and now they see it as a new thing. It’s sad for them because it leaves them closed off to people who are different to them.”

“The best thing about being a girl is now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy.”

– Avery Jackson

If you’re interested in reading more about Hammond and his remarks, you can read this article. Here’s National Geographic’s explanation for their exceptional cover.

These dads love their transgender children

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We have a great time talking about this video (https://youtu.be/rl7RLbt_OOE) where dads of transgender children gush about their support of their kids. Awww. Can it get any better?

According to the video producer Human Rights Campaign “Countless parents of transgender and gender-expansive youth are pledging to make the world safer for their children. HRC is proud to release a video highlighting some of the spectacular dads who are standing up and speaking out in support of their trans kids.” We think it’s an awesome development and as we see more men supporting their trans children, you can bet you’ll see more men (like you perhaps?) interested in having romantic relationships with transwomen coming out too! It’s just one more bit of evidence that the world is becoming a better and better place for transwomen and the men who love them.

Video: Dads who love their trans kids




We have a great time talking about this video (https://youtu.be/rl7RLbt_OOE) where dads of transgender children gush about their support of their kids. Awww. Can it get any better?

According to the video producer Human Rights Campaign “Countless parents of transgender and gender-expansive youth are pledging to make the world safer for their children. HRC is proud to release a video highlighting some of the spectacular dads who are standing up and speaking out in support of their trans kids.”

We think it’s an awesome development and as we see more men supporting their trans children, you can bet you’ll see more men (like you perhaps?) interested in having romantic relationships with transwomen coming out too! It’s just one more bit of evidence that the world is becoming a better and better place for transwomen and the men who love them.